I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 153 Is this a fairy art that us mortals can use without paying? ?

And it's illegal...

Taotie - a well-known black shop in the Three Realms.

The innocent little Bailong suddenly didn't dare to imagine the future painting style here...

At this time, Xiao Tong moved a table of delicious food and placed it in front of him.

Taotao: "Little master, you have been swimming for a day and a night, are you hungry?"

The little white dragon shook its body: "I'm not hungry!"


He is hungry.

He suddenly remembered that it seemed like he hadn't eaten for a long time. The last meal he ate was a dinner with senior brother Zhuan Xu two days ago, and the last meal was a week ago...

Oh my god, his eating habits are a bit inhuman!

"Adult dragons usually eat once a year, little master, you are still growing, so you should eat more." Taotao said caringly.

Little White Dragon Khan: "How dare I eat anything from your family now?"

Taotao smiled and said, "Little master, please rest assured to eat, you won't be charged."

"How can there be such a good thing?"

Taotao smiled and said: "Little master, now that we have moved into the city, you will be our city lord from now on, so the city lord is free of charge, no problem~!"

Tie Tie said with a cold face: "As long as you protect us well in the future, it will be fine."

"City Lord?" Little White Dragon was stunned, and then Longmu was shocked: "Wait! I was soaked in the water for a day and a night, how did I become the City Lord after I surfaced?? Also, what happened to this City Lord? thing?"

Lao Taotie refers to a circle of water, and there is a family on the opposite side who come and go, it seems that they want to move things in.

And the geographical location of that family can be said to be a golden geographical location - there are four entrances and exits in the buildings around the water area, and that one occupies the west entrance.

In terms of commerciality, it is definitely easier to attract customers if the pavement is set at the intersection than in the deep alley.

If you look at Lao Taotie, you choose the east entrance.

Ao Xing is full of worries about the future of this no man's land (x, has been revised!)...

At the same time, the smart fairy also awakened: "The host's whereabouts have been detected, do you want to start the live broadcast?"

"Let's go." Xiao Bailong replied casually.

After falling into the water before, he drowned...really drowned!

It's embarrassing to be a dragon haha~

And Immortal Wuhu automatically closed the live broadcast room after he lost consciousness from drowning. After he regained consciousness in the water, he took the initiative to ask him if he wanted to restart the live broadcast?He felt ashamed and refused.

Now surfaced - he can swim!It's time to show fans his vigorous posture swimming in the sea!

The audience comes in.

: After waiting for a day and a night, it finally started broadcasting!

: The anchor fell into the water and finally came out?

: Can you swim now?

: What's the point of looking at it now?The drowning scene of the live broadcast anchor is interesting.

Don't even think about seeing me in shame!

Ao Xing was finally able to see the barrage, and these barrages all entered his mind, which was much more convenient than the traditional live broadcast before.

: Stop broadcasting for a day, then start filming again, how did no man's land change?

: My God, the old man built the house fast enough!One day and one night, it was all built!

: Isn't it perfect?

: Excellent ancient city!

: Is this a tourist attraction?

: Ouch, why is Lao Glutton here?

: How much is the ticket?I want to visit the streamer's no man's land!Isn't it beautiful?

: Mojing official sent a congratulatory message, thanking Longzu in advance for developing a new tourist attraction for us Mojing.

: I thought this area was occupied by the father of the dragon and the son of the dragon, so it was invalidated, but I didn't expect it to be turned into a treasure!

: Didi Longzu, how much is this real estate per square meter?I want to buy a set!

: I'm afraid you can't afford it!

The old Taotie stroked the goat's beard and said: "Look at this place, it looks like a city, and more people will live in it, so you will become the owner of the city?"

Xiao Bailong: "Where is my father?"

"Him? He's retired." The old Taotie was straightforward and strong!

Xiao Bailong vomited blood: "He is always strong and vigorous, even a young man like me can't match his vigor, why should he retire!"

