Start a Mysterious Island

Chapter 15 Reclaiming Wasteland and Farming

I turned down a few pages in the communication section, and finally saw some useful posts.

"On the outskirts of the northern district of Rongcheng, the black bear beast with the strength of the first stage of the second stage is very strong. If there is no practitioner in the middle stage of the second stage to lead the team, it is best not to provoke it.

Our team accidentally ran into it this morning. During the brief confrontation, our captain with the strength of the early stage of the second stage was directly seriously injured in order to cover our retreat. "

"On the outskirts of the western district of Rongcheng, 5 kilometers away from the Erxian Bridge, we encountered an unknown group of forest wolf beasts.

There are fifteen forest wolf beasts in total. The strongest wolf has the strength of the first-level high-level, and the others are generally the first-level mid-level.

Except for the most powerful head wolf who ran away, all the other forest wolf beasts were killed by our team at the cost of minor injuries. "

After browsing the communication section for half an hour, Lin Li exited the software. The most intuitive feeling he had from this browsing was that hunting wild animals in the wild is very dangerous and very easy to get injured.

Moreover, after reading so many posts, he found that all the posters had joined the beast hunter team, and none of them were lone rangers.

Because of the existence of Goldfinger, in order to obtain the freshness of the alien beast's flesh and blood within an hour, Lin Li had no way to join other alien beast hunter teams at all.

If it's just to make money, you can temporarily join those alien beast hunter teams and hunt alien beasts together.

"Hey..." Lin Li scratched his head in distress, "Try it tomorrow, if you can't do it alone, then think of other ways... I'm a little hungry, let's cook a bowl of egg and shredded pork noodles to fill my stomach Bar!"

Picking up the phone to check the time, it was already 11:30 noon, Lin Li got up and walked into the kitchen, and started cooking noodles.


Three in the afternoon.

A figure appeared out of thin air on the mysterious island.

This figure had a wet towel hanging around its neck, a hoe in its left hand, and a plastic bucket in its right. There was also a small red plastic bag and a ceramic water cup in the bucket.

There is still a long time before going to hunt wild animals in the wild tomorrow. Lin Li, who has nothing to do at home, thought of coming to this mysterious island to grow a la carte after waking up. Can the vegetables be planted alive?

Although Lin Li had never farmed land, he had never eaten pork, hadn't he seen a pig running?

Coupled with the fact that the Internet is so developed now, if you go to some video sites to search for farming tutorials, even if you can't become a senior farmer immediately, it won't be too bad to follow the gourd.

Putting the plastic bucket on the grass, Lin Li picked up the northeast corner of the mysterious island with a hoe that cost him 15 yuan, and began to reclaim the fields.




Lin Li, who has carefully watched the videos of senior farmers farming, has a good posture in reclaiming the fields.

I saw him bent over, waving the hoe in his hand, removing the grass and softening the soil.

Although the temperature of the space where the mysterious island is located does not give people a feeling of heat or cold, but at this moment Lin Li is wielding a hoe to reclaim the fields, and doing all physical work, it is hard to think it will be hot or not.

Ten minutes later, Lin Li, who was plowing the fields, was sweating profusely. At this moment, he wiped the sweat from his forehead with a wet towel hanging around his neck.

Although I carefully watched the videos of senior farmers planting the land in advance, in practice, I found that the actual practice was not as simple as I thought when I watched the videos.

Originally, Lin Li planned to spend half an hour to reclaim a [-]-square-meter field, but it actually took him more than an hour to complete the [-]-square-meter field.

"Oh, I didn't expect that cultivating a small piece of land would be so tiring." Lin Li wiped the sweat off his face with a wet towel, and then patted his sore waist with his hands.

However, he was a little tired, but seeing the plowed field in front of him, Lin Li had a happy smile on his face.

Now that the field has been prepared, it's time to plant vegetable seeds in the field.

Lin Li walked towards the plastic bucket placed on the edge of the island. He first took out his ceramic water cup from the plastic bucket, squatted down, filled himself with a glass of water, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Cool..." Drinking a large glass of water after hard work is really refreshing.

Putting the water cup on the grass, Lin Li took out the red plastic bag from the plastic bucket, and took out a pack of white radish seeds from it.

Afterwards, he filled a plastic bucket with half a bucket of water, holding the seeds in his left hand and the bucket in his right, and walked towards the farmland he had reclaimed.

Use your fingers to poke a hole in the field, and place four to five daikon seeds in the hole.

Repeating this action, after more than half an hour, Lin Li watered the seeds planted in the field, and looked at the farmland in front of him lovingly.

"Grow it, grow it, you must grow it! Don't let my nearly two hours be wasted."

The goal of reclaiming farmland and planting white radishes was achieved. Lin Li fetched some water with a plastic bucket and watered the magical little tree located in the center of the island.

Then, leave the water cup, bucket, and hoe directly on the island, and return to the real world by yourself.

On the empty and quiet mysterious island, in the farmland reclaimed by Lin Li.

The white radish seeds planted in the soil actually started to germinate an hour after Lin Li left the mysterious island.


The space where the mysterious island is located has no day and night.

When Lin Li came out after working on the island for more than two hours, it was already past five o'clock in the evening on the Blue Star, and the sky outside was a bit dark.

Because of the purchase of the hoe, Lin Li, who originally only had 70 yuan left, now only has 55 yuan left.

"Hey... let's continue to eat egg and shredded pork noodles at night!"

Just when Lin Li, who could no longer afford to order takeout, was about to go to the kitchen to cook a bowl of noodles for himself, the phone in his pocket rang.

"Drip ring..."

He took out his phone and looked at the caller ID, it was Su Yue calling.

Seeing the call from Su Yue, the image that popped up in Lin Li's mind was not Su Yue's charming face and her tolerant and hot figure, but a lot of delicious food she had cooked.

Lin Li, who has eaten several meals of egg and shredded pork noodles since yesterday, can't help but salivate when he thinks of the delicious food cooked by Su Yue.


"Lin Li, have you had dinner yet?"

"No! Have you eaten?"

"I haven't eaten yet! I made dumplings and I'm about to cook them! Do you want to come over and eat?"

Dumplings, I like them... Just when Lin Li was about to say that he wanted to eat them, he swallowed the words again.


PS: Thanks to "08a" for the 100-point reward.

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