Destiny Physician

Chapter 265 Remaining life after catastrophe

At this point in time, the only thing on our minds is basically to escape.

Even though the two of us can be considered to be cultivated now, compared to ordinary people, our skills are more than a hundred times stronger.

However, in front of the real majesty of heaven and earth, the two of us are still as weak as two ants, at best, we are ants stronger than ordinary people.

Listening to the constant rumble coming from my ears, all the nerves in my body tensed up.

"Crack - crack -"

Even though I was very careful, just when my feet were about to step on the stone steps, there was a loud clicking sound from under my feet.

Before I even had time to react, my body was already flying towards the ground.


Okay at this moment, the little Taoist reached out and grabbed my clothes.

"Let go of me or you'll fall too!"

From my position, I can just see the situation above my head, and the stone that the little Taoist stepped on has now begun to crack.

"Stop fucking nonsense, come up to me quickly!"

The little Taoist cursed loudly while panting heavily.

"Crack - crack -"

But as soon as he finished speaking, with his sudden force, the stone broke in two from the middle.

The two of us are completely finished now. Although our hands are still holding together, our bodies have already fallen uncontrollably.

What frightened me was that I fell down for three to five seconds, and even I had already reacted from the initial panic, and the two of us were still falling continuously.

"Why didn't you let me go just now? Let me go, maybe you can get out alive..."

Even though I was about to die, I still looked at the little Taoist with a wry smile.

"Why are you talking so much nonsense? Let's die together. It's just that I never thought that I would die with a stinky man before dying..."

The little Taoist smiled wryly, and closed his eyes in despair.

I don't know how long it took, but when both of us were almost desperate, I suddenly heard a loud sound of water.


I only had time to take a deep breath before my whole body was thrown into the water like a big rock.

Fortunately, it was the falling stones that broke the tension on the water surface for us. Otherwise, the moment of falling into the water alone would have been enough to break our bones.

However, unexpectedly, the temperature of the water was abnormally cold. Even though I had prepared for it, I couldn't help but choked on the water the moment I entered the water.

Immediately afterwards, my body was involuntarily washed out in the direction of the water flow.

The current was so fast that I was like a flat boat in the stormy waves, and I was rushed tens of meters away before I had time to react.

There was darkness everywhere, and there was no sound at all except the sound of water.

After drifting with the tide for more than a minute, I already felt like my lungs were on fire. Under the instinct of survival, I struggled desperately to barely surface the water.

After taking a breath, I was just about to dive into the water when I felt my head hit something, and then my eyes went dark, and I passed out immediately.

"Zhong Rui! Zhong Rui!"

In the boundless darkness, I seemed to hear someone calling my name suddenly.

I trembled violently, and finally opened my eyes.

"Alive, come alive!"

Feeling the long-lost sunshine, I suddenly felt dizzy for a while.

But no matter what, looking at the little Taoist's face full of mud and sand, I finally understood that I was rescued...

"I said can you keep your voice down, I want to sleep for a while..."

My whole body is already extremely weak, and even my frozen fingers are a great burden to me.

"Don't talk nonsense, drink this first, and if you don't eat, you will starve to death!"

While talking, the little Taoist brought me a bowl of hot soup from the side.

This may be the best fish soup I've ever had in my life, although there are still a few fish scales floating in the fish soup, and there are some unknown substances that I don't know what it is.

Still, I drank it down with just a few sips.

"Where are the two of us..."

After drinking the fish soup, my whole spirit finally improved.

"I don't know where we are, but there are a lot of garbage around, it seems to be near the scenic spot!"

Seeing that I finished drinking the fish soup, the little Taoist also collapsed powerlessly on the ground beside him.

"I said, how did the two of us get out?"

After a while, I was finally able to barely sit up.

But as soon as I got up, I felt a tingling pain all over my body.

After lowering my head to check my situation, I couldn't help but smile wryly.

The top of the head should have hit a rock, a fist-sized lump, which is still bulging.

There were abrasions all over his body, scabs had formed in several places, and even a few places had begun to fester.

However, at least he didn't hurt his bones, at least his life was temporarily saved.

"I don't know how we got out. When I woke up, I was already by the river. I've slept for two days and two nights since I found you. If you don't work, I'm going to keep you here to feed you." Wolf!"

The little Taoist said weakly.

"Speaking of it, the two of us are really lucky enough to not even die like this..."

After listening to him, I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Didn't you hear what people said? Good people don't live long and will cause disasters for 1000 years. How can such a disaster like you die so easily!"

"Ah bah! You are the scourge and your whole family is the scourge. I am a decent and good man, okay?"

Just talking about this makes me angry, like I haven't experienced a good thing since I met this guy.

In the past, I always thought that I was a broom star, but now it seems that this kid is the real broom star!

"Come on, we're just as indifferent to each other!"

The two people who survived the catastrophe were talking together in the unknown barren mountains and mountains. Now that I think about it, I feel that that time may be the happiest time in my life.

"This damn sky is so blue!"

Looking at the blue sky and white clouds above my head, I suddenly said sincerely.

"If you have nothing to do, I think you should recover your strength early, otherwise the mosquitoes will carry us two away at night!"

I haven't finished feeling, the little Taoist has already started to pour cold water on it.

"You are really a shame, do you know that? Don't you think being bitten by mosquitoes is also a kind of happiness?"

I gave him an annoyed look.

"Then enjoy it slowly by yourself. It's very strange to say, why don't those mosquitoes bite you?"

While talking, the little Taoist reached out and scratched his arm.

Only then did I realize that this guy really had countless spots from mosquito bites all over his body.

"Thanks, brother!"

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