Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 2 The Mysterious Little Fruit

The same as when he was on Earth in his previous life, in this parallel world, Lin Li was still alone. The difference was that when he was on Earth, Lin Li was a wage worker at 996 a day. After working for two or three years, he still didn't have much savings.

In this parallel world, the deceased family members left Lin Li with two houses of more than 100 square meters and a deposit of 100 million yuan.

This inheritance allows him to spend his life comfortably in this world even if he does not go out to work for others.

It was precisely because of this comfortable back road that Lin Li had the confidence to choose to be a carefree salted fish after he knew that his cultivation aptitude was very poor and he could not become a practitioner.


"Drip ring..."

Just as Lin Li was standing in front of the window, watching the person in the community exercising with a faint golden aura, the mobile phone on the bedside table rang.

He turned and walked to the bedside table, leaned over to pick up the phone, and looked at the name displayed on the caller ID.

"Why did this woman call so early in the morning?"

"Hello, what's the matter?" Lin Li answered the phone and asked angrily.

"Lin Li, the drain in my kitchen is clogged, come quickly and help me unclog it." A very pleasant female voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Su Yue, the sewer I just helped you clear last week, why did it get blocked again so quickly? Besides, I am your landlord, not your royal sewer dredger." Lin Li said dissatisfied.

"There is a problem with the rented house, don't you always ask the landlord to solve it?" Su Yue murmured softly after hearing Lin Li's words.

"There is a problem in the house, of course you can come to me to solve the problem, but it doesn't include things like unclogging the kitchen drain or replacing a broken light bulb.

Think about it, how many years have I rented my house to you? After all these years, I have helped you unblock the sewers, replace light bulbs, and kill cockroaches.

How many times have I done such trivial things for you, why do you have the nerve to ask me to do these things again?Find a master to help you unclog the sewer yourself. "Lin Li said to Su Yue on the other end of the phone.

"I'll take care of the lunch, and I'll cook your favorite boiled fish myself." Su Yue said lightly.

"..." Lin Li was silent for a while, and said in a flat tone, "Deal... But let me state first, I didn't help you just to eat the rice you cooked.

I just think that apart from the relationship between the landlord and the tenant, we are still good friends who have known each other for many years. The sewer in the house of a good friend is blocked. If I have time to help unclog it, I should help..."

"Yeah, I know, thank you! My lovely landlord and good friend." Su Yue said to Lin Li with a smile.

"Cute? If you don't know how to use adjectives, don't use them. How can you say that a man is cute?" Several black lines appeared on Lin Li's forehead, correcting Su Yue's wrong words.

"Yes yes yes, I know I was wrong, can I use handsome next time?" Thinking that the sewer in the kitchen at home was still blocked, Su Yue immediately changed her words.

"That's about the same. After I finish my breakfast, I'll go to your house to help you unblock the sewer."

"Well, you must come here early!"

"Understood, let's do this first!"

Lin Li hung up the phone, thinking that he could have another delicious meal at noon, his mood suddenly became very happy.

No way, I didn't have cooking talent in my previous life, and after being reborn in this parallel world, I still don't have cooking talent.

Even if I live alone and cook often, I still haven't been able to improve my cooking skills, which is too unscientific.

But my female tenant is a good friend, and I haven't seen how she cooks. Why is she so good at cooking?How unfair it is!


Breakfast is very simple, two hard-boiled eggs, plus a piece of bread and a glass of milk.

After breakfast, Lin Li wanted to enter the small island again, but he found that he couldn't enter because his spiritual power had been exhausted.

I estimated the speed at which I could recover my spiritual energy, and it would take about ten o'clock in the evening to recover my full spiritual energy. It seems that the next time I enter the island, I can only wait until tonight.


On the mysterious island, after Lin Li was forced to leave the island due to the exhaustion of spiritual energy in his body, the two-meter-tall tree in the center of the island suddenly glowed with pale golden light.

The white mist on the surrounding water began to surge when the small tree bloomed with pale golden light.

These white mist violently churned, and then transformed into traces of psionic energy.

The pale golden light that bloomed on the small tree in the center of the island became more and more dazzling, and the spiritual energy transformed from the white mist rushed towards the small tree that was blooming with dazzling light.

A few minutes later, the pale golden light on the little tree disappeared, and the constantly churning white mist around it also returned to calm.

Everything seems to have changed back to the previous appearance, but when you observe carefully, you will find that there is an extra red fruit on the small tree in the center of the island.

This fruit is as red as a flame, and from time to time, a pale golden light flashes across the fruit.


The sun is shining and there are no clouds in the sky. What a beautiful day today!

After breakfast, Lin Li set off for Su Yue's house. The house he rented to Su Yue was not far from the community where she lived, about a 10-minute walk away.

Lin Li, who was walking slowly on the road, looked at the hurried passers-by around him.

These passers-by were all migrant workers rushing to work in the company, Lin Li couldn't help thinking when he saw the hurried appearance of these people.

"If I didn't have the 100 million savings and two houses, I would be as busy as they are for living."

Blue Star's technology is almost the same as the world before Lin Li's rebirth, and the development of the city is almost exactly the same.

If it weren't for the pale golden aura blooming from the two people who were arguing not far ahead, Lin Li might have thought that he was still in the world before his rebirth.

"Can you guys drive? How can there be an electric car driving on the sidewalk?"

"I drive on the pavement every time I pass this road, what's wrong with you?"

"What are you talking about? You almost hit me, and you have to apologize."

"Apologize? You think too much! If you didn't jump out suddenly, how could I almost hit you.

On the contrary, you want to apologize to me. I fell down just now to avoid you. Look, my hands are scratched. "

The two young men were arguing louder and louder. Seeing this, the passers-by subconsciously stopped and turned into melon eaters, looking at the two men who were arguing loudly.


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