The call was from Yang E.

It's just that Yang E's tone was a little hasty, and what she said made Zhao Shanhe's face darken instantly.

"Wei Wu Shu has been detained."

It was this news that made Zhao Shanhe stunned.

"What do you mean? How could Wei, Wu and Shu be arrested?" Zhao Shanhe was very surprised and asked anxiously.

"I don't know the specific situation yet. I didn't just come to Qingshan City. I wanted to talk to him about cooperation. Who would have heard the news that he was detained. But I don't think it matters. After all, he also has contacts in Qingshan City. , should be able to come out." Yang E said.

"Find a way to figure this out."

After pondering for a while, Zhao Shanhe said slowly, "I haven't had anything to do recently. If the affairs of Wei Wushu are troublesome, I will go there."

"Yes!" Yang E hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

"Wei Wushu, who is tricking you?" Zhao Shanhe put down the phone and muttered to himself with deep eyes.

Yang E's work efficiency was very high, Zhao Shanhe didn't even have time to discuss with Gao Shaoyuan in detail, she figured out the ins and outs of the matter.It turned out that in this matter, Wei Wushu was tricked by someone, and the trick was bad enough. He used the trick of the bad street, the fairy jump, but it happened to be the most effective, and he was detained.

"Immortal jump? Does that mean someone did it on purpose?" Zhao Shanhe raised his eyebrows and asked thoughtfully.


Yang E said in a deep voice: "This matter is man-made, and I received news that this matter may have something to do with our Yougu Dojo, because he is the agent of Yougu Dojo recently."

Yougu Dojo?

Could it be Wu Kewei?

Thinking of Wu Kewei and Chen Zhilei being severely punished by him at the school celebration ceremony, Zhao Shanhe felt that it was very possible.

Thinking of this, he said calmly, "In other words, Wei Wushu is still being detained?"


"I see, I'll go there now, and I'll contact you over there."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe called Li Xiangyang in, told him about the incident, and said slowly: "I think this incident is probably caused by me, even if it is not caused by me, Wei Wu Shu encounters this kind of trouble, and I can't just sit idly by. So I think I'll go over now and see if I can solve it."

"Go, I'm here." Li Xiangyang said.

"it is good!"

On the way to Qingshan City, Zhao Shanhe thought about it, and then called Gu Qianzhou.Anyway, Gu Qianzhou is the director of the tractor factory, and he has a wide network of contacts in Qingshan City.

What Wei, Wu and Shu couldn't do, Gu Qianzhou can basically do.

When working on someone else's territory, it's always right to say hello in advance.

After hearing what Zhao Shanhe said, Gu Qianzhou agreed without hesitation.He also said that he knew Wei Wushu and had heard about Wu Kewei.

"You said you still have half an hour to arrive? Well, let's meet in front of the police station, and I promise to get him out for you." Gu Qianzhou said calmly.

"Then please trouble Mr. Gu."

"What's the trouble, it should be, see you later."

"See you later."


After half an hour.

At the gate of Qingfeng Road Police Station, Qingshan City.

As soon as Zhao Shanhe's car stopped on the side of the road, Gu Qianzhou walked over with Wei Wushu.After seeing Zhao Shanhe, Wei Wushu's expression was a little embarrassed, he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't say it.

Zhao Shanhe nodded slightly, indicating that it was okay, Wei Wushu's expressions relaxed.

"Mr. Gu, I'm sorry to trouble you this time." Zhao Shanhe extended his right hand to express his thanks.

"No trouble, there is no trouble here, and this matter, there is an inside story. Boss Wei was tricked by someone, just explain the matter clearly." Gu Qianzhou shook hands with Zhao Shanhe and smiled.

"Anyway, thank you, Mr. Gu."

"I've seen you outside, isn't it?"

Gu Qianzhou laughed.

"In this way, when you just met, you must have a lot to talk about. I don't care about the lunch. I'll make arrangements in the evening. Director Zhao, let's get together at that time."

"it is good!"

"That's it."

After Gu Qianzhou finished speaking, he turned and left, without any intention of staying to claim credit.

Looking at his back, Zhao Shanhe admired secretly in his heart.

Although Gu Qianzhou said that he didn't develop the tractor factory, if you talk about his ability to deal with people, you can't pick him up.How clever this is, he can tell at a glance that he must have something to say with Wei Wushu, so he offered to leave.

"Shanhe, brother was tricked this time."

