Destiny Physician

Chapter 248 9 Phoenix

The little Taoist seemed to be ignorant of the situation above his head.

It just kept urging me to get up quickly, and my heart was really filled with ten thousand grass and mud horses running past.

Just when I was hesitating whether to speak or not, that white shadow's closed eyes suddenly opened.

Looking at the green light that suddenly lit up in the hollow eye sockets, I shuddered involuntarily all over my body.

What the hell is this thing?

But at this moment, the white shadow suddenly sprouted two sharp claws, and grabbed towards the little Taoist's temples.

"Get down!"

I couldn't care about him anymore, I yelled suddenly, and pressed hard on the iron chain with my right hand.

The whole body took advantage of the strength to fly into the air, and in the office, he quickly handed over the coffin nail held in his left hand to his right hand, and then vigorously moved towards the monster's claws.


Accompanied by the sound of gold and iron clanging, I only felt my right hand go numb, and then the coffin nail flew out of my hand.

Although I had already sounded a reminder just now, the little Taoist obviously didn't expect that I would suddenly explode, my whole body swayed, and I immediately headed towards the black abyss.

I, who was in mid-air, was even more unlucky.

Although I just changed a trick just now, my entire right hand is now numb.

Since something went wrong in my last practice, this is the first time that my right hand has suffered a disadvantage!

The little Taoist priest and I were tied together with a rope. Although the rope was looped twice on the bridge in the middle, he kept falling from his side and immediately implicated me.

I was just thinking about slowing down a little before giving that guy a hard blow, but then a huge force came towards me, and I fell directly on the bridge involuntarily.

Although the little Taoist said that his weight is not considered fat, he still has at least 100 catties.

This guy suddenly lost the strength to support him, and he couldn't help falling down. How could this huge force be able to bear by me who was in mid-air...


After about two or three seconds, I only felt my waist sink, and my whole body was almost torn into two by the little Taoist's weight.

The support points of this body were originally on two thin iron cables, and I felt bad when he pulled it around my waist like this.

"You fucking come up quickly."

Seeing that white shadow misses a single hit and pounces towards me again, I really felt a burst of distress in my heart.

I really want to dodge, but the key point is that I am on this iron chain now, if I dare to move a few more times at this time, I guess the little Taoist priest and I will be half-hanging on the iron chain.

Although we don't know what the thing above our heads is, but this thing can obviously fly. If the two of us are really trapped in midair, isn't it a living target?

"Can you stop urging me, I want to hurry up too!"

As the little Taoist's voice came up from below, I felt more and more that the force pulling my waist became stronger.

Obviously this guy seems to be climbing up, looking at the white shadow getting closer and closer above my head, I am really anxious to the extreme.

In this panic, I really didn't care so much, and hurriedly reached out and fumbled in the backpack for a while.

After finally unzipping the zipper, a rattling sound was heard immediately.

I cried out secretly in my heart for a while, the water we both were reluctant to drink is now all gone.

Fortunately, in my panic, I managed to touch the money sword.

I was overjoyed in my heart, and I didn't care so much, so I quickly zipped it up again.

Although the water in the backpack should be completely gone, but anyway, those bits and pieces are still there.

The fish that had been stinking in the past few days were still there, which was considered a blessing.

After having this money sword in my hand, I felt a lot more at ease.

Although I don't know what this white shadow is, but since he can live in this deep cave, it must be something of the evil spirit attribute.

The money sword in my hand is a rare treasure in the world.

Sure enough, after seeing my money sword, the white shadow suddenly circled above my head and disappeared immediately.

Seeing it disappear above the cave, I finally let out a long breath, this tnd is really evil.

Given the choice, I would never want to come to this place again in my life.

"I said, why are you crazy? What happened just now?"

What makes me feel depressed is that the little Taoist didn't find anything just now.

"Did you notice something on top of your head?"

Looking at the little Taoist priest who was about to climb up the iron chain, I asked a little depressed.

"I found out, isn't it you on top of my head?"

Seeing the little Taoist's natural answer, I really wanted to give him a hammer.

"Did something happen just now?"

Although he was joking, the little Taoist immediately became serious when he saw the money sword in my hand.

"What do you think, brother, the two of us almost lost our lives just now."

While watching the surrounding scene vigilantly, I told the little Taoist what happened just now.

"Then if you say so, I'm afraid we are really not far from Yunming Terrace!"

The little Taoist said thoughtfully while climbing up.

"I said how many things you still have to hide from me, can you finish it all at once?"

Seeing that the little Taoist finally climbed up, I said a little depressed.

"Actually, I don't hide much from you. It's just that those things haven't been confirmed yet, and many of them are heard from everywhere by those old bull-nosed people in our family."

After the little Taoist hesitated for a moment, he spoke directly.

"I just want to know, what is that white shadow above our heads just now?"

The sharpness of the golden coffin nail in my hand can be said to be the only one I have ever seen in my life, but that thing not only touched my coffin nail just now, but also made my right hand numb to this day.

It's really hard for me to imagine what kind of thing can make his body so tyrannical.

"Have you heard of the legendary ghost car?"

Hearing what the little Taoist said, I was stunned.

"You mean that thing called Jiufeng?"

"That's right, it's that thing!"

After the little Taoist finished speaking, he nodded affirmatively.

"You said that thing is Jiufeng?"

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