"Based on the relationship between the two of us, isn't it too hypocritical for you to say this? How many times have you saved me along the way, and I just paid you back once!"

The little Taoist smiled wryly, and then collapsed directly beside me.

I don't know when I fell asleep again in a daze, and when I woke up again, the sun had already started to set.

After a good night's sleep, my spirit finally improved a lot, and my whole body began to have strength.

"I said if you don't wake up, the two of us may have to camp here tonight!"

"It's like going to other places is not camping!"

I glared at him angrily. In this barren mountain, it seems that there are no other entertainments except bickering.

"Stop talking nonsense, I found a cave ahead, let's go there quickly, the weather might rain tonight!"

The little Taoist started to put away his things while talking.

Speaking of which, the only luggage we have now is my backpack and the two broken swords in our hands.

Although it has been so far since entering the mountain, all the time added up does not exceed half a month.

However, whether it's me or the little Taoist priest, we're both like savages now.

The clothes all over my body have long since disappeared, that is to say, I still look a bit modern with a backpack on my back.

If it weren't for this thing, it would have been shot dead by those explorers as savages.

"I say you should pull it down. I'm allergic to the word cave. I'd rather get in the rain here than live in a cave. I don't want to hear the word cave again in my life!"

I am really a little afraid of caves now, and not only caves, I am really tired of these deep mountains and old forests.

When I first arrived in Fancheng, I couldn't help but want to go back to the Taoist temple on the mountain, but after staying in this cave for a while, I really miss life in the city now.

Although it is said that life in the city is also full of dangers, it is not possible to say that some monsters will pop up at any time to give you a hard time.

And it's not like what happened to the two of us in the cave, let alone starving, and having to face life and death crises from time to time.

"If you want to say that, I really don't want to move, so let's get caught in the rain here tonight. Anyway, I'm not afraid, but I'm not sure if you can get out alive with your injuries!"

The little Taoist rolled his eyes as he spoke.


Before he finished speaking, there was already rolling thunder above his head, and then the situation began to change, and the dark clouds slowly covered the setting sun in the sky.

The weather in this mountain changed so fast that I was speechless all of a sudden, so I could only accept my fate and pick up my backpack and follow behind the little Taoist priest.

As soon as the front foot stepped into the small cave, it was already pouring rain outside the back foot cave.

"We have already seen signs of human activities here. It seems that we are not far from the crowd. Do you have any plans after going out?"

Hearing the sound of rushing water outside, the little Taoist said suddenly.

"After going back, of course, I will settle accounts with an old ghost who has been there for many years!"

When I think of Wang Qingzhi, my teeth itch with hatred.

If it wasn't for that old thing, how could I have come to this ghost place.

If it weren't for my hard life, I'm afraid I would have died without a place to bury.

However, when I mentioned this, I suddenly thought of Lin Xiaorong.

Earlier, there was an invisible force that sealed it in that phalanx. Now that there are signs of human activities here, does that mean she can move by herself?

When I thought of this, I hurriedly touched my body for a while.

But before the bone was taken out, a dark iron box fell out of my pocket.

"Is this thing not lost?"

Seeing this iron box again, the little Taoist felt a little bit embarrassed.

"What's the use if you can't open it?"

I'm really speechless about this iron box, and I don't know who made it so boring. Don't you know that it is very difficult for others to open the box?

Although this thing should be a rare antique, it really doesn't appeal to me now.

After groping around for a long time, my hand finally touched the cold phalanx.

After holding it in my hand, I finally sensed Lin Xiaorong's existence.


Following my thoughts, Lin Xiaorong finally appeared.

The moment I saw her appear, I almost didn't cry out.

"I said there is such a good thing, why didn't you use it earlier?"

The moment she appeared, the little Taoist immediately reacted.

But I'm not surprised, after all, if he, a Taoist priest of the Quanzhen Sect, can't even sense this, then he's still a hammer.

"Didn't I just recover my physical strength? When I was in the cave, there was a strange force suppressing her, and there was no way to appear. Now I can finally use it!"

"Let's stop talking nonsense, you'd better ask him to help you see what's going on in our neighborhood, which direction we should go now, and find a place to change clothes and take a shower now, I'm so nervous Going crazy!"

The little Taoist kept rubbing his hands while talking.

I didn't delay, and hurriedly conveyed my meaning to Lin Xiaorong.

After Lin Xiaorong nodded in place, she dissipated into a puff of green smoke.

Now my heart is finally in my stomach, but listening to the sound of rushing water outside, I really miss my big cock a little bit.

I just don't know how it's living now...

I promised it at the beginning, let it taste delicious and spicy, but I didn't expect to leave it in this deep mountain forest now, and I don't know if it can save my life...

But if you think about it carefully, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with ordinary beasts with its strength. As long as you don't meet those perverted guys, you should be able to live a more nourishing life in this place!

In this kind of night in the wilderness, Lin Xiaorong's movement speed is countless times faster than mine.

In less than half an hour, she has helped us determine our current location.

"We're going in the direction of true north, and we can get to the side of the road in at most two hours! There's a village there!"

After talking with Lin Xiaorong, I immediately told the little Taoist priest the good news.

"What are you waiting for?"

After hearing what I said, the little Taoist immediately became interested.

"I said brother, it's still raining outside..."

"What's the matter with the rain, anyway, the two of us haven't showered for such a long time, let's take it as a shower, let's go, stop talking nonsense, I don't want to stay in this damn place for a minute!"

After finding a way to get out, the little Taoist certainly didn't have the heart to stay here, so he wasted no more time.

Under his insistence, I could only pick up my schoolbag and follow behind him, but I didn't expect that the two of us had just come out of the tiger's mouth this time, and immediately entered the wolf's den...

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