Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 344: Dangerous beasts are close at hand

The sky is getting dark, and after a while, the street lights on the street will be turned on.

After Zhou Tongtong returned home with her mother, she immediately put the small schoolbag on her back on the sofa and asked her mother to help her get some food for the little wild cat.

Xia Qing took out from the refrigerator the big bag of yellow cattle meat that Lin Li had sent earlier, took out a large piece, cut it into diced beef of different sizes, put it in a small iron basin and handed it to Zhou Tongtong.

"I can have dinner after cooking two dishes, don't stay down here for too long." Xia Qing told Zhou Tongtong who was about to go out with a small iron basin.

"Okay." Zhou Tongtong nodded, then ran out of the kitchen with a small iron basin and went out.

The two little wild cats, grunting and hungry, stood in the green belt by the side of the road, looking in the direction of Zhou Tongtong's house, looking eager for help.

Zhou Tongtong didn't keep the two little wild cats waiting for too long. When she came out of the corridor with a small iron basin, the two little wild cats let out a happy cry.

"Hurry up! After you've finished eating, I'm going home for dinner." Zhou Tongtong put the small iron basin containing the cattle and other animal meat on the grass, and said, patted the heads of the two little wild cats.

"Hey, hey, hey..."

The little black cat and the little white cat immediately poked their heads into the small iron basin, eating with relish.

When the two little guys were eating meat, Zhou Tongtong put her two little hands on the two little wild cats with a smile, bowed left and right, and gently stroked their soft backs.

At this time, weak spiritual fluctuations appeared on her body again, and a pale golden aura flashed in her big shiny black eyes.

Vaguely, the spiritual energy followed her two little hands stroking the little black cat and the little white cat, penetrated into the bodies of the two little guys, and made some changes to their bodies.

The attention of the two little wild cats was all focused on the yellow cattle meat in the small iron basin at the moment, and they were unaware of the subtle changes in their bodies.

Seeing the two little wild cats gobbling up, Zhou Tongtong remembered what his mother said to him when he ate delicious food, so he said to the two little wild cats, "Eat slowly, don't choke."

"'s okay, I won't choke, woohoo..." The little black cat immediately showed a distressed expression as soon as he finished speaking. His reaction was obviously choked.

"Ah!" Zhou Tongtong exclaimed, and immediately grabbed the little black cat's hind legs, turned it upside down, and shook it vigorously.

The little white cat looked up at Zhou Tongtong's operation, and looked at his little friend worriedly.

Although Zhou Tongtong's frantic operation was a bit violent, the effect was really good. A large piece of diced meat fell out of the little black cat's mouth.

"Meow...don't shake anymore, I'm fine." The little black cat, who was caught by its hind legs and turned upside down, shouted loudly.

Zhou Tongtong immediately put down the little black cat when he heard that. The little black cat stood up, shook a few times, and then fell to the ground.

" head is so dizzy!" the little black cat murmured.

"Meow... What an idiot." The little white cat complained to his little friend with a speechless expression, and then continued to poke his head into the small stack of pots to eat the meat of yellow cattle and other animals.

Zhou Tongtong gently stroked the little black cat's body, and taught, "Eat carefully and slowly, and don't do this again in the future."

"Meow... Got it." The little black cat nodded and rested for a while. It no longer felt dizzy, and immediately got up, went to its little friend, and continued to eat.

Learning from the lesson just now, it no longer dared to gobble up food like before.

Zhou Tongtong squatted in front of the two little wild cats, resting her chin with both hands, smiling and looking at the two little guys who were eating with gusto.

After a while, the two little wild cats ate up the small pot of yellow cattle meat that Zhou Tongtong had brought.

"Are you full?" Zhou Tongtong looked at the two little wild cats' applauding bellies and asked with a smile.

"Meow... I'm full." The little white cat nodded, and then hiccupped.

"Meow... Zhou Tongtong, let me tell you something." The little black cat said to Zhou Tongtong mysteriously.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Tongtong asked.

"Meow... I can transform." The little black cat said triumphantly.

"Transform?" Zhou Tongtong looked at the little black cat in surprise.

"Meow... Didn't I tell you before that there is a very bad big orange cat in the neighborhood next door who has a grudge against us?

