Bai Hu gently stroked Xiao Aoxing's head.


The two dance together~

The picture shattered the three views of the audience!

: What kind of weird opening method is this?

: Do you dance if you disagree?

: Anchor, when did you learn your father's devil dance steps?

That's right!

Xiao Aoxing's jumps are exactly the same as Tai Ao's jumps just now, and they are in perfect harmony with Baihu!

The friendship between a dragon and a tiger, through the dance, soared!

While they were playing disco happily, two people came to the door.

They are dressed up grandly, they look very similar, they are out of place with this dilapidated building, and they are holding many gifts in their arms.

Facing the closed door, they tugged on their ties nervously.

"Brother, did I knock on the door?" said the one on the right.


The one on the right reached out to knock on the door, and as soon as he knocked, the door creaked open.

"!!" The two were dumbfounded!

Inside the house, the big tiger and the children were playing disco. When they heard the noise, they stopped and turned their heads to take a look.

"Oh no, no, I didn't knock on this door, I'll do it again!" The person on the right hurriedly pulled the door back, closed it, and knocked again...

The door creaked and opened.

The one on the right collapsed: "I missed the door this time!"

"It's okay, the door was originally broken." Xiao Aoxing walked over, quickly tore down the door, and threw it away.

The two people outside the door were dumbfounded!

: Is it okay to dismantle it directly?

: Anchor, don't demolish your house anymore, look at your house, it's already dilapidated!

: Anchor: Anyway, the house is very dilapidated, so remove the door that gets in the way!

: door: Actually, I thought I would be able to survive if I changed the lock, but I never expected that you just removed it...

Xiao Aoxing skillfully received the guests: "The two of you are...?"

Before the question was finished, the man on the right rushed into the room, shouted "Old Ancestor", and hugged Tai Ao's thigh!

But in the next second, Tai Ao quickly tied the visitor into a knot and threw it aside: "Don't be a male!"

This line is obviously his!

And that impulsive man has turned into a blue dragon, the kind that has been tied into several knots!

Seeing this scene, Xiao Aoxing was so frightened that he quickly shrank back into the soft and safe embrace of the white tiger thief, and said in fear: "It turns out that dragons can really be tied into a knot!"

In the past, he thought that Zhu Jiuyin was just talking!

"Yeah, it's the second time we met, and it's still so scary..." There was the same trembling voice from beside him.

Xiao Ao Xing turned his head to see that it was another visitor, and he also posted it on the wall tactically!

When you see Qinglong being tied into a knot, you will instinctively be afraid, so it should be...

"Are you a dragon too?" Xiao Aoxing asked.

The visitor smiled bitterly: "It's a coincidence, isn't it?"

At this moment, listening to his voice, I really want to leave Longji!

"The blue are the Dragon King of the East China Sea!" Xiao Ao fortunately guessed the other party's identity!

The other party smiled dryly: "It's not that small..."

Having said that, Xiao Aoxing suddenly felt that the other person looked familiar, he thought for a long time, and finally remembered, this face, he had been looking at the glass cabinet for a long time a few days ago-"Qingdi!"

That night, he turned into the Qing Emperor and looked at it for a long time in front of the glass cabinet.

It's just that he never expected that Qingdi changed into a modern costume, which was different from the ancient costume, so that he didn't recognize the identity he pretended to be for a while, not to mention... whoever he can imagine, the majestic Qingdi, Will you be sticking to the wall tactically and trembling? !

And over there, Qinglong, who was knotted into a ball, also tiptoed on one foot, jumped up and down on the bookshelf with ease, took out a picture scroll, opened the picture scroll, and said to Tai Ao: "Old Ancestor, I It's the dragon."

Ao Xingjiu: "Did you bring your ID card when you came to visit relatives?"

And what's outrageous is that this ID card was taken out of his painting basket!

But, I have to say that the black dragon in the portrait looks very similar to the blue dragon that was beaten into a ball, and once the dragon's horns bloom, it will be exactly the same.

: Die from laughing, Canglong...

: Die laughing, the blue dragon is here...

