Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 995 Old and cunning fox!

Xuetao is Ma Xuetao, Wu Kewei's brother-in-law.

In Wu Kewei's business history, Ma Xuetao played a vital role.Wu Kewei always stands in the light, while Ma Xuetao hides in the darkness.

Ma Xuetao was doing all those shady things.It is no exaggeration to say that without Ma Xuetao, there would be no Wu Kewei today.

Based on Wu Kewei's ability, if he wants to rise without relying on Ma Xuetao, it is simply a dream.

Ma Xuetao did the Immortal Dance that framed Wei Wushu.

Ma Xuetao also reported the ward rounds conducted by the security team of the County Public Security Bureau.

He is like a poisonous snake, hiding in the dark, taking your life when you are not prepared.

"Brother-in-law, are you worried that things about Wei Wushu will be found out?" Ma Xuetao sat in the co-pilot's seat, leaning lazily on the seat, and asked casually.

"You also heard just now that Wei Wushu was released, and the person who came forward to do this is Gu Qianzhou, the director of the tractor factory. You are well aware of Gu Qianzhou's influence in our Qingshan City, which shows that this matter can no longer be covered. When necessary, you must cut off all the clues, and you must not get caught up in the fire." Wu Kewei said calmly.

"Don't worry, nothing like this will happen." Ma Xuetao said indifferently.

"You, be careful when sailing for thousands of years." Wu Kewei glared angrily.

"I know, but this is all under my control, so don't worry about it. Let's talk about Yu Siku, brother-in-law, are you determined to get this milk tea?" Ma Xuetao asked curiously.

"That's right, I am determined to win." Wu Kewei's eyes were firm.

"What's the reason?"

Ma Xuetao was at a loss.

"I really don't see any value in such a workshop-style dairy factory. Why do we buy such a dairy factory? Do we really want to run a milk business?"

"Bullshit milk business, do you think I'm interested in milk? If you ask me to do it, I won't do it." Wu Kewei sneered and smiled.

"Then why?" Ma Xuetao was a little puzzled.

"Huang'an County West Development Plan!"

Wu Kewei stared at Ma Xuetao slightly and said, "I have received definite news that Huang'an County will focus its future development on the west, and Yu Siku's milk factory happens to be in the west."

"You said that if we win it in advance, we can sell it for a sky-high price. I dare not say anything else. If I win it for 60 yuan, I am confident that it will become 300 million yuan."

"What? 300 million?"

Ma Xuetao was taken aback, and immediately sat up straight.

"Really? Four times the profit?"

"At least four times!"

Wu Kewei raised the corners of his lips and said proudly: "So you know why I am so interested in Siku's milk factory. Even if the bid is higher, I still want to take it."

"Brother-in-law is right, we will take it even if the price is higher." Ma Xuetao was immediately in high spirits.

"Let's go, see Yu Siku earlier, and finalize this matter sooner."



Tianyuan Milk Factory.

This milk factory is located in the western suburbs of Huang'an County. The factory area is not that big, but the pasture area is very large.You can see cows walking leisurely on the pasture under the sunshine.

Workers in blue uniforms are busy in an orderly manner.

It's just such busy work, if you look carefully, you will find that they are all busy, everyone has a worried expression on their faces, and no one can laugh.

That's right, considering the current situation of Tianyuan Milk Factory, it's normal for them to behave like this.

The job is almost gone, who can still work with peace of mind?

"Usually, our factory should broadcast the news at this time, but you see there is no movement now."

"Play the news? Are you joking? Who is in the mood?"

"Why do you say that Director Yu has to sell the dairy? Could it be that it can't continue to operate? As long as he is willing to continue working, even if it is a month's salary, I am willing."

"Don't think about good things. The factory manager can't help it. Who made him encounter difficulties. Let me tell you, the boss in our city named Wu Kewei is negotiating with our factory manager inside. Well, maybe we will call Wu Ke the boss in the future."

"Wu Kewei? I haven't heard of it. Is this person easy to get along with?"


While these workers were chatting consciously, negotiations were actually going on in the office.

Wu Kewei is very strong.

Facing the frowning face of thinking bitterly, his tone became more and more passionate.