This morning, Xiaobai and I went to look for it again, and then..." The little black cat told Zhou Tongtong about his body getting bigger today.

Zhou Tongtong frowned unhappily when she first heard the little black cat and the little white cat fighting with the big orange cat next door.

Later, when she heard the little black cat say that during the fight, its body grew bigger and became the same size as the big orange cat, she immediately opened her mouth wide in surprise.

Seeing Zhou Tongtong's mouth wide open and the surprised expression on his cute little face, the little black cat felt even more proud.

And just when it was triumphant, Zhou Tongtong suddenly heard Zhou Tongtong say, "Show me the changes."

"Meow... er, this..." The little black cat faltered and hawed immediately when Zhou Tongtong wanted it to transform into a show for her.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to? We are good friends! Don't be so stingy!" Zhou Tongtong looked at the little black cat and said with a embarrassed look.

"Meow... It's not that I'm stingy, I'd love to change it for you to see, but... But for some reason, it can't be changed." The little black cat quickly explained.

Back in the community this afternoon, it tried to transform again, but it jumped up and down, shouting and screaming, without any change in its body.


! "Zhou Tongtong listened to the little black cat's explanation, and felt that the little guy said that he would transform, so he was not lying to himself for fun!

Seeing Zhou Tongtong looking at him with suspicion, the little black cat became anxious immediately, "Meow... I'm telling the truth, but I didn't lie to you, Xiaobai can testify for me.

At that time, it was crushed under the big orange cat. In order to save it, I transformed. Maybe the condition for my transformation was that Xiaobai was in danger. "

The little white cat on the side gave his little friend a supercilious look, and complained in his heart.

"Xiao Hei, idiot, can you stop talking about me being bullied by the big orange cat in front of Zhou Tongtong? I don't know if this will embarrass me?"

Zhou Tongtong looked at the anxious little black cat, feeling that it really didn't seem to be lying, then turned to look at the little white cat.

"Meow... Xiao Hei did transform at that time, becoming several times my size." The little white cat testified for his little friend.

Zhou Tongtong nodded, believing what the little black cat said, then reached out and touched its head, exclaiming, "I didn't expect you to be so powerful, and you can transform..."

"Meow... Zhou Tongtong, just wait! When I figure out how to transform, I'll show you the transformation right away..." The little black cat said seriously, enjoying Zhou Tongtong's touch.

"Okay!" Zhou Tongtong smiled expectantly.

The little white cat looked at his little friend enviously, and thought, if only he could transform himself.

It was getting darker, and the street lights in the community were turned on.

Zhou Tongtong played with the little black cat and the little white cat after eating for a while, and then said to them, "My mother should have cooked the dishes, and I'm going home to finish the meal."

"Meow...Okay, goodbye." The two little wild cats nodded.

Zhou Tongtong picked up the small iron basin, waved at the two little wild cats, and ran to the corridor in the distance.

The two little wild cats squatting on the grass watched Zhou Tongtong leave, watched her run into the corridor, and then looked away.

"'s getting bigger." The little black cat mustered all its strength and yelled.


There is no change, and it is obviously impossible to transform just by yelling.

"Meow... just had a full meal, you can rest quietly for a while!" said the little white cat, then walked to a big tree with luxuriant branches in front of it, and lay down under the tree.

The little black cat thought for a while, and felt that what his little friend said was right, he just had a full meal, so he should rest for a while before trying to transform.

The dim light emitted by the street lamps on the side of the road attracted many moths, and only a small area of ​​greenery was illuminated.

In a place where the dim light of the street lamps could not reach, under the big leafy tree, there were two little wild cats, one black and one white, who were full of food and drink.


It is easy to get sleepy after eating and drinking. The two little wild cats lay on the grass and fell asleep after a while.

Just like the previous few times when they ate the meat of cattle and animals, the meat of cattle and animals in the stomachs of the two little wild cats released spiritual energy, and their bodies slowly absorbed the spiritual energy.

After absorbing the spiritual energy contained in the meat of the different beasts, their bodies began to actively absorb the free spiritual energy in the air.

Although the efficiency of the two little guys absorbing the free psionic energy in the air is not high, compared with before, the efficiency has improved significantly.