: I laughed and cried, I never thought that Canglong would appear in such a way...

: After so many years, this is the first time I saw someone with a portrait of himself on stage...

: Curious again who is the person who draws?The painters are really good, the paintings of Zulong and Canglong cannot be said to be alike, they are exactly the same!

: Oh my god, I can really tie a knot!

: True, fancy, blue dragon...

: This is Canglong, and that is...?

: Emperor Qing, wow wow wow!I remember this face, the host has changed!In modern clothes, I almost didn't recognize it!

: Oh oh oh!Another new guest has arrived!

: Canglong and Qingdi came to visit relatives together, @定时工作rest, when will you go?

: @木龙@应龙@狐龙@红龙@云龙@雨龙@罗龙——It’s time for you all to visit your ancestors! !

: Also what does @虫病号 do?If you want to @just@ work and rest on time!

: @时间工程……

: (work and rest on time)...

Tai Ao looked at the portrait, then at the knotted Canglong...

The expression gradually frightened.

Step back tactically.

Tai Ao: "No fight."

Canglong: "We didn't come to fight..."

Tai Ao: "No revenge."

Canglong: "?"

Tai Ao continued to retreat tactically: "I can't give you fame and fortune, I can't help you get ahead and make great achievements..."

Canglong: "??"

Tai Ao: "If you don't strive for hegemony, you can't do it. You couldn't do it before, and you won't be able to do it in the future!"

Canglong: "???"

Tai Ao finally said sonorously: "I am not a dragon who can fulfill your wishes, even if you have seven dragon balls, I will not fulfill your wishes!!"

Canglong: "???!!!"

: Well, I know now, you can't make a wish...

: Canglong is now like the second idiot of the Dragon Clan...

: Don't say that Canglong was fooled, I was also fooled by the old man, okay?

: Why are you saying this all of a sudden...

Canglong was stunned, Qingdi had already got the fear of his ancestor Tai Ao, and said: "Ancestor, you misunderstood, we came to see you, just to visit relatives.

If there is a fight, we will fight it ourselves, if there is a revenge, we will avenge it ourselves;

If we are suppressed by others, we will be able to stand out by ourselves, so we don’t bother you;

The idea of ​​fighting for hegemony is too secondary, we are not young and young, we will not have this idea;

Dragon Balls are precious, we can't get seven of them together~"

"Oh!" Tai Ao felt relieved, his expression eased, and he said with a smile: "Let's stay and eat~"

Qingdi smiled: "Okay~"

The atmosphere suddenly regained harmony~

: Heck, this is the meaning of the old man's tactical retreat five times...

: Think about it carefully, it seems that the ancestors really have those functions: pretending to be aggressive, avenging revenge, achieving fame, and fulfilling wishes...

: It seems that the routine is really this!

: The old man didn't follow the routine, laughed and cried...

: You can eat, don't ask me to do things...

: Emperor Qing is too sensible, if there is a fight, we will fight it ourselves, if there is a grudge, we will avenge it ourselves!I watched those TV dramas, and my descendants couldn’t beat them, so I asked my ancestors to come forward to make decisions. Qingdi can fight here by himself. This grandson is too sensible~!

: (Ao Xiaoqing) One thing to say, Emperor Qing is my ancestor!


: The ancestors of the ancestors?

: @萨小青, didn’t you quit the live broadcast room?

: (Ao Xiaoqing laughs) My ancestors are here~

: No wonder Emperor Qing understood Long Zu's troubles in seconds. Do you unworthy descendants ask Qing Emperor to come forward every now and then? @奥小青

: (Ao Xiaoqing) Nonsense!No!

: Chapter 18 of "The Romance of the Gods", the Dragon King of the East China Sea appealed to the heaven...

: Chapter 3 of "Journey to the West", the Dragon King of the East China Sea appeals to the heaven...

: (Ao Xiaoqing) You mortals, you write books every day to slander me! (/cry)

: From a certain point of view, being able to be hacked is also a kind of strength~

: (Ao Xiaoqing) I don't really want this strength...

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