Destiny Physician

Chapter 235 1 Hedgehogs

Immediately afterwards, a pungent smell rushed directly into my mind, and I woke up all of a sudden.

When I opened my eyes again, I realized that the little Taoist priest was actually standing beside me.

And just behind the little Taoist priest, a black shadow lay on the ground with a mahogany sword stuck in that shadow's body.

"I, what's wrong with me? Why do I feel like I just..."

I was stunned for a moment, I really didn't know what to say, the experience just now was so weird, I didn't even know if I was dreaming just now, or really entered another dimension.

"You passed out just now, I fucking didn't expect that there are such ghosts in this place!"

While talking, the little Taoist couldn't help but spit.


I asked curiously.

"You go and see for yourself and you'll know!"

While talking, the little Taoist pointed to the black shadow next to him.

I resisted the feeling of dizziness and stood up, then walked towards the black shadow. After picking up the flashlight from the ground, when it shone on the black shadow, I was stunned.

"Such a big hedgehog?"

What appeared in front of me was a huge hedgehog, judging by its size, it was at least one meter long!

The white teeth in the mouth, and Beishang's spikes that looked like steel needles, looked particularly terrifying.

Only now do I understand that it seems to be this thing that has been following us just now, but the surrounding area is unobstructed. It is really hard for me to imagine how this thing escaped the detection of the two of us just now of.

"I don't know where this thing came from, but looking at it like this, I'm afraid it must have a climate of hundreds of years!"

The little Taoist also looked at me with lingering fear.

"Hundreds of years of climate? What do you think this thing grew up on?"

I swallowed hard, it was really hard to imagine that such a big hedgehog would grow in this deep underground.

"You wouldn't want to know..."

While talking, the little Taoist couldn't help retching.

"I said if you can do it, isn't it just a hedgehog? Even if this guy is about to become famous, wouldn't he be killed by you?"

Seeing his heart-piercing vomiting, I couldn't help but give him a blank look. In this deep underground, any food is actually very precious to us. At this time, he managed to eat it. All the bug meat that went down was spit out.

Isn't this a waste?

"If you have the ability, go and have a look!"

While talking, the little Taoist pointed to the hedgehog corpse unconvinced.

"Just look at it, what's the big deal?"

Hedgehogs are omnivorous animals after all, under normal circumstances they would not attack humans, but I am not sure about this one.

But in the final analysis, this thing is dead after all, and now it is just a pile of stinky meat. I am also curious now, how this thing survived underground.

After all, what the little Taoist priest and I lack most now is food. If this thing grows up on moss and the like under the ground, then it seems that its flesh can be cheap for us.

It's just that when I followed the wound opened by the mahogany sword, I was dumbfounded.


This is really no wonder to me, I saw that there was an undigested hand in the stomach of the hedgehog.

Seeing the wrinkled skin on the fingers, one can probably guess that this thing should have been a mummy before it was eaten!

This thing actually grew up from eating corpses!


"You're not the same!"

The little Taoist looked at me gloatingly.

"Laugh at your sister! Didn't you tell me just now?"

I stared at the little Taoist with a gloomy expression. I really wanted to slap him at this moment, this kid is really sloppy.

"What the hell kind of place is this?"

Seeing the wretched expression on the little Taoist priest's face, I couldn't help but curse.

"I think the two of us seem to be going in the wrong direction. Are you sure that the direction is not wrong? Look at the size of that thing, it should not be the first time it eats these things! It can make it grow so fat and strong , it can be seen that this place should..."

When the little Taoist said this, he couldn't help feeling sick again.

Although I also felt my chest churning for a while, I still held it back. I understood what the little Taoist meant, and what he said did have some truth.

This place is really weird. A hedgehog as big as this, if calculated according to its size, even if it is based on the corpse of an adult, it is only enough for him to eat four or five meals at most!

What's more, this kind of dried corpse, looking at his current appearance, doesn't seem to be malnourished!

Moreover, a big guy like this has a strong sense of territory in general. If there is nothing wrong with it, it should not leave its territory.

Since it was able to follow the two of us all the way here, it means that the two of us have now entered its living territory!

That is to say, there should be a large number of mummies near the two of us.


When I thought of this, I was suddenly taken aback.

"Why is it wrong, is my logic wrong?"

The little Taoist looked at me suspiciously.

"Normally speaking, of course there is no problem. There is no danger in the position of the gate of life, so there will not be too many corpses! But have you ever thought that if the two of us are now close to the original What about the construction site?"

Hearing what I said, the little Taoist was taken aback.

"You mean, the two of us are already near Yunmingtai? But that's not right! This Qin Shihuang was already more than 2000 years ago, even if he killed all the craftsmen or used slaves Come to be buried with him, then after more than 2000 years, those things should have already turned into skeletons!"

"I can't explain this clearly, but I always feel that the two of us seem to be not far from the truth!"

Although according to the normal logic, what the little Taoist said does have some truth, but I always feel that this matter is weird from the inside out.

First of all, there is Yun Mingtai, even in the official history, it is only a few words.

Where exactly is this thing?How many were built in total?There is no detailed record in any book.

"Then let's move on?"

"Here, if you don't go and have a look, do you really feel willing?"

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