Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 345: Don't do something that makes you regret it

The TV in the living room is playing the current hot news.

The beautiful news host explained the recent summer special operations carried out by relevant departments.

"Recently, relevant departments have cracked down on many criminals and provided strong support for the city's security and stability..."

Liu Menglong, a member of the Black Lin Society, watched the news broadcast by the TV news anchor, drinking wine with a depressed expression on his face.

It's no wonder that he is in such a depressed mood now. After all, the news host said that he was included in those criminals who were attacked by the relevant departments.

Now, the business of underground casinos is difficult to carry out, and the income has been greatly reduced again and again.

The people under him are almost unable to uncover the truth, all because of the special summer operation carried out by the relevant departments.

"Don't just drink, eat some side dishes!" The gorgeous woman in cool clothes came to the living room with two plates of side dishes, put them in front of Liu Menglong, and said.

"Looking at the news reports, this summer special operation launched by the relevant departments will only increase the intensity of the attack in the future."

Liu Menglong took the snapper from the coolly dressed woman and said in distress, then stuffed a snapper of garlic and cucumber into his mouth.

"Yes! There have been a lot of relevant reports in the past few days, which shows that the relevant departments have made up their minds to clean up the city." The coolly dressed woman nodded and said.

In today's era, these criminals who hide in the dark and cannot see the light are more keen on watching the news than ordinary people.

It's not that they themselves like watching TV news, but because they only have this channel to obtain the latest information on some actions against them by relevant departments, so that they have to pay attention to TV news every day.

Just as Liu Menglong and the gorgeous woman in cool clothes were watching the news and chatting, the younger brother who was sent to monitor the target called.

"Brother, after the target came home in the afternoon, he never came out again. It's getting late now, can I go home?"

Zhu Daqi sat in the car all day today, and his butt felt a little uncomfortable.

Now he got out of the car and stood under the big tree by the side of the road, smoking a cigarette while talking on the phone with his elder brother.

Liu Menglong looked at the time, and then said to his little brother, "Okay, you can go home and rest now! Get up early tomorrow morning and continue to keep an eye on him."

"Okay, brother." Zhu Daqi nodded and ended the call.

His eyes fell on Building No. [-] in the Ping'an Garden Community, and he muttered as he looked at the lights on in the target's house.

"Sigh, I don't know when the task assigned by my elder brother will end."

Looking away, Zhu Daqi poked the unfinished cigarette in his hand at the tree trunk. He could have walked two or three steps forward and threw the extinguished cigarette butt into the trash can on the side of the road, but he threw it on the ground in a very uncivilized manner.

"Katsa... bang."


Open the door and get in the car, start the engine.

Zhu Daqi did not go home to rest as he said on the phone just now, but went to the nightclub he usually goes to.

Today, he followed the target all day. Although he put in a lot of physical effort, he was very tired mentally. He was going to the nightclub to find his girlfriend, relax, and then go home.


After nine o'clock at night, after Lin Li took a shower, he washed his changed clothes on the balcony.

After drying his clothes, he returned to the living room. At this time, the mobile phone on the sofa rang.

"Drip ring..."

"It's so late, who is calling me?" Lin Li took the ringing phone, looked at the caller ID on the phone screen, and found that it was Su Yue calling.


"What are you busy with? I sent you a message, but I didn't see your reply."

"I just finished washing my clothes, so I didn't see the message you sent me." Lin Li turned on the hands-free phone, then slid down the screen, clicked on the chat software, and found that Su Yue had sent himself a message a few minutes ago.

"Oh." After listening to Lin Li's explanation, Su Yue nodded slightly.

The night was hazy, after Su Yue had dinner with her colleagues, she went to ktv to sing for a few hours.

Because we have to go to work tomorrow, everyone didn't play very late.

Coming out of the ktv, after Su Yue said goodbye to her colleagues, instead of going home, she sent a message to Lin Li, wanting to ask him out.