Only then did Wei Wushu raise his brows indignantly, with a look of annoyance on his face.

"Let's go, find a place to talk about it." Zhao Shanhe pointed to his car and said.

"it is good!"

Ten minutes later, the two came to Wei Wushu's office, and after sitting down respectively, Wei Wushu began to talk.Following his narration, Zhao Shanhe gradually understood the cause and effect of the whole incident.

The thing is fairy jumping.

It's just that I didn't expect that it was supposed to be a case of extortion. Who would have thought that at the last moment, Wei Wushu was captured by the security team who rushed in, and then he was taken to the police station.

"So you mean to say that you were framed by Wu Kewei?" Zhao Shanhe narrowed his eyes slightly and his face darkened.


The moment Wei Wushu heard this name, his face turned livid, and he said harshly: "I have been investigated by someone, and the person who framed me is Wu Kewei's brother-in-law's brother. If you said it wasn't for him, Who else?"

"And the most important thing is that after I was taken away, someone sent a message in, asking me to consider whether I should continue to act as an agent of Yougu Daochang Instant Noodles. If I was smarter, I would give up as soon as possible. I refused immediately. "

"So do you still have to run away? It must have been done by Wu Kewei. He is the only one who wants me not to cooperate with you. What do you think about him? We are all classmates. Is the relationship so unfeeling?"

"If you want to say that, then it really is him."

The corner of Zhao Shanhe's mouth raised a mocking sneer.

"When I was in the technical school, I said that Wu Kewei was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf, and he only saw benefits in his eyes. I remember you still refuted me at that time, saying that I was thinking too much. Now you see Look, isn't that so?"

"Let's not talk about the school celebration, he set me up, just talk about you."

"If he is smart enough, he should join hands with you. After all, Qingshan City is so big, isn't it enough for you to torment? Who would have thought that he didn't do this, but was blinded by money, thinking that your existence is the greatest Enemy, try every means to make you bow your head to him, if you don't bow your head, you will be destroyed!"

"Who thought he was this kind of person."

Wei Wushu also felt a little regretful. If he had known that Wu Kewei had become like this, he would never save face.

Do you really think I don't know anything?I just don't want to have a falling out with you, otherwise you will die if you do nothing!

"Isn't it just that I helped Lao Yu from Tianyuan Milk Factory to say a few words? Why is he so nervous! He insisted on killing me. Yaya, if I knew it, I should have killed him."

"Tianyuan Milk Factory? What do you mean?" Zhao Shanhe was slightly taken aback.

"That's right, do you know Huang'an County in Qingshan City?"

"Huang'an County?"

Zhao Shanhe nodded and said calmly: "Of course I know Huang'an County. Didn't Qingshan Technical School arrange for us to go there for internship before? I remember that Huang'an County has a particularly beautiful scenery, and it's not too far from Qingshan City. We were riding bicycles , can walk back and forth in half a day.”

"Yes, you are right. The scenery in Huang'an County is very beautiful. The Tianyuan Milk Factory I am talking about belongs to Huang'an County. Lao Yu is the director of this dairy factory. His name is Yu Siku, and he is a very honest person. people."

"Although the relationship between him and me is not very good, he is definitely not the kind of strange passer-by, and he can sit down and have a drink or two together. He has encountered some troubles recently, so he wants to sell the dairy factory go out."

Speaking of this, Wei Wushu's tone suddenly became resentful.

"Well, I don't know how Wu Kewei found out about it. He just wanted to take advantage of the fire to rob, and took advantage of Lao Yu's urgent need for money to buy the bottom. He is not talking nonsense, just this milk factory, old Yu Qianqian As far as I know, the amount of money that was invested in the end was already more than 100 million. He Wu Kewei actually wanted to buy it for only 60, which is really fantastic!"

"After I found out, I told Yu Siku that you can't sell it casually like this. If you really want to sell it for 60 yuan, even though I'm useless, then you can sell it to me."

"Wu Kewei probably knew about this, so he set up a trap for me. One fairy jumps, the other squats. This is to completely destroy my reputation."

Speaking of this, Wei Wushu couldn't suppress his grief and indignation.

"Tianyuan Milk Factory?"

Zhao Shanhe's eyes lit up immediately, showing a look of great interest.

In fact, he has always been very concerned about the dairy factory. After all, various dairy products such as milk, yogurt, milk powder, and cheese will become the mainstay of the food industry in future generations. Can gain a firm foothold in the food industry.

