Su Yue saw that her mother wanted to be poor and didn't beat around the bush, so she stopped making excuses and said to her mother directly, "I don't have feelings for him."

"Feelings can be cultivated slowly, and you and Zhang Xiaohao have only met once, so how can you be sure that you don't have any feelings?"

"Mom, stop talking, if you don't feel it, you don't feel it."

"You..." Seeing her daughter's resolute attitude, Su Yue's mother had nothing to say for a while.

Like this, the mother and daughter fell into silence across the phone.

After half a minute, Su Yue's mother spoke to Su Yue again, "Xiaoyue, you said you don't have feelings for such an outstanding boy as Zhang Xiaohao, so tell me, what kind of boy do you have feelings for? "

Su Yue sat cross-legged on the sofa, holding the phone in her right hand, and resting her left hand on her snow-skinned thigh.

At this time, she heard her mother was silent for a long time, asking such a question, she was stunned for a moment, and then the figure of a certain person appeared in her mind.

Seeing that her daughter didn't speak, Su Yue's mother seemed to have noticed something, and then asked her daughter in an uncertain tone, "Xiaoyue, have you already talked about a boyfriend?"

When Su Yue heard her mother ask her if she had already talked about her boyfriend, she was taken aback for a moment, she came back to her senses in an instant, and immediately denied it, "No, if I really talked about my boyfriend, I would definitely tell you ..."

"Really do not have?"


"Xiaoyue! Don't blame your mother for introducing you all the time. Don't even think about it. You're not young anymore. You'll be 26 years old after the Chinese New Year...

If you have already talked about a boyfriend, then bring it back and show it to me and your dad, and then mom won't introduce you any more..."

"Mom, I really didn't talk about my boyfriend, why don't you believe it... Let's do this first, I'm going to take a shower."

"Okay, okay, I believe, let's stop here today, go take a shower!

Mom, let me tell you one more thing, if you really like someone, you can boldly bring it back. Your dad and I are not the patriarchs of a feudal society, as long as you like it. "

"..." After hearing what her mother said, Su Yue responded with a helpless expression, "Understood, if I have something, I will take it back and show it to you and Dad."

After hanging up the phone, Su Yue threw the phone aside, leaned to one side, fell on the sofa, and buried her head in her snowy arms.

"What's the use of my liking? That piece of wood is too timid to die. If you take the initiative to get close to it, you will be cowardly.

If I open my mouth, I'm afraid I'll turn around and run away in fright, and I'm afraid I won't even be able to be friends after that. "Su Yue muttered, her heart was full of resentment towards someone.


Inside the living room.

"Crack, click..."

While watching TV programs and eating "Kaifeng dishes", Lin Li suddenly felt his ears burn.

He touched his ear with the back of his hand, and muttered in his heart, "Who is talking about me behind my back?"

"Ding dong..."

Lin Li had just finished eating a spicy fried chicken leg when the doorbell rang.

He took out a tissue from the cardboard box, wiped his hands, and then got up and went to the entrance.

Through the cat's eye, he found that it was the neighbor next door, so he reached out and opened the door.

"Miss Xia, are you...?"

"I steamed some meat buns, try it."

"Oh, you're being polite, why don't you save it for Zhou Tongtong to eat!"

"I steamed a little too much, and I still have a lot at home. It's just me and Tongtong. We can't finish it. You're welcome."

Just yourself and your daughter at home?Where is your husband?

The doubts in Lin Li's heart flashed, he postponed for a moment, and then took a plate of warm big meat buns from Xia Qing, "That, that's fine, thank you, Miss Xia."

"Just call me Xia Qing." Xia Qing said with a smile when she saw Lin Li accepting her steamed buns.

"Okay, then you can just call me by my name." Lin Li nodded.


"Wait a minute, I'll clear the plate and return it to you."


Lin Li turned around and walked to the kitchen with the meat buns in his hand. After a while, he returned to the door with an empty plate, and returned the empty plate in his hand to Xia Qing.

"Tell me after you finish eating, I still have a lot!" Xia Qing said to Lin Li with a smile after taking the plate.

"That's enough, that's enough. There were about eleven or twelve meat buns on your plate just now, enough for me to eat two or three meals." Lin Li laughed.

The two chatted for a few words, and then separated.


After closing the door, Lin Li scratched his head, wondering whether he should cook some food in the future, as a return gift, to the beautiful female neighbor next door.

As soon as this idea appeared in his mind, he dismissed it in less than three seconds.

Because Lin Li knew that it was obviously impossible for him to cook something as a gift to the neighbor next door with his cooking skills.

"Let's do this first! Don't be so anxious about returning gifts, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future."

Lin Li walked into the kitchen and picked up a big meat bun from the small pot containing the meat buns.

"It's so hot! These meat buns must have been steamed not too long ago... Hey, this Miss Xia has just steamed the buns and sent me such a big plate. This person is too enthusiastic!"

Lin Li flipped his left and right hands, and then took a bite of the big meat bun.

"Huh? Mushrooms are added to the meat. It tastes really good. The buns that Miss Xia steamed are comparable to the buns that Su Yue steamed before."

After eating a big meat bun, Lin Li stopped. There were still "Kaifeng dishes" left in the living room!Let's get rid of the "Kaifeng vegetables" first.

The buns steamed by Xia Qing can be eaten as a late night snack when you are hungry, and can also be used as a breakfast tomorrow morning.



After dinner, Lin Li squeezed some shower gel in the bathroom and washed his greasy hands.

"Hi~" Lin Li came out of the bathroom after hiccupping. He was a bit full from dinner today. After eating "Kaifeng dishes" just now, he ate two big meat buns steamed by Xia Qing.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but he feels that his appetite seems to be a little bigger than before.

"It's said that people who do physical work eat a lot, and this is true." Lin Li thought to himself, it might be because he spent a lot of energy in the wilderness this afternoon, so his appetite increased.

After eating and drinking enough, it's time to go to the mysterious island to see my precious little fruit. I worked hard all afternoon under the sun today, but it's all because of it!

With a thought, Lin Li, who was sitting on the sofa, had a flash of inspiration, which disappeared in an instant.

On the mysterious island surrounded by white mist, a figure appeared out of thin air.


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