"It's so late, what do you want from me?" Lin Li asked.

"Are you hungry? Come out to have barbecue together, I'll treat you." Su Yue said.

Lin Li looked at the clock hanging on the wall, and it will be ten o'clock in about 20 minutes. If he goes out to have a barbecue at this time, he may not be able to return home until after eleven o'clock at night.

"Okay, but let me tell you! I'm very hungry now, and I won't be polite to you. Be careful with your wallet." Lin Li laughed.

Su Yue said to Lin Li while walking towards the park across the road.

"This is what I said, just open your mouth to eat, don't be polite to me, since you said you are going to treat me, I am afraid that you will make me poor."

"Shall I go to your house to see you?" Lin Li thought that Su Yue had already returned home after the dinner, and asked.

"I just finished singing with my colleagues, and now I'm still outside, come and find me! I'm... Forget it, I don't know where I am, I'll send you a location message." Su Yue said.

"Okay, that's it. You send me the location information, and I'll find you." Lin Li said, and then hung up the phone.

Lin Li, who was wearing a vest and beach shorts, ended the call with Su Yue, put the phone on the sofa, and went to the bedroom to change.

Lin Li, who had changed into a white T-shirt and beige slacks, came out of the bedroom. He picked up the mobile phone on the sofa. At this time, Su Yue had already sent her current location information.

After reading the location information sent by Su Yue, Lin Li put his phone back in his pocket, turned off the TV and the indoor lights, and went out.

As for the cooling device in the corner, he didn't turn it off. Anyway, it doesn't consume electricity, so let's just leave it on!

When you come back from the barbecue, you can immediately enjoy the cool environment at home.


Because it was almost ten o'clock, the parents who took their children to cool off in the community all went home.

Cats are very energetic creatures at night.

After eating, the little black cat and the little white cat took a nap and slept for several hours. At this moment, they were full of energy wandering around the community, looking for the big mouse hiding in the community.

"Meow... Hey, we looked around all over, but we didn't find a big mouse." The little black cat said with some disappointment.

The little white cat glanced at his little friend, looked into the distance, and said, "Meow... Maybe we caught too frequently a while ago, which caused the big mice to leave here in fright."

"Meow... that's it! That's too bad, we don't have supper now." The little black cat said in a low mood.

"Meow... since there are no big mice here, we can..." The little white cat originally wanted to say that it could go to other places to look for big mice, but it happened that a person appeared in its sight, and it immediately closed its mouth.

"Meow... what can we do?" The little black cat was scratching its face with its paws, and asked suspiciously when it heard the little friend half-spoken.

"Meow...shh, keep your voice down." The little white cat looked nervously at the human coming out of the corridor in the distance.

"Meow...???" The little black cat turned its head and followed the little white cat's gaze into the distance.

Lin Li came out of the corridor and walked quickly towards the parking place. He noticed that there seemed to be something staring at him in the dark. He turned his head and saw two little guys looking at him warily.

"Why do these two little wild cats look very vigilant every time they see me? It is normal for you to say that I have bullied you, but the point is that I have never touched you... It is really strange gone."

Lin Li withdrew his gaze, muttered in his mouth, and then continued to walk towards the parking place.

After a while, a silver-white van left the Ping An Garden community.

"Meow...that human has gone away." The little black cat said.

The little white cat, who was very nervous at first, relaxed at this moment. Seeing the little friend like this, the little black cat asked in bewilderment.

"Meow... don't be so nervous! If that human dares to attack you, I will protect you..."

" can't beat that human. He's much stronger than that big orange cat." The little white cat said seriously. breath.

"Meow... When I figure out how to transform, that human will no longer be my opponent." The little black cat said, it didn't try to be brave, and insisted that it was very powerful and could beat that human right now.

"Meow... well, let's not talk about that human being, let's go find a supper elsewhere!" The little white cat changed the subject.

