Destiny Physician

Chapter 240 Centipede Dragon!

Just when I was about to poke my head out to have a look, I suddenly heard an exclamation from the little Taoist priest behind me.

I turned my body subconsciously, and then retreated towards the stone wall beside me.

But before my back touched the stone wall, I already felt a gust of stench rushing towards me.

In my panic, I didn't care about other things, and directly pressed the scale in my hand against my chest.

Immediately afterwards, I suddenly felt as if I had become the little mosquito on the horn.

The whole body flew directly for 30 meters, before finally falling heavily on the ground.

"People follow the earth, the earth follows the sky, the sky follows the Tao, the Tao follows nature, and the sword of heaven!"

Just when I thought I was going to die, the little Taoist suddenly stood in front of me with a mahogany sword in his hand.


I suddenly heard a sharp sound, and then my ears seemed to be deaf, and I could only hear a hum.

I didn't even have time to react to what was going on, and I fainted involuntarily.

When I woke up again, the little Taoist priest was already lying beside me.

Now the little Taoist priest is covered in blood, and the position of his right arm is obviously broken.

The whole person's face is like gold paper, and his breath is like a gossamer.

Although my whole body is sore and limp now, at least I can still move freely. I hurriedly struggled to stand up and came to the little Taoist priest.

"Little Taoist, little Taoist, wake up!"

After feeling his pulse, I panicked all of a sudden.

Although I don't remember what happened afterwards, I still saw the little Taoist at the last moment, he was standing in front of me.

If it wasn't for me, he could just turn around and run away.

At this moment, he still has a bad luck charm attached to his body!

When I think about my fate, I feel terrified for a while now, maybe this guy is going to die too.

If I really let him die because of me, I'm afraid I will have to live in guilt for the rest of my life.

At this time, I didn't care about anything else, and hurriedly took out a cleansing mantra from my pocket.

Quickly pinching his fingers and chanting the spell, he pasted the spell on the little Taoist priest's body to counteract the power of the bad luck charm on him.

But even if the power of the unlucky talisman dissipated, the little Taoist's whole person's breath was still faint.

Seeing his dying appearance, I gritted my teeth fiercely, and directly took out the elixir left by my master from my backpack.

Although this thing should treat the symptoms but not the root cause at this time, I don't care so much anymore, I can only treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

After quickly crushing the wax pill, I directly stuffed the pill into the little Taoist's mouth, squeezed his jaw, and he swallowed it subconsciously.

Although he took the medicine, I was still very uneasy.

Looking at the scattered stones and a few broken scales, I knew that this place was definitely not a place to stay for a long time, but I had no other choice.

Now that he is in this state, if I move him randomly, he is probably dead before he can move to the place.

Fortunately, probably because of the effect of the unlucky talisman, the little Taoist priest's good luck has begun to rebound, so after taking the elixir, his breathing became much stronger obviously.

After more than an hour, the little Taoist finally opened his eyes.

"Damn it, you're finally alive, you scared me to death!"

After seeing the little Taoist priest open his eyes, I finally let out a long breath and couldn't help but swear.

"You haven't died yet, this scourge, how could I die!"

Although the little Taoist was pale, he was much better than the situation just now.

"Seeing that you can still bicker, I feel more at ease!"

While panting heavily, I glared at him angrily and said.

"It can be regarded as your life is hard, but you didn't die when you met this thing!"

The little Taoist said with a wry smile while coughing.

"I said what the hell was that just now? Did you see it clearly?"

Looking at the scattered scales on the ground, I was really curious. Any one of these scales was bigger than my head. What kind of giant would grow this thing on the body.

"Have you ever seen a centipede that becomes a climate?"

The little Taoist spoke while pointing to the scales on the ground.

"Are you kidding? Which centipede has scales?"

My eyes widened all of a sudden, if he told me it was a big snake, I might still believe it, but if you say that this thing grows on a centipede, I really can't believe it.

"Haven't you heard that there is a centipede dragon in this world?"

After listening to what he said, I froze for a moment, wondering what kind of joke I was making on the spot.

"I said, can you stop joking, it's been such a year, how could there be such a ghost thing?"

I swallowed hard, and then asked in disbelief.

When I was young, my master once taught me the wonders of the world, which was almost my favorite subject. I listened to the entire Shan Hai Jing as a story.

As for those weird creatures, I naturally and directly regard them all as things in mythology.

Centipede Dragon is said to be a transitional form of Centipede Transforming Dragon.

However, centipedes are just ordinary insects after all.

Even some alien species of centipedes can live for a long time, but if they want to grow to the extent that the master said, I am afraid it will take at least a thousand years.

I never thought that such a legendary thing would actually exist in the world.

"A good news or a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Even though the little Taoist priest is now extremely weak, this guy still maintains a poor-mouthed nature.

"You'd better just say it directly, don't play tricks here, what do you look like now! Can't you save some effort?"

Seeing his arrogant look, I said angrily.

"Okay, then I'll just say it straight! The good news is that that thing was injured by me, and I'm afraid it won't come back in a short time!"

The little Taoist was coughing while talking, looking at the pink bubbles he coughed up, I immediately understood in my heart that this guy should have been hit in the ribs during the fight just now, and now the ribs have pierced his lungs.

"Speak quickly if you have something to say, and give me a rest after you finish speaking!"

Seeing him constantly waking up from thirst, I said angrily.

"The bad news is that this may be his old lair, we have to be careful of its apprentices..."

Hearing what I said, the little Taoist didn't continue to play tricks, but just looked at me with a wry smile and said.

Now I'm really in a dilemma. Let's go, we finally found this water source, but let's go on, if something happens, I'm afraid both of us will die here...

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