Destiny Physician

Chapter 260 Crossing the River!

"Don't worry about what this shit is, let's find a way to get to the other side first."

The little Taoist was about to cry, with so many eyes staring at him, even if he was on my back now, I could feel his body trembling uncontrollably.

There was also a wry smile in my heart, if it weren't for this bead, I guess the two of us would have confessed here long ago.

But how effective this thing can be and how long it can last, neither of us can figure it out.

Fortunately, at least until now, as long as the two of us move forward, those things will make way, which may be the only good news so far...

"Do you feel that the light of this thing seems to be slowly disappearing?"

While swimming, the little Taoist suddenly said a word.

Hearing what he said, my whole body froze immediately.

What a joke, how many spiders are surrounded by the two of us, I guess even those spiders don't know.

The surface of the river, which is tens of meters wide, is densely packed with spiders. If this thing suddenly fails, then the two of us will have a lot of fun.

"I said big brother, can you close your crow's mouth?"

A gust of mountain wind blew in and smelled the peculiar fishy smell of the spider, and now I really feel like I am shivering all over my body.

"Is this really a crow's mouth problem?"

The little Taoist suddenly became excited.

"Okay, you'd better keep your mouth shut first, or think about how we will run after the two of us go ashore in a while!"

After a little hesitation, I immediately made up my mind. At this moment, we can't care too much. We can only go ashore first, and make other plans after we go ashore.

It seems that the entire river is the territory of these spiders, but I don't know if there will be more powerful things after crossing the river.

Along the way, I have gradually discovered some patterns. These extremely weird-looking poisonous insects seem to have their own specific territory.

As long as they leave their territory, they will return immediately, as if something has drawn a line for them in the dark.

No matter how vicious they are here, they will return to their original place immediately after crossing that line.

"Can you swim faster? I can't help but pee!"

The little Taoist smiled wryly as he spoke.

"I said can you be more civilized? Don't look at what time it is?"

I really couldn't laugh or cry for a while. At this moment, he told me he wanted to pee...

"Can this kind of thing be tolerated?"

The little Taoist also looked helpless.

As soon as his voice fell, I felt a sudden heat on my back.

"Your uncle!"

I still know what this kid did just now with my buttocks. Although the two of us are in the water now, our whole bodies are already soaked, but this kid's actions are too unreasonable.

"You just go ahead and do it, I can't help it!"

The little Taoist also knew that he was wrong, and said weakly.

"If you don't treat me to a big meal after going out, I'll break your other leg too!"

No matter how depressed I am now, I can only grit my teeth and swim towards the opposite bank as soon as possible.

I don't know if what the little Taoist said really began to come true, or because of my psychology, I suddenly felt that the bead in the little Taoist's hand seemed to be really slowly getting darker.

As the beads slowly darkened, the distance between those spiders and us seemed to have started to get a lot closer.

I couldn't help trembling all over my body, not only the little Taoist felt the urgency to urinate, but even I couldn't help it now.

This bitch is too scary!

If this is not careful, I am afraid that this little life will really have to be explained here today.

While I was begging for the blessings of gods and Buddhas all over the sky, I couldn't stop cursing Wang Qingzhi, that bastard.

If it wasn't for this damn old ghost, how could I have come to this ghostly place?

Although I was thinking wildly in my mind, I didn't dare to neglect the movements of my hands.

Under the watchful eyes of these spiders, I finally climbed onto the shore.

But what I didn't expect was that the spiders on the river bank seemed to be bigger than those on the other side of the river.

Looking at their dense appearance, my bones all over my body are a little hairy.

"What the hell do we do?"

Listening to the squeaking sound of those spiders moving their bodies, my thighs began to tremble.

"What else can I do? Let's rush over!"

Hearing what the little Taoist said, I really wish I could throw him on the ground and let him fend for himself here. Is this human?

These spiders are all next to each other, and there is no place to stay at all.

Now in this situation, as long as I set foot, I will definitely step on the spider's back.

When we were in the river, no matter what, there was still a vacuum around our bodies, but now, even if they wanted to, there was no room for them.

Although they are full of fear of the beads in the hands of the little Taoist, if I step on his back, it is hard to imagine whether he will take the initiative to attack me.

"Can you stop wasting time here, look!"

While talking, the little Taoist moved the bead in front of my eyes, only then did I realize that this spider seems to be a few shades darker than before.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!"

If we say that at the beginning, this thing was bright like a wolf-eyed flashlight, but now the beads have become a five-dollar toy for children.

"Say you a hammer! Run!"

The little Taoist cursed angrily, and now I don't care about it anymore, so I simply gritted my teeth and closed my eyes, and ran towards the exit of the cave in front.

There was a strange creaking sound from under my feet, which made all my bones tremble.

But after I closed my eyes, I finally felt much better.

Accompanied by the weird screams of those spiders, the two of us finally rushed out of this scalp-numbing road.

"I feel like I was bitten by something!"

After one ran several hundred meters, those spiders gave up chasing.

I was just about to stop to catch my breath when the little Taoist said suddenly.

Hearing what he said, I quickly untied the rope on my body, but just as I was about to check his injuries, I suddenly felt a black shadow rushing towards my neck.


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