Destiny Physician

Chapter 225 The Invisible River

"The sound of water?"

I listened carefully with some doubts, but no matter how hard I listened, I didn't hear any sound of water except for the whistling wind.

"I didn't hear any sound of water, did you hear it wrong?"

I looked at the little Taoist with some puzzlement.

"Impossible, is there something wrong with my ears? Can't you hear such a loud sound of water?"

The little Taoist's face was full of disbelief when he spoke.

"But I really didn't hear any sound of water..."

Looking at his serious face, I really don't know what happened.

"Wait a minute!"

With his cultivation base, how could there be such a thing as auditory hallucination?

After a moment of silence, I directly called Lin Xiaorong out.

"Can you hear any sound of water around here?"

As soon as Lin Xiaorong appeared, I hurriedly asked.

"I didn't hear the sound of water..."

"You can't hear either?"

The expression on my face suddenly became weird.

There must be something wrong with this little Taoist...

"How is this possible? Such a loud voice, is it really my hallucination?"

Just as the little Taoist was talking, his body suddenly rose into the air, then began to fall rapidly, and then rose again, as if he was really swept by a huge wave.

I was completely stunned at once, how is this possible?

"I said, what are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and help!"

Just when I was in a daze, the little Taoist couldn't help but started calling for help, and while he was calling for help, there was also a coughing sound.

That way, it's like really drowning...

I was completely dumbfounded all of a sudden, I was obviously standing beside him, but I didn't feel anything, while he seemed to be really drowning.

What's even more weird is that when I grabbed his hand, I obviously felt an upward force constantly sweeping my body.

It was just a face-to-face meeting, and I lost control of my body all of a sudden, as if I had really fallen into a huge wave, and I generally let the huge wave roll up and down.

"What the hell is going on here?"

I am completely dumbfounded now. Although I can't see the existence of water, I can really feel the power of the water waves.

"What's the use of saying this now? Hurry up and find a way to get out of here!"

When the little Taoist spoke, his nose was already dripping.

Moreover, the clothes on his body were also inexplicably wet, and the hair on the top of his head was sticky and stuck to his forehead, like a torn rag that hadn't been washed for a long time.

I really don't know how to explain the situation we are encountering now.

The two of us are like a flat boat in the huge waves. No matter how hard I struggle, I can't use my strength.

My condition is fine. Although my body is out of control, I don't feel the presence of water. At least my breathing can remain normal.

But the little Taoist couldn't do it anymore, he seemed to have choked on water in his lungs now.

Therefore, even if he wanted to use his true energy to turn into inner circulation, it was too late.

I struggled hard to use all the zhenqi in my body, trying to take the two of us out of the vortex we are in now, but no matter what, there was no response.


Just when we were about to despair, the big cock behind me suddenly screamed a few times.

Before I could react, my body jerked and fell from midair to the ground.

Fortunately, the posture I maintained just now was relatively normal. Although I fell on my buttocks, I fell, but I was not injured anyway.

But the little Taoist priest was different. His posture just now was rather strange. His whole body was head down, maintaining a posture of trying to dive.

All of a sudden, the water lost its effect, and his whole body was in bad luck. He lay on the ground and fell to the ground.


It's just that the little Taoist priest's body had just landed, and he couldn't help but swear, and then Sa Yazi ran back.

After running for more than ten meters away, the little Taoist stopped and looked at the position just now with a strange expression on his face.

"Don't you think there's something wrong?"

The little Taoist looked terrified, it seemed that he was really frightened by what happened just now.

But this is really understandable. It's not that he is timid, but that he has just gone through the whole process of drowning a living person.

So at this time, it was understandable to behave a little out of order.

"What happened? What the hell was that just now?"

Seeing his mood stabilized, I hurriedly asked him.

"I also want to know what it was just now? It feels so real, I feel like I am in a dream. If it weren't for your big cock, I would probably be dead by now!"

While talking, the little Taoist looked at the big cock in my arms with lingering fear.

"Let's talk about the flattery later, let's solve the road problem first, do you still hear the sound of water?"

Although I didn't know exactly what happened, I hurriedly asked.

"I said I can't hear you now, do you believe me?"

The little Taoist looked at me strangely.

My whole body froze, and for a moment I didn't know what to say.

But judging by his appearance, this doesn't look like he's telling a lie at all.

So what exactly are we encountering today?Is there really such a thing in this world that can make an ordinary person feel like he is swimming in water?

However, at this moment, I suddenly heard the sound of running water, as if from far to near, as time went by, it began to get closer and closer.

I hurriedly turned around and looked at the little Taoist with a strange expression on my face.

"You, did you hear that?"

I hurriedly asked in a low voice.

"Hear what?"

After hearing these four words from the little Taoist priest, my whole body suddenly felt stiff, no way!

However, at this moment, the voice in my ear started to get louder, no matter what it was, I directly adjusted my breathing to internal circulation.

At this moment, I suddenly felt a strong force pull me up from the ground, and then I lost control of my body.

What happened to the little Taoist priest is actually happening to me, is it going to happen again soon?

If it weren't for the fact that I closed my breathing in advance, I'm afraid my situation will only be worse than his at this time.

"Catch it!"

At this moment, the little Taoist figured out a rope from nowhere, and threw it towards me.

I didn't dare to be negligent anymore, I quickly grabbed the rope and struggled hard, like an ordinary person struggling to survive from a flood.

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