Although Shanqiu Foods now has a wide range of businesses, if you say that it can stand alone, there are very few.Not to mention those snacks, can Yile chewing gum?Obviously impossible, chewing gum is just something to chew when you are bored, and it cannot be said to be eaten as a meal.

But milk does.

Serve with meals!Use it for visiting relatives during Chinese New Year!Boxes of milk occupy an unchallenged position in supermarkets.And if I remember correctly, just this year, a big overlord in the milk industry in the future will be established this year.

This overlord is talking about Liyi Dairy.

Then five years later, another overlord of the dairy industry will emerge.

In other words, the milk industry is still blank. Even if there are milk factories, they are just small businesses, and there is no one who can form a large-scale climate.And if it is said to take advantage of the Tianyuan milk factory now to enter the milk industry, it is definitely a stroke of genius.

The more Zhao Shanhe thought about it, the more interesting he became.

"Do you have the detailed information about this Tianyuan milk factory?" Zhao Shanhe asked.


As Wei Wushu spoke, he took out a document from the drawer and handed it over.

"Yu Siku gave this to me back then, and he also wanted me to help introduce a buyer. What's the matter? Shanhe, are you interested? Let me tell you, if you are interested, you'd better sell now , otherwise, if Wu Ke really succeeds, it will be over." Wei Wushu's eyes showed a look of anticipation.

It is impossible for him to take out 60 cash all at once, but Zhao Shanhe can.

Instead of this milk tea falling into the hands of Wu Kewei, it is better to hand it over to Zhao Shanhe for management.I dare not say anything else, at least Zhao Shanhe is definitely better than Wu Ke, if he takes over, he will make the dairy factory flourish.

And Wu Kewei will do this?No, if he takes over, it will only bring down the dairy factory.

Because he didn't go for the milk at all, he went for the land.

"I'll take a look at the information first."

This information is very detailed. After all, Yu Siku sincerely wants to sell the dairy factory, so he will not tamper with the information.Among all the materials, the one that moved Zhao Shanhe's heart the most was that Huang'an County has the best natural pastures.

what does this mean?

It means that as long as this natural pasture is managed well, the dairy factory will be sure.After all, the core of a milk factory is the pasture, and a natural high-quality pasture can also reassure all consumers.

"Old Wei, I want this milk factory!" After reading it, Zhao Shanhe put the information on the table and said with bright eyes.

"Are you sure?" Wei Wushu asked in surprise.

"Yes, I'm sure. So, let's go to Yu Siku now, I want to talk to him face to face. Didn't he say he needs money? I will give him a satisfactory number." Zhao Shanhe said .

"Okay, then let's leave for Huang'an County."

Wei Wushu spoke excitedly and was about to pick up the phone.

"I'll contact him first."

"do not want!"

Zhao Shanhe reached out to cover his arm, shook his head, and said meaningfully: "It is said that Tianyuan Dairy Factory has the best quality pastures, but what is it like, and what is the situation of the dairy factory? Know nothing."

"I believe you don't know much. In this case, let's treat it as a private visit. I want to see the most authentic milk factory before making a decision."

Wei Wushu nodded and said: "Understood, then let's visit in private."

"it is good!"


On the way from Qingshan City to Huang'an County.

Sitting in an off-road vehicle was Wu Kewei with a gloomy face. He had just received a call saying that Wei Wushu had been released.And the other party didn't say they wanted to cover it up, and told him bluntly that Gu Qianzhou did it.

"Mr. Wu, although I don't know what deep hatred you have with Wei Wushu, but since Gu Qianzhou is involved in this matter, I would advise you to handle it carefully."

"After all, Gu Qianzhou has a very wide network of contacts in our Qingshan City. You said that it would be fine if the tractor factory closed down, but now it has revived. What does this mean? It means that Gu Qianzhou can continue to have the right to speak in Qingshan City. You and him It's not a wise move to face it!"

Not a wise move.

Six words are the best words of advice.

Wu Kewei also knew that Gu Qianzhou's influence was not comparable to his own. He didn't have much hatred for Gu Qianzhou, and what he hated was Zhao Shanhe.

Because he knew that Zhao Shanhe did this, if not for Zhao Shanhe, how could he talk to Gu Qianzhou?Nowadays, no one in Qingshan City knows that the tractor factory turned around because of Zhao Shanhe.

How can Zhao Shanhe turn a blind eye to the accidents in Wei, Wu and Shu?

"Xuetao, is the person you are looking for reliable?"

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