Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 1 Goldfinger Online

"Parallel world, Blue Star."

In the pitch-black room, where you can't see your fingers, there is a figure lying on the bed and sleeping soundly.


A crisp sound sounded in the brain of this figure.

After the sound disappeared, a pale golden light appeared on the sleeping figure lying on the bed.

The pale golden light existed for a very short time, disappearing in less than a second.

As the pale golden light disappeared, the sleeping figure on the bed also disappeared.

In the pitch-black room, it was empty. If it weren't for the residual warmth of the bed, no one would think that someone was sleeping in this room before.


"Who opened my curtains?"

Lin Li slowly opened his eyes, sat up, muttered something, and then yawned.

"Huh???" Lin Li who was yawning suddenly froze, his eyes full of confusion.

what's the situation?What is this white fog in front of me?

"Hey! The dream I had today is so strange! What does it mean to dream of a large expanse of white fog? Hurry up and change my dream with colors!" Lin Li muttered in his heart, then lay down and re- close your eyes.

Ten seconds, 20 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes...

Lin Li lay down again, closed his eyes and continued to sleep, and opened them again 3 minutes later.

He sat up abruptly, looked around, a startled expression gradually appeared on his face.

"No way! This dream is too real." Lin Li raised his right hand and squeezed his delicate and handsome face.

" hurts..."

He pinched his cheek hard, and the intense pain let Lin Li know that he was not dreaming.

He hurriedly got up from the grass, first took a deep breath to stabilize his emotions, and then walked around the land under his feet.

A few minutes later, Lin Li came to the place where he got up, the expression on his face changed constantly, and then he burst out laughing.

"Hahaha... 22 years after I was reborn in this world, my golden finger is finally online."

The area under the feet is about 100 square meters, surrounded by water and white fog... This is an island, an island that cannot be smaller.

There is nothing on the island except for an ordinary two-meter-high tree in the center of the island.

Lin Li, who laughed loudly for a while, felt a little thirsty, and seeing the crystal-clear water in front of him, he couldn't help feeling a little moved.

Then, he came to the edge of the island, squatted down, stretched out his fingers to stick the water in front of him, first smelled it, but he didn't smell any peculiar smell, then put it in his mouth and tasted it.

"It's fresh water, with a hint of sweetness, similar to the mineral water you usually buy."

"Gudong..." After confirming that the clear water in front of him was drinkable, Lin Li, who was thirsty, immediately leaned forward, put his mouth into the water, and drank it with a gurgle.

"Ha~" After a hearty drink, the feeling of thirst disappeared, and Lin Li washed his face with the water in front of him.

"This island has nothing but an ordinary two-meter-high tree in the center. It's too barren!"

After the initial excitement subsided, Lin Li felt that the small island in front of him didn't seem to be able to change his current life much.

"Hey, it would be great if I could awaken a power that I can use to fight!"

As soon as Lin Li finished speaking, he suddenly felt dizzy, his eyes went dark, and then he fell backwards.


In the dark room, a pale golden light suddenly flashed on the empty bed, and then a figure appeared on the bed out of thin air.

"It hurts!" Lin Li, who had returned to his home, patted his head with his hands. Now he felt like someone had knocked on his head, causing him a headache and dizziness.

This uncomfortable feeling lasted for a while before Lin Li regained his strength.

He got up from the bed, went to the window and opened the curtains.

The bright sunlight squeezed into the bedroom, dispelling the darkness in the room instantly.

The golden sun shone on Lin Li's face, which made him a little uncomfortable. He narrowed his eyes slightly and looked into the community.

Early in the morning, many people in the community got up to exercise. Occasionally, a pale golden light would appear on these people.

How can there be a pale golden light on a person's body?

Yes, unlike the Earth in the previous life, this parallel world called Blue Star is a world with spiritual and supernatural powers.

When a person is born and reaches the age of 15, if he has the talent for cultivation, he will automatically awaken his spirituality.

After awakening your spirituality, exercise your body persistently and absorb the free spiritual energy in the air, and you may become a practitioner in the future.

Lin Li was lucky to be reborn into this world. He awakened his spirituality when he was 15 years old and qualified to become a practitioner.

Lin Li, who had awakened spiritually at that time, was very happy. He thought that when he was on the earth, he had fantasized about becoming a superman with extraordinary abilities. He never thought that he would have such an opportunity when he woke up and was reborn in this world.

After awakening his spirituality, Lin Li decided to exercise his body well in the future and become a practitioner as soon as possible, and then keep getting stronger and become a person who will marry Bai Fumei and reach the pinnacle of life.

Unfortunately, ideals are always beautiful, but reality is cruel.

People who have awakened their spirituality have different cultivation aptitudes.

People with good aptitude make rapid progress. These people can become a practitioner at the beginning stage of the first stage if they insist on exercising for one year. If they are slower, they can become a practitioner in three years.

Then there are some people with extremely poor qualifications, so they don't know when they will become a practitioner, or in other words, they may never be able to become a practitioner.

Unfortunately, Lin Li belonged to the kind of person with extremely poor qualifications. Although he insisted on exercising every day after awakening his spirituality, his efficiency in absorbing free spiritual energy in the air was very low.

It has been seven years since he started practicing at the age of 15, and he is still standing still, and he is still far away from breaking through to the early stage of the first stage and officially becoming a practitioner.

Such a poor cultivation qualification turned Lin Li into a salted fish who likes to stay at home.

His original dreams of becoming a powerful cultivator, marrying Bai Fumei, and reaching the pinnacle of life were all thrown into the trash by him.

Now Lin Li just wants to rely on collecting rent and interest on bank deposits, to stay at home, play games, watch anime, and spend his life leisurely.


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