It took a lot of effort, almost exhausted my last strength, and I managed to escape.

I didn't dare to procrastinate any longer, and after taking a dozen steps back in a row, I lay down on the ground, panting heavily.

"I said otherwise, let's turn around, this ghost place is really evil!"

After panting for a while, I looked at the little Taoist priest with lingering fear and said.

"Do you think we still have a way out now? Look behind you..."

The little Taoist smiled wryly, and then took the torch in his hand to shine in the direction of the way he came.

Only then did I realize to my astonishment that there was no road in the direction we came from.

"What are you kidding?"

I don't know where I got the strength to get up from the ground.

After taking out the flashlight from his pocket, he immediately rushed in the direction he came from.

But not far away, I saw a cold wall.

I swear, I'm sure I came from this direction, but looking at the cold wall in front of me, I really don't know what happened for a while.

"Just now, when you fell into the current, I found out. I'm afraid you can't get out if you want to get out at this time..."

The little Taoist had a bitter look on his face.


I angrily picked it up from the ground, and after a while the gravel hit the stone wall directly.

But apart from the flying gravel, the wall in front of me has not changed in any way, and now I am really a little desperate.

This place is really weird, the two of us are like rabbits caught in a trap, unable to retreat, unable to enter, it seems that we are left here to die...

"I'm sorry, I got you in trouble this time, if we can still go out this time, I will definitely pay you back the life I owe you!"

The little Taoist looked apologetic.

"What's the use of saying this now? Let's find a way to get out!"

Maybe it was because of the reason after venting, my mind suddenly cleared up a lot.

What's the use of blaming others even at this time?It's better to calm down and think about it, what should I do next?

"You're right, but this place is really weird. There seem to be magnetic poles on the walls of this cave. The compass in my hand has lost its function..."

While the little Taoist was talking, he took out a compass from somewhere and put it in front of me, and I was stunned for a moment.

Originally, I thought in my heart that I could take out the compass to fix the location, and then see if I could find a way out according to the direction of the real estate, but now this last hope is gone.

"Then what should we do now? Are we just going forward with our eyes closed?"

I smiled wryly for a while, and said to the little Taoist very depressedly.

"Is there anything better you can do?"

The little Taoist also smiled wryly.

The atmosphere suddenly became heavy, neither the little Taoist priest nor I were both gone, what about the interest in talking?This has become the biggest problem before us.

The things we encountered today have exceeded the cognition of the two of us. The river that cannot be seen with the eyes is actually suffocating.

Not to mention that I have encountered this situation before, even if I have never heard of it.

"I said that there are so many old cow-nosed people in your family, has no one told you what happened in this cave?"

The more I thought about it, the more depressed I became, I could only look at the little Taoist priest with a wry smile and asked.

"They are just some ordinary little old men, they just have a successful cultivation base, you really think they are gods!"

The little Taoist had a gloomy expression on his face, his two eyebrows were about to come together.

"No, where's your chicken?"

Just when the two of us were frowning, the little Taoist suddenly asked.

Hearing what he said, I was taken aback for a moment, and then I realized that the big cock that had been following me had really disappeared.

"Chicken brother!"

I didn't care about anything else, so I hurriedly stood up and yelled a few times.

However, the answer to me was only a resounding echo...

I feel a little panicked right now, what the hell is going on, could it be that I was swept away by the invisible river?

"It's also fucking weird. Have you noticed just now that your chicken seems to have a restraining effect on the river water!"

Hearing what the little Taoist said, I suddenly remembered, when the trail fell into the water just now, didn't it be Brother Ji's voice that saved him?

"Why didn't you fucking say it earlier?"

I really have a depressed face, today is really unlucky, my mother opened the door for unlucky, unlucky to get home.

Isn't this an afterthought?

It's already at this time now, there's a fart for saying this.

The little Taoist knew that he was wrong, shrank his neck a little depressed, and fell into silence again.

And I began to think about it, even an ordinary big cock actually has a certain effect of destroying evil.

In addition to this big rooster I raised, I don't know what mutation happened to him.It can be said that its blood is an absolutely masculine and powerful treasure.

If it is calculated according to this theory, it seems that the invisible river we encountered could be some kind of evil thing?

"Why don't we try again?"

I hesitated for a moment and then said seriously.

"How do you want to try?"

The little Taoist looked at me strangely and asked.

"You tie a rope around my waist, and then I'll do an experiment!"

I hesitated for a while, and decided to play in person. After all, only by myself can I play the role of the Qingwei Taishu Suppressing Evil Talisman to its full potential.

"Experiment? What experiment?"

The little Taoist looked at me strangely.

I knew in my heart that if I didn't tell him clearly, this guy probably wouldn't agree, so I just told him my thoughts completely.

"Anyway, there is no other way at this time. If you are, then try your best, but you must be careful and try to ensure your safety!"

After hesitating for a moment, the little Taoist nodded and agreed. After all, the two of us are at the end of our ropes. If we don't think about it, I'm afraid we will starve to death just by being hungry.

Picking up the piece from the ground, after he tied the rope around his waist from nowhere, the two of us set out again. The little Taoist first found a stalagmite, and after the rope was wrapped around the stalagmite a few times, this Just nodded towards me.

I didn't dare to procrastinate too much. After wrapping the rope around my waist tightly, I strode again towards the direction where I encountered the water flow just now.

I didn't take a few steps before I could hear the sound of water, my whole body tensed up, and even my breathing became short of breath...

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