I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 157 The Dragon and the Tiger Dance Online

: What just happened...?

: It seems that someone has applied for an ID card...

: The list is too long!Didn't see clearly!Has anyone taken a screenshot?

: Cut off...

: recorded...

: It's useless, the Twelve-Rank Immortal Device automatically codes, I'm giao!

: It really deserves to be a twelfth-grade fairy weapon! (/vomit blood/like)

Ao Xing: "..."

He saw it.

He never forgets, okay~

I remember everything, okay~

This list is so shocking, okay!

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother are all here, is this scientific?He just wanted to broadcast a live broadcast and recognize some relatives of the Dragon Clan by the way, so that when he returned to the Dragon Clan in the future, he would be familiar with each other.

As a result, after I signed up for Chunliang, the system prompted: Ao Xiaoqing, Ao Xiaohong, Ao Xiaobai, Ao Xiaohei... and a group of suspected dragon trumpets quit the live broadcast room!

tvt, these great gods are too scary, scaring away his dragon clan!

Alas, are all the clansmen so cowardly?

Ao Xing looked at the live mission on the virtual panel...

Damn, the Dragon Clan has retreated, so it's time for him to get down to business.

He bowed deeply to the studio: "Thank you brother for your sponsorship!"

After thanking him, he turned around and walked into the house to do the live broadcast task.

: (Brother) It's really not me!

: (I'm crazy about Dan) @小哥, see you in Lingxiao Palace.

: [System: I patted my little brother madly for Dan. 】

: (Brother) I am really not the Jade Emperor!What is the use of you coming to Lingxiao Palace!

: (I am pure and good) It is commonplace, the richest person in the heavens is not the Jade Emperor.

: The richest person in the heaven is not the Jade Emperor?

:how is this possible?

: Wait, the richest person in the heavens, could it be...

: God of Wealth?

: (Brother seriously) I really didn't sponsor the immortal weapon, I'm just very rich.

: I checked, there are nine Gods of Wealth in the sky, which God of Wealth are you? @Bro

: (brother booing) It cannot be said that the Jade Emperor, Queen Mother and Empress are all diving here!

: Hush!

: Hush!

: Hush!

: Shhh, God of Wealth, we will keep it secret for you, but can you bless me to win the lottery tomorrow?

: (brother whispers) Okay.

: Thank you God of Wealth!

: God of Wealth bless you!

: Worship the God of Wealth, good fortune this year!

: God of Wealth bless you!

[System: Worship the God of Wealth collectively! 】

[System: "Little Brother" sent a good person card to "My Ben Chunliang". 】

[System: "I am pure and good" returned a smile to "Little Brother". 】


They are really good at playing.

When Ao Xing walked into the room, he blocked the barrage in his head first.

Maybe Da Luo Jinxian can really be omniscient and omnipotent, but he can't now.

How can a normal person do two things at once?

He can't pay attention to the things in front of him just by paying attention to those bullet screens!

So when he has time to live broadcast, he will watch it, and when he has no time to live broadcast, he will block the barrage and let the smart fairy screen special barrage for him, so that he will not miss any exciting events!

As for those gods in vests...

Just let them wear it.

Anyway, they didn't intend to do anything to him, as long as he is a fairy, can't he have some personal hobbies?

Now, he first earns a toy for the old man... Ah bah!Why are you so conscious now? !

The fairy artifact is his!

Not for the old man!

Walking into the house, the smell of food in the kitchen is strong, and in the hall, Tai Ao and the standing white tiger are dancing...



If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would dare to imagine such a magical scene?

"Dear fans and friends, have you seen it? My dad and Tiger are having a disco! And, it's an old disco!"

Ao Xinglei is tender inside and burnt outside!

: I see.

: Grandpa's dancing skills are really good~

: The Dragon Clan and the White Tiger had a great time~

: Could it be that Wuli Xiaobai has lost the favor of Long Zu? ?

: The old man's new love is really good, it feels more fun than Xiaobai!

: Just now I stand as the cp of Baihu and Dragon Cub, now I stand as the cp of Baihu and Longzu!

: Your cp party is really adaptable...

At this moment, Tai Ao turned his head and said to Ao Xing while playing with Bai Hu, "Zai Zai, he said you are so tender, and your skin will break if you lick it, haha!"

Ao Xing: "..."

Males don't suffer from me, okay?

Tai Ao haha: "He asked me to tell you, I'm so sorry, I didn't expect you to be so young and your skin so tender, I accidentally hurt you. He really just showed you his goodwill and told you not to Take it to heart~!"

Ao Xing: "..."

Tai Ao: "He said he really likes you..."

Ao Xing's face was livid!

"Such a little baby, do you want to go to his house to play?" Tai Ao gasped for breath!

But even after finishing talking, Ao Xing didn't feel very happy, after all, the focus is on——

little baby!

"Haha, yes, it's very similar. I didn't expect it to be so similar." Tai Ao said with a smile.

He seemed to be talking to the white tiger.

But Ao Xing didn't hear what Baihu said, he was completely fascinated by Baihu's magical dance.

"What? I'm like this, he's like that, you still can't tell the difference?" Tai Ao smiled incredulously: "Then let the child return to its original shape."

Ao Xing: "!"

He has an ominous premonition!

It was too late to turn around and try to run, Tai Ao pointed at him and hit him with the immortal energy, he sat down on the ground and turned into a child.

It really changed back to its original shape!

"Is it clear now?" Tai Ao asked with a smile while dancing.

White Tiger^0^~

No one knew what he said, but Tai Ao was very satisfied.

Ao Xing was not satisfied!

He hates being a kid!

At this moment, Bai Hu came over.

Ao Xing was full of resentment and didn't want to pay attention to him!

However, Baihu looked at him softly for a while, and then took out a big sword.

"Drip! The identification is successful! This is the first-grade fairy sword, Zijin sword!" Wuhu said.

Ao Xing was taken aback for a moment, and asked with his mind: "Do you still know how to appreciate treasures?"

Wuhu: "Yes, master."

: Awesome, my Wuhu~

: The Twelve-Rank Immortal Artifact is amazing, it has all kinds of functions!

: (Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death) Just because it has a little bit of every function, it is mediocre instead...

At this time, Baihu pushed out another basket of fruit to Ao Xing.

Wuhu has no emotional appraisal: "This is a first-grade Zishuang fairy fruit. Eating it can increase spiritual power for a hundred years."

Thanks, he doesn't want to eat.

The white tiger pushed a child's leather drum and patted the tiger's paws, as if teasing him.

Thanks, he doesn't want to play.

Wuhu: "This is a second-grade celestial weapon, a tiger-skin drum. When you knock it, it can frighten all ghosts."

Ao Xing: "..."

Baihu rolled out a ball and handed it to him.

Wuhu: "This is the third-grade celestial artifact Hunyuan celestial sphere. It hurts people when it hits people."

Baihu still wanted to take out something.

Ao Xing raised his hand and interrupted him righteously: "No need to send it away."

In the next second, he threw himself into Baihu's arms: "Hello, Uncle! Welcome to my house as a guest!"


: Anchor, can you be more virtuous? ?

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