Destiny Physician

Chapter 241 Fishing

At this time, I really miss my big cock very much. If it is there, at least these little centipedes and other things, I guess I don’t have to worry about it.

After all, in any case, all things are born with mutual generation and mutual restraint. Generally, this thing will not have any influence with changes in body shape.

Of course, if it's the centipede dragon that almost turned into a dragon just now, then I didn't say anything.

"Wait here for me, I'll get some water first!"

After hesitating for a while, I finally decided to go down and give it a try. After all, whether it is the little Taoist priest or me, we are both thirsty and tired, and our physical strength is almost exhausted.

The flashlight I brought was completely out of power, and the little Taoist brought torches, and now there are only half of them left at most.

Even if our two eyes can adapt to the dark environment around here, it would be very difficult to go around here and find the water source again.

After all, there is such a place to fetch water, I really don't want to just let it go.

Moreover, normally speaking, since there is water, there must be an exit.

I now have no hope of finding the so-called Yunming Terrace.

As long as I can get out, I'm content.

"You have to think about it, I can't do anything with my current body. If there is anything down here, everything depends on you."

The little Taoist smiled wryly for a while, then looked at me seriously and asked.

"Okay, you don't need to do anything, you just stay here obediently. I will come back before this spell disappears."

While I was talking, I took out a Six-Ding Liujia Protective Golden Armor Talisman again.

Although I'm not sure if this thing is useful for little Taoist priests, but at this time, I can only take one step at a time.

Who knows what's under there, it's more or less a layer of protection.

"All these things are here with you. I'll go down and have a look. It's up to you whether you live or die!"

I smiled wryly, and poured out everything in my backpack.

This backpack is waterproof, and after pouring out all the contents, it can also be used as a water bladder for temporary use.

"I still haven't noticed that you brought a lot of odds and ends."

The little Taoist looked at me with a wry smile while talking.

"What time is this, you still have the mind to talk poorly, you'd better stay honest. You can see if you can use these medicines, I don't know what these things are."

While talking, I threw the medicine I was carrying to the little Taoist priest.

Originally, I didn't bring much medicine, but later, a lot came along in Liu Mei's RV.

It's just that the things Liu Mei prepared are basically all in English, and I'm not sure whether these things can be used. Now I leave this difficult choice to the little Taoist himself.

If something really happened out of this, it would be his own fault anyway.

"You'd better take this thing with you, in case you encounter something down there, you can use it."

While talking, the little Taoist handed me the money sword.

I thought about it but didn't say much, and just stuffed the sword in my waist.

There are still a few stone pillars near the gap, which helped me a lot.

I tied the climbing rope directly to a nearby stone pillar, and then tied the other end around my waist.

After glancing at the little Taoist priest, I gritted my teeth, closed my eyes, and climbed down the gap.

The flashlight in my hand has long been out of power, and now I can only take out my mobile phone as temporary lighting.

Although I don't know how long this thing can last, but as long as I can find water, the rest will be easy to handle.

Listening to the sound of rushing water coming from below, I really had some expectations in my heart.

The more you climb down, the cliff below suddenly becomes narrower and narrower.

And the cliff began to become smoother and smoother. Fortunately, at least until now, I haven't found any centipedes or the like in 4 weeks.

After climbing down for about 30 meters, I suddenly found a huge hole in the mountain wall next to me.

Moreover, dense bones can be seen from the position of the hole, and smelling the unique fishy smell of insects, I feel the hairs on my back stand on end.

It seems that this should be the lair of the centipede dragon!

Fortunately, with the cover of the sound of water, I tried to keep my movements as small as possible, and tried not to disturb those damn things.

I am in mid-air now, and my whole life is hanging on this rope. I don't want those centipedes to climb down the rope.

Fortunately, my luck is pretty good. It may be because of the bad luck before. There are too many, so now I feel a little bit bottomed out.

Lying on my stomach, I suddenly felt a cold under my feet, and one foot had already stepped into the water.

Feeling the turbulent water flow under my feet, I was overjoyed immediately.

Look at the rope in your hand, it is about seven or eight meters long.

I hesitated for a moment, and put the phone and the money sword into my schoolbag.

After sealing all the zippers, he held a coffin nail, gritted his teeth, took a deep breath and let go of the rope.

Relying on his own weight, he fell directly into the water with a plop.

With such a large amount of water, of course there will be fish below. The little Taoist priest and I have been hungry for a day now. If we don’t get something to eat, we will soon be unable to walk.

Now at this time, I really can't care so much, let's seek wealth and wealth.

Just after entering the water, I immediately felt a little regretful, the current was too fast.

The sand in the water was so heavy that I couldn't even open my eyes, let alone fish.

I really regret it now, if I knew this, I should have brought more compressed biscuits when I came in.

After all, I still took it for granted. I always thought that my kung fu was good, even if I entered the mountains, I should be able to live well.

However, the ideal is very full, and the reality is very slapped.

How long has it been? Now, I have been hit by life and I am almost unable to get up.

After changing my breath several times in a row, I finally felt that my eyes were able to adapt to the environment in the water.

I took another deep breath, dived directly into the water, and searched hard for my target.

The length of the rope has reached the limit, and this can barely keep me in the water.

Sure enough, it didn't take long, and I immediately spotted a few big fish emitting blue light.

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