As the two little guys absorb the spiritual energy in an orderly manner, the spiritual energy fluctuations emitted by them are steadily increasing. According to the current speed of progress, it is just around the corner for them to break through to the early stage of the first stage.

In the community, some parents who had had dinner early brought their children downstairs to play.

The children were playing and fighting, chasing me and running away, while the parents were sitting in the gazebo and chatting.

Some parents talked about the strange beasts that happened in the past few days, and felt that the wilderness in the suburbs was becoming more and more dangerous.

And when these people were talking about the wilderness on the outskirts becoming more and more dangerous because of the strange beasts, they didn't know it.

In the green belt not far from the gazebo, under a big tree with luxuriant branches.

There are two little wild cats who have awakened their spirituality and can absorb the free spiritual energy in the air for cultivation. They have become strange beasts.

The strange beast, which was extremely dangerous in their eyes, was so close to them at this moment.



After a full meal, Lin Li burped. The beef stew with potatoes was very delicious, and he ate up the big pot of rice he cooked.

With his current food intake, the leftover cattle meat in the refrigerator is only enough for him to eat for another day tomorrow.

Lin Li thought about it, and decided to go to the spirit world tomorrow to solve the problem of eating in Dongwu City.

I just learned that there are several very famous restaurants in Dongwu City, so I can try them.

And when I had dinner with Zhang Yuxi at noon today, she said that she would introduce customers to herself, so she could prepare more goods in advance, and go to Dongwu City to buy a wave of pearls by the way.

What's more, the Scarlet Blood Gang has to go and see how the situation is. If they live a good life, they have to add fire to them.

After thinking about some things to do when he went to Dongwu City tomorrow, Lin Li started to get up and clear the bowls on the table.

After a while, Lin Li, who was doing hygiene in the kitchen, came to the living room with an ice cream in his hand.

Turn on the TV, randomly choose a TV channel as the background sound, then take out the mobile phone from the pocket, while eating ice cream, while scrolling through Moments, see what everyone is doing recently.

The circle of friends updated several new messages, and the first one I saw was from Su Yue, which contained photos of the dishes she had for dinner at night.

Lin Li liked Su Yue's post, and then continued to read.

The next one is from Liu Jialin, and her post is a bit different. The content is a photo of a pair of silver handcuffs, and the accompanying text is also quite interesting, "The new handcuffs issued by the bureau are very strong. tremble!"

I looked down at several Moments posts, all of which were posted by some of my college classmates who had just joined the job not long ago.

Quite a few complained about the hot weather today, or the fact that there were a lot of people on the bus or the subway when I got off work, and there was a traffic jam on the road, etc.

After seeing the posts posted by these students, Lin Li sighed in his heart that beating a worker was hard work, and then he ate the last bite of ice cream, put the phone lock screen aside, lay down on the sofa, crossed his hands on his abdomen, and mobilized his dantian psychic energy within.

The psionic energy that was originally floating around in the air began to quickly gather on Lin Li who was lying on the sofa.

Lin Li had thought about what it would be like to practice while lying down, so he started to try it now.

Every time he ate the magical little fruit, his cultivation talent would improve a bit.

Lin Li, who has already eaten five small miraculous fruits, now has a talent for cultivation that surpasses many practitioners with excellent cultivation talents.

Compared with his cultivation talent before he ate the miraculous little fruit, it was nothing short of a difference.

The free spiritual energy in the air was quickly absorbed into Lin Li's body, and after some refinement, he incorporated it into his dantian to improve his cultivation.

Time passed very quickly while practicing. When Lin Li, who was lying on the sofa, stopped practicing and opened his eyes, more than two hours passed before he knew it.

"Tsk...Although I am now cultivating only by absorbing the free spiritual energy in the air, my cultivation efficiency is more than ten times faster than that of me back then.

But even with such a fast cultivation speed, with my current cultivation base, it will take a few years to break through to the third level.

In terms of the time spent, it is the most cost-effective to go to the wilderness to hunt strange beasts and obtain magical little fruits to make breakthroughs in cultivation. "

Lin Li stood up, opened his arms and stretched his waist. This time, practicing lying down is indeed more comfortable than practicing cross-legged.

However, he was a little dissatisfied with the progress in cultivation after spending time in cultivation.


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