Destiny Physician

Chapter 247: Crossing the Bridge

I'm okay with that, after all, my body is still pretty strong. Although the distance of several hundred meters is difficult, with my right hand, it shouldn't be a big problem, but the problem of the little Taoist priest is too big .

His injury was not healed in the first place, and he was rushing and running wildly along the way, and now he is still coughing uncontrollably.

This is of course no problem on flat ground, but if it comes to this iron chain, it will really be a big problem.

The cliff in the middle is hundreds of meters wide, and all they can rely on are two iron chains.

There is a bottomless abyss under the feet. If the bottom of the feet slipped and fell, there would really be no bones left.

"Or you wait for me here, and I'll go over to see what's going on?"

I hesitated for a moment, then looked at the little Taoist priest.

"It's already here. If I don't go to have a look, I guess I will regret it in my life. Besides, if there is a way out, don't I have to go there?"

The little Taoist bit his lip, then said stubbornly.

"Why do you want to do this? We have both come to this point, how can I leave you?"

I smiled wryly, then looked at the little Taoist who was still coughing.

"Okay, why are there so many nonsense, isn't it just a cliff? Even without these two iron locks, I can jump over it, not to mention there is still a place to stay."

Although the little Taoist said so, I am not a fool.

"That's all right, I'll tie the two of us together with a rope, and then make a safety knot on the iron chain!"

I hesitated, then offered a compromise.

"All right, all right, I'll just listen to you. It's really troublesome. You will be a mother-in-law when you arrive. You don't look like a man at all. "

Although the little Taoist said so, he didn't mean to object.

I knew in my heart that this guy didn't want to drag me down, but I was a little uncertain in my heart.

"Then you can accommodate me. Anyway, we are both grasshoppers on the same rope now. If I fall, you have to hold me."

While I was talking, I wound the rope around my waist around the iron chain twice, and then tied the other end of the rope around the little Taoist's waist.

With this rope, at least no matter which of the two of us falls, there is still a chance to rescue.

When I was ready, I stuffed all the odds and ends into the backpack again.

From top to bottom, only the coffin nail was left for self-defense. I checked it again and again, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, I took the lead on the iron chain.

There are only two iron locks under the feet of the hundreds of meters long cliff.

There is no place to hold hands on both sides, and I feel a little regretful as soon as I step on the iron chain.

"Don't look down, look ahead and move forward!"

The little Taoist priest obviously has a lot more experience, and he told me the essentials of actions while talking.

Many things are easy to say, but not so easy to actually do. Although he kept chattering behind, but when it was time for me to do it myself, I still felt cramps in my calves.

"If you keep shaking, you probably have to drag me down with you."

Seeing that I have already walked more than ten meters, looking at my trembling body, the little Taoist said with a smile from behind.

"Can you shut your mouth!"

The more nervous I was, the more he chattered here. I suppressed the discomfort in my body and reluctantly turned my head to curse.

However, at this moment of turning around, I almost didn't jump off the bridge directly.

"Can you do it? Why are you acting like a bitch!"

The length of this rope is more than 80 meters. Even if it is folded twice on the bridge, it is still more than 40 meters long, so the little Taoist priest is not in a hurry to get on the bridge, but keeps pointing me from behind.

It's just that when I turned around, I suddenly discovered that there was a white shadow floating above the little Taoist's head at some point.

There was a distance of tens of meters between us, and the two of us didn't have any lighting equipment. I could only see the white clothes fluttering over his head, but I couldn't see anything else clearly.

The hairs all over my body stood up, and I almost lost control of myself on the bridge.

This is so fucking exciting!

After being so stimulated, my body trembled and I almost didn't fall, so I quickly lay down on the iron chain.

Although this movement is indeed a bit inelegant, but in the end it still stabilizes the figure.

"Hahahaha, aren't you going to roll over?"

The little Taoist priest hadn't realized what was going on above his head, and he was still chattering at me.

Seeing that white shadow floating above his head, I really didn't know how to remind him for a while.

The distance between the two of us is really too far. If I shouted loudly, I was really afraid of disturbing that white shadow.

After all, at this moment, the two of us are completely tied together, even if the little Taoist wanted to escape, he couldn't escape.

What's more, he still has injuries on his body at this time, and almost all the fragments are on me.

Even the mahogany sword he used for self-defense is now stuck in my backpack.

At this moment, if Bai Ying wanted to deal with him, he really didn't have the strength to fight back.

"Stop fucking nonsense, come here if you have the ability."

I hesitated for a moment, then yelled straight away.

Sure enough, being so excited by me, the little Taoist jumped onto the chain bridge without saying a word.

I have to say that his body is indeed much more flexible than mine. Even though he is injured now, he is still extremely flexible when walking on this iron chain.

Seeing that the distance between the two of us is getting closer and closer, I can see the white shadow above his head more and more clearly.

When he was only seven or eight meters away from me, I finally saw the white shadow's face clearly.

The guy's face was covered in blue, and there were only 4 thick fangs in his mouth. His whole body seemed to be floating in mid-air, maintaining a strange levitation state.

This is not what scares me the most. What scares me even more is that this guy has only 6 fingers in total on the two hands exposed outside the robe.

However, these six fingers are like the claws of an eagle, and any one of them is more than ten times thicker than the fingers of an adult.

Where the fingers were broken, the black fingernails were shining with a metallic luster.

My scalp was numb for a while, and for a while, I didn't even know how to speak.

"Why are you looking at me? Why don't you hurry forward? Are you really going to roll all the way there?"

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