Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 43 Why Can't You Look Down on Others?


Under the bright moonlight, a figure emerged from the grass.

"Finally, I can relax a little bit." Lin Li, who stepped onto the highway, had arrived at the safe zone, and his tense nerves could be relaxed at this moment.

The silver van was parked under the street trees on the side of the road. After stopping for such an afternoon, some leaves blown by the wind fell on the roof of the car.



After opening the car door and getting in the car, Lin Li changed out of the camouflage uniform on his body.

After changing his clothes, he started the car, turned around, and drove towards the city.

There are no street lights on the section of the road from the wilderness to Chenghua Avenue, and the surrounding area is pitch black, with no one to be seen.

There is nothing bad about it during the day, but now after dark, driving alone on such a quiet road, people can't help but feel a little panicked.

However, such a panic-stricken atmosphere did not last long, because the van driven by Lin Li soon arrived at Chenghua Avenue, and there were street lights on the next section of the road.

Usually these street lights are no surprise, but at this moment, the dim street lights have the function of dispelling people's inner anxiety. It's amazing!

"No wonder I watched it on TV before, and those interviewed alien beast hunters said that the profession of alien beast hunter is not something that ordinary people can do.

Because I often have to go in and out between the dangerous wilderness and the stable and peaceful city, the contrast is too great.

Many practitioners who have just become beast hunters can't get used to such a contrast, and they don't want to go to the wilderness after a long time. Instead, they are willing to stay in a comfortable city and find an ordinary job. "


It was ten past seven at night.



After opening the door, Lin Li turned on the light when he returned home, then walked into the living room and turned on the air conditioner.

"It's so hot. Today's temperature is several degrees higher than yesterday's. It's just entering July. It seems that this summer will be much hotter than last year!"

Standing in front of the air conditioner, Lin Li, who was blowing the cold air from the air conditioner, muttered in his heart.


The stomach was protesting to Lin Li, hoping that he would eat dinner quickly.

Although I went to the vegetable market to buy a lot of ingredients in the morning, but after working hard in the wilderness for an afternoon, I really don't want to make dinner now.

Since I don't cook dinner, I can only order takeaway.

Lin Li was thinking about what to eat for dinner while blowing the cool air from the air conditioner.

"I haven't eaten "Kaifeng cuisine" for a long time, let's eat "Kaifeng cuisine" tonight!"

Opened the takeaway software, found the "Kaifeng Cuisine" store, and then Lin Li ordered three spicy chicken burgers, one French fries, two chicken wraps, one chicken popcorn, two fried chicken legs and two pairs of fried chicken wings.

After placing the order and paying, I checked the delivery time of the delivery guy, and it took about 45 minutes, so Lin Li went back to the bedroom to get his clothes and take a shower.

Today's weather is so hot, running and jumping in the wilderness, Lin Li sweated a lot, if he doesn't take a shower, he will go to get takeaway later, but he will be laughed at by the delivery boy, Lin Li can I can't afford to lose this person.


After a while, there was the sound of water flowing from the shower head in the bathroom, and at the same time, there was a singing voice with incomplete tone coming from the bathroom.

Uh... In addition to Lin Li's poor cooking skills, his singing level doesn't seem to be very high either!


Happy Garden Community.

Su Yue, who had just taken a shower, had her hair tied up in a bun, and she was wearing a pink girly silk suspender nightdress.

When she bought this silk suspender nightdress, she specially considered the comfort and chose the loose version.

However, because of her broad mind, she raised this loose silk suspender nightdress high, making it look a bit tight.

To be honest, Su Yue, who is mature, beautiful and has a hot figure, wears this girly-style silk suspender nightdress, which has a different kind of charm, but no one can appreciate her charm at the moment.

"Drip ring..."

Su Yue, who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa watching the TV show, reached out to pick up the mobile phone that was placed aside.

Glancing at the caller ID, it was his mother calling.


"What are you doing?"

"Watching TV! Mom, what can you do if you call me?"

"Can't I call you if it's okay?"

"..." Su Yue heard a trace of dissatisfaction in her mother's words.

She was silent for a moment, then said to her mother with a smile, "Of course, you are my dear mother, you can call me whenever you want..."

"Okay, don't be poor with me... I called you just to ask you, Xiaohao called you several times to ask you out, why did you keep refusing it again and again?"

I knew that my mother called me for this matter... Su Yue, who was accused by her mother, had a helpless look on her beautiful face. She muttered something in her heart, and then explained to her mother.

"Mom, I'm busy recently! I haven't been free all the time, so Zhang Xiaohao asked me out for dinner, but I can't go."

Known daughter Moruomu!

Su Yue's mother obviously knew her daughter very well. After hearing Su Yue's explanation, she didn't believe it at all, "You elementary school music teacher, the students are all on summer vacation now, what are you busy with?"

"It's like this, one of Aunt Liu's employees has something to go back to her hometown, and she asked me to go to her place to help her teach the children for a few days?

I've been preparing lesson plans these days... how can I have time for other things! "Su Yue said half-truthfully.

"..." Su Yue's mother was silent.

The Aunt Liu mentioned by my daughter, whose real name is Liu Yanhong, is her college classmate, and now she runs a hobby training class in Rongcheng, mainly teaching children to draw, sing, dance,

And my daughter is very good at these three aspects, so it makes sense for her old classmates to ask her to help.

"Mom, why don't you talk anymore, you don't suspect me of fooling you!

If you don't believe me, you can call Aunt Liu now to confirm the truth of what I said. Seeing that her mother was silent, Su Yue added something immediately.

"Xiaoyue, don't use your Auntie Liu's request to help you as a shield. What's wrong with you? Don't I, a mother, still not understand?"

"Mom... what you said, I don't have any little things in my heart!"

"Xiaoyue! Zhang Xiaohao is a talented student who graduated from a famous university and has studied abroad. Now he returns to China to work as an executive in a large company. His future is limitless.

A month ago, he followed his parents to your father's birthday party. It's not like you haven't seen what he looks like.

Zhang Xiaohao is tall, handsome, and has a sunny personality. He is also impeccable in all aspects of dealing with people and doing things. Why do you look down on him? "


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