"Director Yu, I hope you can understand that in today's Qingshan City, not everyone can come up with 60 in cash at once. And even if there are such people, they will not say they are interested in your milk factory. So Say that I am your best choice and the only choice. Don't hesitate any longer, the price I will give you is absolutely fair."

"Mr. Wu, you can't say that."

Yu Siku raised a sad face and insisted, "My milk factory is sold together with the ranch. The price you gave is too low, so low that I can't even agree."

"Then how much do you want?" Wu Kewei asked.

"Of course I hope that the more the better, you bid." Yu Siku was not caught in the trap, but asked unhurriedly.

Old and cunning fox!

Wu Ke thought this way from the bottom of his heart. After negotiating so many times, Yu Siku just didn't talk about it, and he didn't talk about the price, and kept forcing himself to bid.In this case, no matter what, he will be able to dominate.

Then make an offer.

"I'll give you another 62, [-], no more." Wu Kewei made a pained look.

Yu Siku shook his head: "Low, it's still a little low."

"65?" Wu Kewei asked tentatively.

Yu Siku still shook his head: "It's a bit low."

Wu Kewei gritted his teeth: "67, it can't be any higher."

"Let's raise it a bit more. I have so many workers who are about to be dismissed. You can't let me ignore them, can you?"

Having said that, Wu Ke stood up in embarrassment, stared at Yu Siku and said, "Director Yu, if you say that, I will give you a final price of 68! Interesting enough? I never If 60 goes all the way to 68, you will have an extra 8 yuan, which is enough for you to do a lot of things, and that’s about it.”

Yu Siku showed a troubled expression: "It's still a little..."

Wu Kewei raised his arm: "No, don't say it, I know what you want to say, it's still a bit low, right? Since you said that, let's forget about it, I don't think you have any intention of selling it .”

After Wu Kewei finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the door.

Yu Siku didn't mean to stop him either.

"Director Yu, are you sure you don't want to reveal your psychological price?" Wu Kewei put his hand on the doorknob and turned his head to ask.

"Buy it up, 150 million! As long as you can come up with the money, I'll make the decision to sell the milk factory to you." Yu Siku didn't care about him this time, and gave a price happily.


However, Wu Kewei sneered when he heard the price.

"Director Yu, if you are so dishonest, let's forget about our negotiation and leave!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Kewei strode out.

Come to the car outside.

Ma Xuetao asked with some puzzlement: "Brother-in-law, didn't you say that you would take it for as much as you want? 150 million, why didn't you take it? Even if it is a bit expensive, didn't you say that it could be sold for at least 300 million yuan once it changed hands?" Is it? We are also sure to make money without losing money!"

"Shut up you!"

Wu Kewei stared speechlessly.

"What I'm talking about is that it is possible to sell 300 million yuan, but it may not be sold. Of course, this is not the key point. The key point is that you ask me to take out 70 million yuan for a matter that can be solved with 150 million yuan? What is this? Is this bullying me? Let me tell you, no way, it is absolutely impossible for me to spend so much money to buy this dairy factory."

"But I think Yu Siku is determined to ask for this price."

"Bastard Tiexin, if no one wants it, he will have to lower the price sooner or later. Besides, what can he say in the negotiation? This matter, you just listen to me, and we don't need to rush to answer him."

"Didn't we leave in a huff? Wait, we'll come back later. By then, I think Yu Siku has been exposed to know our attitude, and we won't be asking for prices like we did just now."

The corners of Wu Kewei's lips slanted up, showing an expression of sure victory.

"Let's go, find a place to rest for a while."


And just as Wu Kewei's car drove out of the milk factory, Zhao Shanhe's car also drove in.No matter how you say it, Wei Wushu is a regular visitor here, and it is very easy to come in.

After a few people got out of the car, they began to look at the milk factory in front of them.

What appeared in front of Zhao Shanhe was a factory with various equipments inside.In the past, these devices must have been running all the time, but now they are silent and there is no movement.

Looking forward along the dairy factory, there is a lush green grassland, which is the pasture of Tianyuan Milk Factory.

"There are really cows!"

Seeing the cows walking leisurely, Cai Shishi shouted in surprise.

"Like cows?" Zhao Shanhe asked with a smile.

"I like it." Cai Shishi nodded.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look."

