Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 16 New Uses of the Mysterious Island

In the morning, Lin Li went to the Alien Beast Hunter Association to take the qualification examination for the Alien Beast Hunter.

Although he passed the exam successfully, he also suffered some minor injuries.

At this moment, the right arm that is answering the phone is covered with bruises, precisely because of that exam.

Although Lin Li rubbed it with safflower oil, the bruises did not dissipate so quickly.

If he went to Su Yue's house to eat dumplings now, the other party would definitely see the bruise on his arm. If the other party asked at that time, he would have no way to explain it.

It's impossible to tell the other party that I'm taking off now, I'm already a practitioner with a first-order peak cultivation base, and I passed the alien beast hunter qualification test in the morning.

After all, Su Yue knew that her cultivation aptitude was very bad, and she had no hope of becoming a practitioner in this life, let alone passing the beast hunter qualification examination.

A few days ago, I was a rookie, but now I have become a master. This... This is too unreasonable.

"Thanks! It's raining outside now, I'm too lazy to go out, you can eat by yourself!"

"It's not raining too much outside, and it only takes 10 minutes to come here with an umbrella. You don't even bother to go out... Okay! Then I will eat it myself!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Li thought that he was going to eat egg and shredded pork noodles again in the evening, and a depressed expression appeared on his face.

"I'm going to take a shower first!"

Because he missed the dumplings made by Su Yue himself, Lin Li's appetite was greatly reduced, so he turned back to the bedroom to get a change of clothes and take a shower.


The next morning, the rain that had been raining all night finally stopped.

When the morning sun rises in the sky, the golden sunlight shines on the dewdrops hanging on the flowers, plants and trees, revealing a brilliant brilliance.

After getting up early, brushing his teeth and washing his face, Lin Li changed into a camouflage uniform after having breakfast.

He put on his backpack and set off with the wooden box containing the spirit weapon long sword in his hand.

Ping'an Garden Community, Building No. [-], Lin Li came out of the corridor, and walked towards an aunt who got up early to exercise.

This aunt knew Lin Li, and seeing his outfit, she asked curiously, "Xiao Lin, what are you going to do?"

"Aunt Wang, good morning! I am planning to go camping with my friends." Lin Li said casually.

"Camping? Xiao Lin, you're not going to go camping in the wild, are you? There are many strange beasts in the wild, which is very dangerous..." Aunt Wang said with a worried expression.

"Aunt Wang, the wild is so dangerous now, we dare not go camping in the wild. The camping location my friend is looking for is in a safe area in the suburbs..."

Lin Li chatted with Aunt Wang for a few words, and then went to the entrance of the community.


After leaving the community, Lin Li, who only had 55 yuan left on his body, stopped a taxi by the side of the road. After getting in the car, he gave an address, "Master, go to Chenghua Avenue."

When the driver heard Lin Li said that he was going to Chenghua Avenue, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, then he started the car and drove to the outskirts of the Eastern District.

After the taxi started, Lin Li closed his eyes to calm down the nervousness in his heart.

After all, in a while, he was going to fight a terrifying alien beast in the wilderness. This was very stressful for Lin Li who had never fought a alien beast before.

The master taxi driver is about 45 or [-] years old. Through the rearview mirror, he observes the young man sitting in the back row, who is about the same age as his son.

"Young man, are you going to hunt strange beasts in the wilderness outside the suburbs?" the taxi driver asked curiously.

Lin Li, who was calming down his nervousness, opened his eyes when he heard the taxi driver's curious question, "Yes."

"Looking at your age, you should be about the same age as my son.

At such an age, you dare to go hunting wild beasts in the wilderness, you are really amazing! "The driver master exclaimed.

Lin Li's nervousness calmed down when he heard the other party's compliment for not participating in the holiday.


"A total of 25 yuan."

After arriving at Chenghua Avenue, Lin Li paid the money and got out of the taxi.

Chenghua Avenue is still a long way from the wilderness. For safety reasons, taxi drivers basically only send customers here, and the rest of the road needs to be walked on foot.

"When I make a lot of money in the future, I must buy a car." Wearing a camouflage uniform, carrying a backpack, and carrying a wooden box, Lin Li stood in the shade of a tree, muttered something, and started heading towards the wilderness .

Although it rained all night yesterday, there were not many water spots on the road.

It can be seen from this that even though the current location is very close to the wilderness, the underground drainage project here is still doing very well.

The weather in July has already started to get hot. Under normal circumstances, the temperature will exceed [-] degrees.

However, due to yesterday's rain, today's temperature will be slightly lower.

Lin Li, who was walking towards the wilderness along the shade of the trees on the street, was occasionally blown gently by the blowing wind, making his body cool.

Starting from Chenghua Avenue, walking forward, the surrounding buildings are getting rarer and rarer.

Half an hour later, an endless wilderness appeared in front of Lin Li.

Behind him was a bustling and peaceful urban area, and in front of him was an endless, dangerous wilderness. This contrast made Lin Li feel stunned.


Taking a deep breath, he clenched his fist and then released it. Lin Li looked determined.


Opening the wooden box, he took out the spirit weapon long sword that cost half of his savings.

"What should I do with this wooden box? Throw it away?" Lin Li, who was holding the spirit weapon long sword in his right hand and the wooden box in his left hand, felt a little troubled.

Looking around, there was no one around.

"If you throw it away, there will be no wooden box to hold the spirit tool long sword in the future, so let's put the wooden box on the mysterious island!" Lin Li just thought of this, but the wooden box in his hand disappeared.

"It's okay?!!!"

Originally, he planned to bring the wooden box into Lin Li of the mysterious island, but he didn't expect that the main body could put the things in his hand on the mysterious island without entering the mysterious island with the wooden box.

"Come out." With a thought, the disappearing wooden box instantly appeared in Lin Li's hands.

Feeling the changes in the spiritual energy in the body, I found that putting things on the mysterious island consumes far less spiritual energy than entering the mysterious island once.

"Haha! It's really possible! Then I can use that mysterious island as my storage space in the future."

Lin Li, who accidentally developed a new usage of the mysterious island, laughed foolishly in this desolate area.

Afterwards, he put the backpack weighing more than ten kilograms that he was carrying on his back into the mysterious island.

Then, he clenched the long sword in his hand, and stepped cautiously into the wilderness ahead.


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