Destiny Physician

Chapter 205 Sisters Love

Speaking of which, the Yinshan sect really deserves to specialize in the study of ghosts.

I really found a solution that is not a solution in this booklet.

However, this approach does sound a bit weird.

The so-called spiritual servants are, to put it bluntly, ghost pets kept by practitioners.

Of course, if you want them to be driven with peace of mind, you have to forcefully suppress their self-awareness to the limit among these wandering human souls.

According to this statement, there is only one way to restore her self-awareness, and that is to swallow!

After becoming wandering souls, they can slowly nourish their souls by devouring their unconscious counterparts.

When she is stronger than me by a line, continue to devour the unconscious soul body, and she will be able to slowly regenerate self-consciousness.

That is the so-called backlash!

However, if she wants to achieve this step in her current state, it is estimated that it will really take a lot of effort.

After all, this thing is like normal people gaining weight.

If you can't eat a fat man in one bite, it seems that you can only take one step at a time.

But anyway, at least she was much safer with me than she was wandering outside.

After all, there are actually many people like Ruan Feng in this city.

If she was really left to fend for herself, it probably wouldn't take long for her to die.

I was about to get up and take a shower, and then when I had breakfast, I suddenly felt dizzy for a while.

This made me smile wryly for a while, it seemed that I couldn't eat breakfast, so I just lay on the bed with all my clothes on.

The best way to relieve excessive blood loss is to sleep.

When I woke up, it was already noon again, and I suddenly realized that I had really turned myself into a night owl in the past few days.

After listening to my drowsy head coming to the bathroom for a brief wash, I felt that my energy was better, but when I looked up at my own face in the mirror, I couldn't help being stunned.

My current complexion is really ugly to the extreme, not only is there no blood, it is even a little blue.

From the looks of it, raising a spirit servant is really not a simple matter.

Fortunately, when she recognized the Lord for the first time, she needed a lot of my essence and blood to maintain her spirit body. After that, it is enough to replenish her a little bit every once in a while.

Otherwise, I guess it won't take long for me to be sucked and fucked.

Lin Xiaorong was like a curious baby, she was very curious about everything in the room, especially when I was washing up, she was standing next to me without blinking her eyes.

"You stay at home for a while, I'll go out to eat something first, and I have something to tell you when I come back!"

After hearing what I said, Lin Xiaorong nodded obediently, and wandered off to find that big cock to play with.

I shook my head with a wry smile, then put on my clothes and went out the door.

Now Lin Xiaorong has forgotten all the previous things, and I don't know how to explain this to Lin Yu.

However, I was entrusted with the matter of loyalty, no matter what, I finally saved Lin Xiaorong's life.

Even if the final result is a bit unsatisfactory, but this is the limit of what I can do.

Feeling some sore legs, I didn't care so much, so I just went out and took a taxi.

I deliberately picked a restaurant that specializes in medicinal food, and spent a lot of money.

Ginseng Steam Pot Chicken, Cordyceps Black-bone Chicken Soup, I drank more than a dozen bowls in one go, and then ordered a large soft-shelled turtle, and asked the waiter to pack it directly, ready to take it home for dinner at night.

Although it is a little painful when paying the bill, after all, eating more than 1000 for a meal is already a rare luxury for me.

After eating and drinking, my spirit immediately improved a lot. I took a taxi and went back to the store. After basking in the sun on the deck chair for a while, I called Lin Yu directly.

"Mr. Zhong, what do you want from me?"

After the call was connected, Lin Yu's voice came from the other end soon.

"Is it convenient for you to come to Yiyantang now? I have something I want to talk to you about, about your sister!"

"I'm a little busy right now, can I do it in an hour?"

After hearing what I said, Lin Yu was stunned for a moment, but soon she reacted and continued.

"Of course no problem, I will wait for you in Yiyantang in an hour!"

After hanging up the phone, I slumped directly on the recliner.

"Mr. Zhong, what's going on?"

Just when I was falling asleep, Lin Yu rushed over in a hurry.

"A good news, a bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

I hesitated, then asked.

"Listen to the good news first!"

Lin Yu froze for a moment, then said.

"The good news is that I have found your sister and brought her back! You will be able to see her soon, if you want to."

"What about the bad news?"

Lin Yu looked at me puzzled.

"The bad news is that I was late. She was trained to become a spiritual servant. I'm afraid she will never be able to be reincarnated again..."

I hesitated for a while and decided to tell the truth. After all, I took her money for the trust of others.

"What are you talking about? What spiritual servant? Why can't I understand?"

Lin Yu stared wide-eyed and looked at me suspiciously.

"To put it simply, she has forgotten what happened before, and she can't even refuse any request from the master, but I have found a way for her to regain her self-awareness, it just takes a little time!"

"Then can I see her?"

Lin Yu's eyes widened.

"Of course, you can do it now! However, she should not have any impression of you now. I hope you can restrain your emotions and don't scare her!"

"I see!"

As Lin Yu spoke, his eye sockets started to turn red.

It seems that she should be full of guilt for her sister's death.

I rubbed my sore legs, and then led Lin Yu all the way to the room on the second floor.

"Close your eyes first, and open them when I tell you to open them!"

After going up to the second floor, I directly dragged a chair for her to sit down first.

Then, I took out two willow leaves from my backpack, and after rubbing them against her eyelids for a while, I threw the willow leaves in the trash can next to me.

"Okay, open your eyes!"

While talking, I greeted Lin Xiaorong consciously.

"Xiao Rong!"

What I didn't expect was that Lin Xiaorong had just appeared, and Lin Yu had already lost control of her emotions, and rushed directly to hug her.

It's just that life and death are separated, her body passed directly through Lin Xiaorong's body.

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