The old Taotie smiled and said: "The ancestors said that the world will be dominated by young people in the future, and we old people should retire to take care of themselves."

Xiao Bailong: "How can you be considered a retreat?!"

The old Taotie said: "I retired to open a restaurant! In the past, before I retired, I would eat people and fight everywhere. In the prehistoric era, legends about me are everywhere."

Little White Dragon: "..."

: There seems to be nothing wrong with saying this...

: Opening a restaurant after abdicating, as if he had never abdicated...

: I remember that after the live broadcast of the Taotie shop was exposed last time, the old Taotie was interviewed by the Heavenly Court, so when the Black Emperor came, although the old Taotie arranged a meal, he was still detained by the Heavenly Court and did not show up... Now finally Released by Heavenly Court?

: (Brother) Cough cough, let me tell you something, Lao Taotie is quite honest now...

: What about when you were young?

: (Brother) The four major hazards of the wild!

"Who's there?" Xiao Bailong asked another household who moved in from the opposite side.

Lao Taotie: "White Tiger Clan."

"...they came really fast!"

From a certain level, the White Tiger Clan is also a clan of profiteers!

Xiao Bailong jumped out of the water, changed back into human form, and said nothing, since there was a free lunch, he ate first.

While he was eating, the audience also visited the newly created no man's land...

In the center is a mirror lake, (maybe it will live in the dragon in the future!).

Surrounded by antique buildings, it is currently vacant, but even if there are no people for the time being, it is just to visit the buildings. The exquisite appearance of those buildings perfectly shows the essence of the ancient buildings of Longguo. For a while, it aroused the enthusiasm of many netizens Even traditional architects got involved in the debate...

In the middle of the hot (chi) discussion (fan), people finally realized that something was wrong...

: Wait, a small lens, how can we see so much?

People finally found out,

It stands to reason that for an ordinary live broadcast, at this time, only the anchor can be photographed eating. Unless someone takes a camera to show them the scenery, they can see the new look of no man's land.

But the fact is that some people only saw the anchor eating, while others were watching the scenery!

Some people look at the water, some people look at the shore!

Some people seem to be looking down on the whole picture from the sky, and some people seem to be walking in the ancient buildings to visit the surrounding ancient buildings!

Some people are looking at the gluttonous shop in the east, while others are looking at the white tiger moving in the west!

Everyone's perspective is different? ? ?

The official explanation of Meow Claw.com: The newly purchased twelfth-grade fairy weapon Wuhu connects to the Internet, and provides fans with a set of "Thousand-Li Tianyantong" spells for free. Now, you are using the spells of the sky. Everything within a thousand miles.

Fans surprise!

: Is this a spell that us mortals can use without paying?

: Is this the legendary eye opening?It's amazing!

: I tried it, and it really is possible to watch whatever I want, and I don’t have to be limited to just watching the host anymore!

: It's really a twelfth-rank fairy weapon!

: Sure enough, a high-end fairy live broadcast must use a high-end fairy camera! (/great)

: The White Tiger Clan upgraded the lens this time, and it really did a good job.

: Ordinary people use Tianyantong, and finally understand why gods can be omniscient and omnipotent. This feeling is really cool~

The comprehension disciples were extremely envious.

: We have practiced Celestial Eye since we started, but we can only see [-] meters, which is the range that normal people can see. It is usually used to see through the disguise of demons and ghosts. There is no such wide-angle function.

: They are all the same spell, why are the eyes of humans and immortals different?

: That's why people can be immortals, and we are still mortals.

: When will I be able to ascend to immortality?I also want to be omnipotent, blah blah...

: What misunderstandings do you have about omniscience and omnipotence?This is the ability to see thousands of miles away!

: (Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death) Are all the gods swollen now?The magic weapon of the twelfth grade is only used for live entertainment?Playthings lose their minds!What a plaything!If the treasure of the twelve ranks is given to me...

: (Every law is fate) Don't think about it, the times are different, just watch the broadcast quietly.

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