I, Ancient Zulong, was exposed by Sun Tzu's live broadcast

Chapter 152 Transformation of No Man's Land

After rolling up the blueprint, the black dragon flew out.

Xiao Bailong also ran to the balcony.

Outside, the ground is flat.

"Isn't this too fast?!" Xiao Bailong was shocked!

And those little dragons are still cleaning up the surrounding buildings, and the buildings are reduced to powder with each mouthful of dragon's breath.

"This is my hair?" Xiao Bailong was even more shocked: "My hair is so powerful? It seems to be stronger than mine?!"

Bai Ling gave him a blank look: "It's not that you are powerful, it's the master's supernatural power, so naturally it has one percent of the master's power."

Xiao Bailong was shocked: "One percent is so powerful?"

The black dragon flew over and reminded me friendly: "Correct it, it's one in ten thousand."

"One in ten thousand!!"

Is this his meow still the power of a normal dragon? ?

Xiao Bailong was shocked, but he still wanted to ask: "So why did you pluck my hair?"

The back of his head is really cold!

"Because I'm afraid of pain." The black dragon flew away.

"Aren't I afraid of pain?" Xiao Bailong shouted!

The back of his head was not only cold, but also painful!

and also!

He lifted his bleeding wrist, and asked Bai Ling depressedly: "Why did your wound heal so quickly, while mine hasn't healed yet?"

Bai Ling said, "That depends on what kind of magic weapon is hurting you."

Xiao Bailong didn't understand: "My father Naya can also do algebra?"

Bai Ling: "That's right."

Then she explained: "Lingbao has levels like cultivators, and you can equate their levels with the level of cultivators. If the Lingbao that hurts you is lower than you, the wounds it inflicts on you will soon heal." Healing. And if a spirit treasure with a higher level than yours hurts you, the greater the level difference, the harder it will be for your injury to heal."

Xiao Bailong suddenly had an ominous premonition: "The level of me and my father..."

Bai Ling looked at him sadly: "I'm afraid you will bleed to death."


This is really daddy!

Xiao Bailong hurriedly took out a bunch of ointment from the Dragon Soul Holy Ring and applied it!

As for the bald back of the head...

It is estimated that it will be bald for a long time!


At this time, the black dragon sprayed a mouthful of dragon's breath towards the ground. In a blink of an eye, the powerful dragon's breath blew out a deep pit on the ground. The only thing that was not affected was the building where the little white dragon was...
Can you imagine that the surrounding area has been demolished and there is only one nail household left?

But before the little white dragon had time to feel the unique status, the black dragon spit out water and filled the deep pit!

In a blink of an eye, the residential building was surrounded by water.

Xiao Bailong couldn't help shouting: "Is there any need for you to be so exaggerated? When someone buys you a piece of land, you turn the whole piece of land into water?"

And the action is too fast, 5 minutes ago, they were still on normal land! After 5 minutes, it becomes Sea World? !

The black dragon turned back, confidently: "I'm a dragon! Dragons don't live in water, they live on land, what's wrong with you?"

"It seems to make sense... No! You can turn the entire land into water, so why not create a big ocean for the dragons? If I remember correctly, the reason why the dragons live ashore now is because the water quality has deteriorated, no Are you used to living in the water?" Xiao Bailong asked.

This water is too clean!

Clean enough to see the bottom of the water!

Black Dragon: "Because the land is not mine, I can't build it casually, I am a very principled dragon!"

Then he added: "If you want, I can turn the whole earth back into oceans anytime. Need it?"

Little White Dragon: "..."

Heilong raised his hand, ready to snap his fingers.

"Wait!" Xiao Bailong finally realized what he said, stop it quickly!

If the earth becomes an ocean, won't the creatures living on land be drowned?

He almost caused world-class destruction just now!

"Of course I won't do that~" the black dragon shrugged, and threw the blueprint to the construction dragon.

Xiao Bailong watched the miniature dragons fly away, and asked suspiciously: "It's all turned into the sea, what do you want them to do?"


It should be said that you are planning to create a sea, what blueprint did you draw just now?

What else can be done on the sea?

The black dragon appeared behind him: "We need to build a defensive circle around it, I don't want anyone to be able to enter my swimming pool casually."

"swimming pool?"

Such a big swimming pool?

A swimming pool in no man's land?

This is almost equivalent to a sea area!

Before the little white dragon could be shocked, he was kicked into the water by the black dragon: "As a dragon, let's feel the embrace of the water!"

With a splash, the little white dragon fell into the water.

Little Bailong raised his head and struggled: "Help!"

With a bang, it sank again.

The last paw also slowly sank below the surface of the water.

O sea, it is calm again.

Bai Ling watched the ripples on the water disappear, and asked, "Did he just call for help?"

Heilong took a sip of black tea: "Yes."

Bai Ling: "..."

After a while, the black dragon said, "He can't swim."

The corner of Bai Ling's mouth twitched.

Dragons can't swim, are you kidding me?

Black Dragon said: "His mother is a 100% pure 24K human being."

Bai Ling couldn't hold back anymore: "Then you..."

Black Dragon smiled optimistically: "He will always learn to swim."


Are you sure you can still learn this?

The surface of the water is calm!

: Dreaming back to the first episode, the scene where the anchor was pushed into the water tank by the old man and almost drowned...

: True · can't swim · dragon.

: It's a pity that the Dragon Clan is gone. I really want to ask them, what do they think of dragons that can't swim?

: The Dragon Clan dived, but the eldest brother is still there. @ on time work and rest

: (work and rest on time) It's nothing, I didn't know how to drink water when I was young.

At this time, the public remembered that Zhulong was not a dragon in the first place, and it was normal for him not to know how to swim since he was a child. This question was a waste of time.

: I want to know now, how does Longzu feel about having two sons who can't swim.

: (work and rest on time) I am very good at water now.

After all, it is the second Dragon Emperor, can it be bad?

The little construction dragons clanked to work.

Time passed little by little.

Day, night, day...

Day and night have passed.

A certain white dragon that was full of water finally surfaced, and the surroundings have changed drastically.

Antique buildings were built around the water area, and Xiao Bailong instantly felt a sense of space-time dislocation dreaming back to ancient times.

(It was built too fast, in one day and one night!)

There is a man on the shore.

Xiao Bailong swam over and found that the building in front of him was very familiar, only the facade was familiar - he had seen it two days ago, it was the facade of the Taotie shop.

In front of the door, stood an old man in red and two boys, they were Lao Taotie and his boys.

The three smiled and bowed to Xiao Bailong: "Little ancestor, we will be neighbors from now on, come over to eat often when you have time, I will give you free bills."

Xiao Bailong was very surprised, but he also understood that this is the main body of the Taotie shop. They just passed through the space channel established by Lao Taotie two days ago and had a meal in the shop, so they only saw a facade and a box.

Now this is the original appearance of the Taotie shop.

The Taotie shop has moved to the world!

Xiao Bailong asked in surprise: "Why did you move here? I remember you said before that the reputation of your gluttonous clan is not very good in the Three Realms, so you opened the shop secretly, which means it is a bit illegal. Now it is so open and aboveboard. Appearing in the human world, isn't it good?"

Lao Taotie laughed and said, "I operate illegally elsewhere, but it is legal to operate here with my ancestors!"

"My dad asked you to move here?"

"Yes. The ancestors like to be lively, and more people will move in in the future. It will be lively then."

"In the future?" Xiao Bailong finally understood who the defensive buildings around the water area were built for.

If more people like Lao Taotie move in in the future, then here...

Isn't it going to become a monster city? ?

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