"King Kong Is Not Bad Dazhai Master"

The little black cat nodded. Although it didn't talk about it anymore, it had already remembered it in its heart, thinking about making itself stronger as soon as possible.

Afterwards, the two little wild cats left the Ping An Garden community and ran to catch mice in an alley behind a restaurant not far from the community.


In the quiet park, some walking couples whispered some whispers.

At ten o'clock at night, it was getting late, and the couples walking in the park began to leave the park one after another, or go home, or go directly to the hotel near the park.

A young man with greasy hair and pink face, wearing a famous brand and smelling like alcohol, walked into the park.

His home is on the opposite side of the park and needs to cross the park.

In the park, on both sides of the path paved with cobblestones, at intervals, there is a street lamp with unique workmanship.

A group of moths are flying around these street lamps emitting dim lights. From time to time, some moths will fall from the sky and fall into the grass on the side of the road.

The young man with greasy hair and flour noodles drank a lot of wine with his friends in the bar tonight.

When he first came out of the bar, he was in a good state of mind, but now he walked for a while, and was blown by the night wind, drunk so much that he couldn't help but staggered when he walked.

"Huh? What a beautiful woman." The greasy-haired, pink-faced young man was startled and his eyes widened.

I saw a long-haired shawl sitting on a roadside bench not far away, wearing a well-fitting white shirt, a black tight-fitting skirt, and a pair of black high-heeled shoes, with a curvy figure and a beautiful appearance. woman.

"I must get her contact information." The young man with oily hair and pink face stared blankly at the beautiful woman sitting on the bench looking at the phone at the moment, his heartbeat accelerated slightly, and he knew that this was his heartbeat. reaction.

After Su Yue sent Lin Li a location information, she sat on a bench in the park, played with her mobile phone, and quietly waited for Lin Li's arrival.

"Beauty, hello!"

Su Yue, who was playing with her mobile phone, felt a person standing in front of her. She looked up and found that the person who greeted her was a young man with greasy hair and pink face.

At this moment, this person couldn't help hiccupping. Looking at his appearance and the smell of alcohol on his body, it can be seen that this person obviously drank too much.

When encountering this kind of drunken man who has drunk too much and strikes up a conversation, the most sensible choice is to ignore the other party and leave immediately.

Su Yue stood up, turned around and walked towards the entrance of the park.

The drunk young man with greasy hair and noodles, seeing this beautiful woman who made his heart beat, ignored him, turned around and was about to leave, he immediately became anxious, and then quickly chased after her, stopping her .

"Beauty, don't be in a hurry to leave! I'm not a bad person!"

Su Yue looked at the stalking drunk with a blank expression, she slightly parted her vermilion lips, and said coldly, "Please let me go."

"Beauty, let's make friends!" The greasy-haired, pink-faced young man ignored Su Yue's cold attitude of rejecting people and thousands of miles away, and said while licking his face.

Su Yue frowned, turned around, and left in another direction.

Seeing this, the young man with greasy hair and flour noodles immediately chased after him and stopped Su Yue again.

"Mister, please respect yourself. If you behave like this again, I will call the police." Su Yue warned indifferently.

"Don't! Beauty." Although the young man with greasy hair and pink noodles was drunk, he still had some reason. When he heard Su Yue say that he would call the police, he was a little scared.

Seeing the frightened expression on the drunk's face, Su Yue continued to warn, "Don't let yourself regret after sobering up."

After finishing speaking, Su Yue turned around and left again. This time, the young man with greasy hair and pink face didn't dare to chase after her.

However, at this time, a gust of wind suddenly blew up in the park and blew violently at him.

The original drunkenness rushed upwards, and the inner desire/desire overwhelmed the reason at this moment, he chased Su Yue who was leaving again, and stopped her.

"..." Su Yue looked at the drunk man in front of her speechlessly, at this moment, she heard the other party say.

"Beauty, don't be so unreasonable! Give me your contact information, and I won't pester you anymore..."


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