Destiny Physician

Chapter 206 Outrageous paparazzi

And Lin Xiaorong also seemed to be terrified, looking at me with some fear.

"This is your sister, don't dodge!"

I said softly.

But Lin Xiaorong still looked confused, maybe she couldn't even understand what the word "sister" meant.

"Why is this? Why doesn't she even remember me?"

Seeing Lin Xiaorong's fearful eyes, Lin Yu was so excited that he stepped forward and grabbed my arm, asking loudly.

"Didn't I already tell you that she was trained as a territory, and now I can only adopt her as a soldier, otherwise she will be wiped out in a short time!"

I sighed and said.

"Then what should she do now? If she can't reincarnate in the future, will she just be a lonely ghost for the rest of her life?"

Lin Yu questioned me loudly.

"Miss Lin, please pay attention. I didn't change it into what it is now. In order to save her, I am also seriously injured. Can't you see my face?"

My body wasn't healthy in the first place, and after saving Lin Xiaorong this time, my own body was even weaker.

"I'm sorry, I lost control of my emotions, and I apologize to you!"

After a moment of silence, Lin Yu suddenly spoke.

"It's okay, it's just human nature, but don't worry, it's much safer for her to be with me now than to wander around outside, and her current situation is not the worst, if she can find a suitable one in the future In terms of materials, maybe she can evolve again, maybe she can be reborn!"

"Can I have a few words with her alone?"

After a moment of silence, Lin Yu looked at me with almost pleading eyes.

"It's the willow leaves for you, but every two willow leaves can only last for 3 minutes, and staying with her for a long time will not be good for your body!"

I really want to tell her that no matter what she says to Lin Xiaorong now, she can't understand it at all.

It's the same whether I avoid the situation or not, because I can get anything I want to know directly from Lin Xiaorong's consciousness.

"of course can!"

I took a deep breath and still didn't say anything, I just conveyed a message to Lin Xiaorong through my consciousness, telling her to stay where she is.

Not long after I walked down the second floor, I heard a burst of extremely suppressed crying.

I didn't look back, and went all the way to the deck chair outside the door, and lay down again.

After about half an hour, Lin Yu finally came out from upstairs with red eyes.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhong!"

Lin Yu took a deep breath and said in a low voice.

"Needless to say, this is what I should do. I am entrusted with loyalty. After all, I took the money!"

I smiled and said.

"Can I see her more in the future?"

Lin Yu gritted his teeth and said.

"Of course, it's just that if you get too close to her, it may affect your body. After all, you are separated from each other..."

I smiled and said.

"Then when will she be able to remember what happened to us before?"

"I'm afraid it's hard for me to answer you, but I can assure you that there will always be a day, but how long it will take, I really can't say clearly myself!"

When I said this, I couldn't help crying and laughing.

The method is indeed known, but this is indeed a tricky method.

I can only promise that I won't treat her badly, and I can't say anything more about her.

"I will send someone an extra sum of money every month, and use it as her living expenses! Please don't refuse this money, or only in this way can I feel more comfortable..."

Lin Yu gritted his teeth and said.

"It's probably not necessary. The money you gave before is already enough. If you feel uncomfortable about this, you can use the money to do some good deeds, which can be regarded as accumulating some virtue for her..."

Lin Xiaorong has become a wandering soul now, if I use her name for living expenses, it is really unreasonable.

So after hesitating, I still declined.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhong!"

Lin Yu froze for a moment, then took half a step back, and bowed seriously to me.

I smiled, but this time I didn't refuse. I sat on the chair with peace of mind and accepted her gift.

"By the way, I may have to go on a long trip recently. If you want to see her, please call again then!"

"I see, thank you!"

Lin Yu left, and his back was a bit gloomy. Although the final result of the Lin family's affairs was not perfect, I still have a clear conscience in this matter.

After solving the matter of the Lin family, I have less worries.

But to go to Wawu Mountain, I still need to prepare some things.

The cinnabar that was collected with great difficulty last time is now only the last bit of spiritual ink in the pen holder.

All the cinnabar powder has been exhausted, and I will continue to add this thing now.

I had no choice but to call Hu Jinsong again and tell him about my plan to go to Wawu Mountain.

Unexpectedly, not long after I said it, he drove over in a hurry.

"What's the matter with your face? Are you sick? Why is it uglier than the previous two days, or I will accompany you to the hospital to have a look!"

As soon as I got out of the car, Hu Jinsong looked at me nervously.

"It's nothing, but the body has been a little weak in the past two days, and it will be fine after a day or two!"

"Xiao Rui, the future is long. Although everyone knows about you and Ms. Liu, young people still need to know restraint..."

Hearing what Hu Jinsong said, I was completely stunned.

"No, what is the matter of me and Miss Liu, everyone knows now?"

I was stunned and looked at Hu Jinsong blankly.

"Could it be that you haven't read the news these days? Look at it!"

While talking, Hu Jinsong took out his mobile phone, fiddled with it a bit, and handed it to me directly.

"Liu's daughter and a strange man spent two days and one night together in the hotel, and the two walked out of the hotel holding hands, their actions were extremely intimate..."

Huge headline, and then below is a series of photos, and it also took my full face.

I was dumbfounded, this kind of thing would be photographed and posted on the Internet.

"I said Zhong Rui, you can do it! This girl-picking skill is really good, you see when you have time to teach me, I am so old, and I am still a loner until now!"

Hu Jinsong winked at me while talking.

I couldn't help the corners of my mouth twitching, what the hell is going on...

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