Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 8 Why there is such a price difference

The middle-aged man with black-rimmed glasses put down the water glass in his hand, and glanced at the personal information slip that Lin Li had filled out.

Then he raised his head, smiled and said to Lin Li, who was in ecstasy at the moment, imagining that after eating hundreds of magical little fruits, he would become an extremely powerful practitioner.

"Mr. Lin, you came so late to register as a practitioner, which is the first time I have met in these years."

"Huh? I..."

Lin Li, who was immersed in fantasy, was awakened by the middle-aged man's words, and then he was taken aback for a moment.

Just when he subconsciously wanted to explain that he didn't deliberately delay until this time to register his identity as a practitioner, the explanation that came to his mouth immediately swallowed it back.

To be a low-key person, you have to be stubborn. This is the successful experience of countless predecessors, but you can't let others know the secret of your rapid improvement in cultivation.

Lin Li responded with a smile to the middle-aged man, without explaining too much.

"It turns out that this person deliberately delayed until now to test his cultivation!"

"So this person has become a practitioner a few years ago, so he is only now here to test his cultivation and register his identity as a practitioner. A few years ago, wasn't he afraid of being discovered and fined?"

"What a freak."

"In order to pretend to be a comparison, he actually waited until the first level to register as a practitioner. This person is really weird."

Everyone who was shocked by Lin Li's detection of a first-level high-level cultivation base looked at Lin Li with strange eyes and talked in low voices.

Although the people around were whispering in low tones, the testing room was only about a hundred square meters, so no matter how whispered these people were, it would still reach Lin Li's ears.

For these people's criticisms, Lin Li was not angry, but very happy. The more these people speculated in that direction, the more in line with his wishes.

The middle-aged man who was in charge of testing everyone's cultivation, saw that Lin Li kept silent and just smiled at himself. Like those who criticized Lin Li, he guessed in the same direction, only thinking that the young man in his early twenties in front of him was a lover. Showmanship.

Afterwards, the middle-aged man wrote down Lin Li's cultivation level on Lin Li's information slip, and then handed the slip to Lin Li.

"Thank you." Lin Li thanked him, and left the testing room with the receipt.


At 10:30 in the morning, Lin Li, who had registered as a practitioner, walked out of the government-run institution. From now on, he was also a registered practitioner.

"It's time to go to that place." Lin Li looked up at the sun in the sky, then came to the side of the road, stopped a taxi, and went to his next destination.

Seven or eight minutes later, the taxi stopped in front of a bustling shopping plaza.

"A total of 15 yuan."

"Master, I want to scan the QR code to pay."


Lin Li paid the fare, got out of the taxi, and walked quickly to the shopping plaza ahead.

This shopping plaza has quite a lot of traffic, and all the shops along the street are basically full of customers, except for one shop.

This store is decorated in a high-end way, but because the products sold in the store are mainly for practitioners, there are not many customers who come to shop in the store.

Standing outside the door and looking inside, there are only one or two customers in the store, and they are still the kind of people who just look at it and don't sell it.

Spirit stones, produced from spiritual energy mines, contain a large amount of spiritual energy, and are the most important cultivation resources for current practitioners.

Liu Laosan's Lingshi Store, located in the busiest part of the shopping plaza, is a store that specializes in selling spirit stones. Lin Li's trip is to buy some spirit stones from this Lingshi store to speed up his cultivation progress.

After Lin Li ate the red fruit from the magical little tree on the mysterious island, he became a practitioner with a first-level advanced cultivation in one fell swoop.

Such a great improvement should be enough, but if Lin Li wants that magical little tree to continue to grow small fruits, he must break through to the peak of the first level as soon as possible and become a beast hunter.

Then go to the wild to hunt the alien beasts in person, and obtain the freshness of the alien beast meat within an hour.

Under normal circumstances, after the vast majority of cultivators break through to the high level of the first level, it will take at least a year to a few years if they want to break through to the peak of the first level.

But the miraculous little fruit that Lin Li ate was too powerful, pushing him to the critical point of the first-order high stage and about to break through to the first-order peak in one fell swoop.

Lin Li now has a feeling that he is about to break through. If he cultivates normally, he should be able to break through to the peak of the first order in half a month.

But he couldn't wait any longer, so he came here, planning to buy some spirit stones to assist him in his cultivation, and strive to break through to the peak of the first order in the shortest possible time.

A shopping guide lady in her early twenties, with long hair and shawls, and a good face, wearing black overalls and black stockings, saw Lin Li walk into the store, immediately greeted Lin Li, and greeted Lin Li warmly.


"I want to buy spirit stones."

The purpose of Lin Li's trip was very clear. When he came to the store, he directly explained his purpose to the beautiful shopping guide lady in front of him.

"Sir, please come with me." Seeing the customer's strong intention to buy, the beautiful shopping guide lady had a brighter smile on her face. She smiled and stretched out her hand, leading Lin Li to her counter.

The other shopping guide ladies in the store saw that their colleagues had caught such a customer all at once, and secretly hated themselves for being a step too late for not being able to grab this achievement.

"Sir, how many spirit stones do you want to buy?" The beautiful shopping guide greeted Lin Li to sit down on the chair in front of the counter, then she approached the counter and asked Lin Li with a smile.

"What's the price of the spirit stones in your store?" Lin Li asked casually as he looked down at the crystal clear spirit stones in the glass counter.

"One piece is 5 yuan."

"5 yuan a piece? The price I checked online seems to be 9000 yuan a piece. Why is it 1000 yuan more expensive here?"

After hearing Lin Li's words, the beautiful shopping guide lady immediately judged that the young man in front of her, who was about the same age as herself, should be the first time to buy Lingshi, so she had such doubts, she immediately explained with a smile .

"Sir, we don't quote randomly. The state clearly stipulates that the market price of a single Lingshi is 5 yuan, just like the price of tobacco, it cannot be set at will.

The 9000 yuan Lingshi you saw on the Internet should have been smuggled in from abroad.

Although that kind of spirit stone is cheaper in price, it is risky to buy those black goods. It is not guaranteed that the spiritual energy contained in the spirit stones that are bought has been consumed. "


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