Destiny Physician

Chapter 259 Spider!

The two of us are in desperate need of food now, and I desperately want to know what's under that rock.

After only hesitating for a second, I still resisted the burning feeling in my lungs and touched the stone.

But what I didn't expect was that before my hand touched the stone, the stone bounced and slipped under the water!

What the hell!

Looking at the eight legs that suddenly grew out of the stone, I almost cried stupidly by myself.

This **** is obviously a big crab, but I just treat it like a broken rock!

After making this discovery, my heart immediately felt settled.

Looking at the densely packed stones in the water, I finally understood in my heart. After talking for a long time, the reason why there are no fish in this river should be the fault of this thing.

With their huge population, no matter how many fish there are, it is not enough for them to eat!

I didn't care about that much anymore, I quickly floated to the surface of the water, and after taking a long breath, I dived down again.

This time, my goal was much clearer. Holding the coffin nail in my hand, I stabbed down towards a big rock under the water.

Sure enough, the nail had an immediate effect, and the originally dark stone suddenly grew eight thick thighs from the mud.

After struggling a few times, this guy stopped moving, and he could only let me handle it.

Although I'm not sure whether this thing can be eaten, but looking at this huge size, there should be a lot of meat on this thing.

After I had the prey, I immediately felt that my whole body was full of energy, and I floated to the surface of the water holding this big crab.

After swimming all the way back to the shore, I put this thing in front of the little Taoist priest, and my heart was really full of pride.

"Where did you get this thing?"

I haven't finished my words yet, the little Taoist priest's face has become extremely panicked, as if he saw something terrible.

"Is there something wrong with this thing?"

I looked at the little Taoist with some doubts, not knowing what he meant.

"You can see clearly, what the hell is a crab, this is clearly a spider!"

Hearing what the little Taoist said, I was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly turned my face with my feet.

Sure enough, against the background of that bead, I realized that what I just grabbed in my hand was really a big spider.

Moreover, under the stomach of this spider, there is obviously a sarcoma with all five senses!

This thing is exactly the same as the thing we met outside before!

"There are all these things under the water..."

I suddenly felt scared for a while. Fortunately, those things didn't take the initiative to attack me just now.

If those things attack in groups, I'm afraid whether I can stand here at this time is a matter of opinion.

"This place can't stay anymore, let's go out now!"

The little Taoist stood up quickly, and after a brief tidying up, he hurriedly threw the backpack to me.

"Is it so serious? If we don't go to the bottom of the water, they shouldn't take the initiative to attack us! Look, there is no..."

When I said this, I suddenly understood why no birds and beasts had come here.

One must know that this place is deep in the mountains and old forests, shouldn't a cave like this be a paradise for snakes, insects, rats and ants?

But since we entered the cave, let alone a big guy, we haven't even seen ordinary snakes, rats, rats and ants.

There are no fish and shrimps in this river at all. Is it all because this is the territory of those spiders?

"Stop the fucking nonsense, let's go!"

Just as the little Taoist finished speaking, I suddenly heard a strange creaking sound.

When I lifted up the beads in my hand and looked around, I realized that the surrounding stone walls were densely packed with small green eyes.


I swallowed hard, and the hairs all over my body stood on end.

"You go first, I'll be behind!"

Looking at those green eyeballs, the little Taoist just hesitated and then whispered.

Of course I understand in my heart that he doesn't want to drag me down. With his current physical condition staying here, it is impossible to have any other results except waiting to die.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go together!"

As I spoke, I carried him on my back involuntarily.

"Neither of us can leave like this! One person's death is better than two people's death, right?"

The little Taoist had a bitter look on his face.

It's just that the two of us have lived and died together until now, how could I leave him here now?

"It's too late! I'm afraid the two of us will die if we don't want to!"

Just between the two of us talking, the entrance of the cave has been sealed by dense spiders.

Moreover, among the many spiders, there are actually more than a dozen of them, the kind of monsters that chased and killed us in the first place exist!

"I'm afraid the two of us are really doomed this time..."

Looking at the blue light still flashing on the other side of the river, the little Taoist smiled wryly.

"You said if the two of us swim over now, will they follow?"

I licked my lips, suppressing the fear in my heart, and whispered.

"It's this fucking time, if you want to die, die! Even if I drown, I don't want to be eaten by them!"

Hearing what the little Taoist said, I immediately stopped hesitating.

After tying me and him together with a rope, I handed the beads in my hand to the little Taoist priest, and then jumped into the river without looking back.

Even after swimming for a long time, I almost reached the limit of my physical strength.

But now at the critical moment of life and death, I don't know where I got the strength to swim much faster than at the beginning.

Following the movements of the two of us, those spiders quickly surrounded us, and within a short while, they had already chased to the river.

To the desperation of the two of us, we don't know how these things keep this huge body afloat on the water.

The big spiders are like small boats, and their eight legs are extremely fast in the water.

Almost in less than 2 minutes, the two of us were completely surrounded.

But just when we were about to close our eyes and wait to die, those spiders stopped strangely.

"They seem to be afraid of this bead..."

Being stared at by so many spiders, even the little Taoist's voice trembled a little.

"What the hell is this thing?"

I swallowed hard, looking at the bead exuding dim yellow light in the little Taoist's hand, I felt dry mouth for a while.

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