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe really didn't have any intention of negotiating with Yu Siku, so he really started to walk forward like this, looking at the buildings on both sides while walking.The factory area, dormitory area, and cafeteria area, not to mention Yu Siku is really interesting, although these buildings are not very luxurious, and some are even a row of bungalows.

But being able to take all these details into account while running a dairy like this is rare.

"I decided to go to our factory manager Yu, and donate my two months' salary."

"Me too, as long as we don't sell our milk factory, I don't want my salary."

"Let me tell you, don't make trouble for the factory manager. Do you think that donating two months' wages can solve the problem? Impossible, our factory manager encountered a lot of trouble this time. Money is just a drop in the bucket."

"I'm really reluctant to sell the factory."

When passing a poplar tree, Zhao Shanhe heard such a conversation. He followed the sound and saw six or seven workers standing there.Some of them were carrying red buckets, some were pushing carts, and some were leading a cow, but no matter what they were doing, they were all in low spirits, and they were all venting their depression.

Some of them came over to say hello with a smile when they saw Wei Wushu.

"Mr. Wei, why did you remember to come to our milk factory? Didn't you tell Director Yu? Why didn't he accompany you?"

"I'm just wandering around, you can continue to work on your work." Wei Wushu said with a smile.

"Okay, just tell us if you need our help."

"it is good!"

After walking from here, Zhao Shanhe didn't intend to stop. He walked to the pasture and felt the surprise brought by this grassland up close.Not to mention, Yu Siku's information is not lying, the quality of this grassland is really high.

The sky is blue and wild, and the wind blows the grass and the cattle and sheep are low.

There are not only cows here, but also a group of sheep being grazed.Cattle and sheep live together in harmony, creating a beautiful picture.Looking at the herd of cattle and sheep under the blue sky and white clouds, your mood will instantly be happy.

"Old Wei."

Just like that, Zhao Shanhe started to wander. About half an hour later, when they were about to continue walking, a voice suddenly sounded behind them. Several people looked over and found that the person calling Wei Wushu was Yu Siku.

"Old Yu."

Wei Wushu walked forward with a smile.

"I said you're really dishonest, you've come all the time, why didn't you tell me in advance. Anyway, this is my milk factory, what's the matter if you come uninvited?" Yu Siku Asked feigned anger.

"Old Yu, that's too serious. It's not that you don't want people to come in this ranch. I happened to bring my friends to visit here. Originally, I wanted to tell you after the shopping, but who would have thought that you would find out." Wei Wei Wu Shu said with a smile.


Yu Siku didn't say to continue teasing, he subconsciously looked at Zhao Shanhe.

"Who is this?"

Wei Wushu sideways let Zhao Shanhe out: "Let me introduce to you, this is Yu Siku, the director of Tianyuan Milk Factory."

"Old Yu, this is my old classmate, as I told you before, Zhao Shanhe who gave me the agency right of Yougu Dojo."

"Let's get to know each other."

Wei Wushu introduced the two of them.

"Zhao Shanhe? Are you Zhao Shanhe, the factory director of Shanqiu Food?" Yu Siku asked in surprise after hearing the introduction.

"Yes, I am Zhao Shanhe." Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly.

"It's really you!"

"Haha, I didn't expect that I would meet Zhao Shanhe, the founder of Shanqiu Food."

"Director Zhao, you don't know, this Wei Wushu is talking about you in my ears all day long, saying how good you are, and saying that you are his roommate. I thought he was bragging before, but I didn't admit it. I thought it was true."

Yu Siku stretched out his right hand excitedly.

"Director Zhao, I've wanted to meet you for a long time, and I've heard you talk about your business experience. Seeing you today is a fulfillment of one of my wishes. It's a pleasure to meet you!"

"Me too."

Zhao Shanhe stretched out his right hand, shook hands with Yu Siku, and said with a smile: "Before I came here, I also heard old Wei talking about you. He said how you took down this milk factory with bare hands, and said that you are A very powerful entrepreneur, so I am also very happy to meet you."

"A great entrepreneur?"

After hearing this, Yu Si smiled wryly and shook his head self-deprecatingly.

"Director Zhao, don't listen to old Wei's nonsense. I'm just such a powerful entrepreneur. My dairy factory is going to close down. I can't be considered a great entrepreneur."

"Closed down?"

Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows, smiled playfully, and spoke slowly.

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