Destiny Physician

Chapter 234 Sneak Attack

The terrain in this cave is empty. When I walked all the way, I deliberately observed the nearby walls.

Almost all the walls are hard granite, and we can't even see any floating soil under our feet.

Even, from time to time, you can see protruding stalagmites. Under such a terrain, let alone a creature that can walk upright, even a mouse may find it difficult to survive.

In order not to startle the snake, I pretended that I still hadn't found anything, and then continued to walk forward step by step behind the little Taoist priest.

I originally wanted to let Huang Xiaorong out, at least she could help me see what was behind me.

But for some reason, after calling several times in a row, I realized that I had lost contact with Huang Xiaorong!

Usually when I have nothing to do, Huang Xiaorong will stay in the box in my close pocket.

Her spirit body is usually attached to that phalanx.

Since I signed a master-servant contract with her in a daze, this is the first time I have encountered this situation.

I couldn't help a wry smile in my heart, it seems that this is because the strange power of this large formation suppressed the power of the contract between me and Huang Xiaorong.

Now at this time, it seems that I can only rely on myself.

As I walked forward, I quietly put my hand into my pocket.

It wasn't until this time that I realized that when I dealt with that wild boar, I used up all the Qingwei Taishu's suppressing evil talismans on my body.

And not only the Qingwei Taishu Suppressing Evil Talisman, except for a few Six Ding Liujia Bodyguard Golden Armor Talismans, and some miscellaneous charms, I used up almost all the offensive charms.

Now, it's completely out of ammunition and food!



I don't know if that guy noticed my predicament, or because of my own psychological effects, I suddenly felt the footsteps behind me, as if they were getting closer to us.

And it's not just that, the feeling of being spied on like a light on my back made me feel uncomfortable all over.

However, at this moment, I suddenly saw the little Taoist stretch out his hand and made a cautious gesture towards me.

I couldn't help swallowing hard. It seemed that this was not my hallucination, but that he also felt something was wrong.

Without the offensive spell on me, I feel completely insecure now.

As I walked forward, I wondered what to do next.

Fortunately, my sword is still there. If I want to desperately, with this thing in my hand, no matter what kind of evil thing it is, I will definitely have the strength to fight!


However, at this moment, the road at the end of the cave suddenly turned, followed by a gust of wind.

Suddenly there was an unpleasant smell in the air, and I could clearly see the little Taoist's body, so I couldn't help but startled.

"Who's behind!"

The little Taoist turned around abruptly, and threw the mahogany sword in his hand towards the air behind him.


As soon as his words fell, I immediately heard a shrill scream. Immediately afterwards, I only felt a pain in my back, and I was kicked flying out of my whole body.

Fortunately, my reaction was also very fast. With that weird right hand, after flying a few meters, I directly punched the stone wall next to me, and then stabilized my figure.

But when I turned my head around, I suddenly found that the little Taoist priest who was supposed to be behind me was gone!

"Little Taoist priest!"

My breathing suddenly became rapid, and I hurriedly shouted loudly.

"Little Taoist..."

But the only answer to me was a boundless echo. The little Taoist priest who was still alive and standing in front of me just now suddenly disappeared.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was still a puddle of dark blood on the ground and a mahogany sword, I really wonder if I just had a nightmare just now.

Although I didn't know what happened, I quickly reached out and took out the money sword from my backpack.

"Little Taoist priest!"

How can I believe that a living person disappeared from my sight in the blink of an eye?

But as I was walking, when I was about to reach the mahogany sword, I suddenly felt as if my head had hit something!

Obviously there is nothing in front of me, but when I reached out to touch it, I was able to touch a seemingly invisible wall.


Now I am really a little panicked, what happened just now is a bit beyond my cognition.

I hesitated for a moment, handed over the money sword in my left hand, and took out the golden coffin nail from my pocket with my right hand.

After clenching it tightly, he stabbed fiercely towards the invisible wall.


Since my right hand mutated, it was the first time that I felt that the tiger's mouth of my right hand was extremely numb.

The sharpness of this coffin nail is completely beyond any magic weapon I have had before.

But even this thing, facing such an invisible wall, has nothing to do.

I suddenly understood, it didn't seem that the little Taoist priest disappeared, but that I seemed to be kicked into a strange cage by something behind me.

Even though I'm not claustrophobic, I'm starting to panic right now.

The clothes all over my body were useless for a while, and they were already drenched in cold sweat.

But soon I forced myself to calm down, the little Taoist priest doesn't know what he is doing now, if I don't find a way to get out as soon as possible, I'm afraid I will die here in my life.

After taking a few deep breaths, I started to nail the coffin in my hand to the invisible wall, knocking on it continuously.

But at this moment, I suddenly felt that my breathing seemed to be getting more and more difficult, and I smiled bitterly in my heart. Could it be that this space is too small, and I will consume all the oxygen...

Suppressing the fear in my heart, I speeded up again, and followed the traces I left on the stone wall just now, trying to find the portal I rushed in just now.

But even though I searched all around, I still couldn't find the so-called portal.

The air around me seemed to be getting thinner and thinner, and my breathing became more and more difficult. Am I really going to die?

I couldn't help laughing at myself, I really didn't expect that after hiding from the strong wind and waves, I would die in this place...

Just when I was almost about to lose consciousness, on my right thumb, the place where the jasper finger was held suddenly became hot!

"Wake up! Wake up!"

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