Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 991 One Door Separates Two Worlds

"Mountains and rivers."

"Brother Shanhe."

Seeing who was rushing over, both Lin Chunyan and Zhao Shankai couldn't help shouting.

"Mom and Dad, are you all right?"

Zhao Shanhe walked over from the crowd, stood in front of Zhao Yonghao and Lin Chunyan, and asked anxiously.He came back in a hurry, but he was a little late, and was surrounded by these villagers.

You must know that when he saw this scene, he was angry.

This means that Zhao Yonghao and Lin Chunyan are fine, but if there is any trouble between them, what do you think Zhao Shanhe will do?But even so, there was a wave of anger in his heart now.

"We're fine, why are you back?" Zhao Yonghao said.

"It's fine."

Zhao Shanhe breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Zhao Shankai, and at this moment, before he could ask a question, He Saihua also rushed over from home.When she saw that Zhao Shanhe was at the scene, she looked anxious, but she did everything possible to solve this problem before Zhao Shanhe came back, but in the end it was too late.

"Brother Shanhe."

He Saihua hurried over, a little timidly.

"Saihua, I'm very disappointed in you."

After Zhao Shanhe took a deep look at He Saihua, he slowly said a word.But at the moment of hearing this, He Saihua's face paled suddenly, and he hesitated to speak.

"Brother Shanhe, this matter..."

Zhao Shankai hurriedly wanted to help explain, but He Saihua grabbed his arm, shook his head and said to Zhao Shanhe: "Brother Shanhe, this incident was indeed caused by my negligence of duty, and I am willing to bear all the consequences."

"With all the consequences?"

The corners of Zhao Shanhe's lips raised, and he said lightly, "I'll talk about your business later."

"Shanhe, you can't blame Saihua for this matter. Actually, this matter has nothing to do with her. If it weren't for her, this matter would have become even bigger." Zhao Yonghao said in a deep voice.

"It's getting bigger?"

Zhao Shanhe sneered, glanced at the onlookers, and then calmly looked at Zhao Yonghao: "Dad, let me settle this matter."

"You solve it? How do you solve it?"

"Zhao Shanhe, you came back just in time, so let's talk about it clearly."

"Yes, we want an explanation from you."

The emotions of the villagers began to turmoil again, and amidst the fierce shouts, Li Tianjie and Huang Xiuyu stood at the front. After the two exchanged a look, Li Tianjie waved his arms.

"Zhao Shanhe, as I said just now, you want to eat meat, this is human nature, we understand, but you must also let us drink some soup when you eat meat? You can't say that you take all the advantages, a little Don't leave it to us!"

"That's right, without you doing things like this."

Huang Xiuyu immediately agreed.

"Everyone is from the village. Is it really okay for you to do things so well? Don't forget, you are also a man who has gone out of Zhaojiazhai. You must pay attention to the rules when you speak and do things."

The crowd was turbulent and the crowd was furious.

Looking at such a scene, Zhao Shanhe said slowly: "So you mean that I, Zhao Shanhe, contracted our Zhaojiazhai mountain forest to build an orchard, just to make money?"

"Isn't it?" Li Tianjie widened his eyes confidently.

"I want to bring the big guys to make a fortune together. That's what I told the third grandpa, and the third grandpa also agrees. I didn't expect that you would make such a thing today."

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, I want to meet the third grandfather, please come out and have a good talk with you." Zhao Shanhe said in a deep voice.

"You want to see the old village chief? It's useless, the old village chief is not in the village."

Li Tianjie shook his head.

"Besides, even if the old village chief is here, he would not agree to what you did. I'm not afraid to tell you that I did this with the consent of the old village chief. If you don't believe me, you can ask Huang Xiuyu, the old village chief. The elder is Huang Xiuyu's father-in-law, you should believe what he says, right?"


Huang Xiuyu stood up with her head upright, stared at Zhao Shanhe, and said loudly: "My father-in-law agreed to this matter, and he also thinks it's wrong for you to do this. It looks a bit ugly."

"I see."

After hearing this, Zhao Shanhe showed an expression of enlightenment, and after scanning the audience, he said lightly: "So what you mean is that I, Zhao Shanhe, contracted the mountain forest not to lead you to get rich, but purely for personal gain. You gathered here to besiege my parents, and you also want me to give up money, right?"

"We're not asking you to give up the profits, we just want to drink the soup." Huang Xiuyu shouted, and then looked behind her, "You say, right?"

"Yes, let's drink soup!"

A group of people shouted with red eyes.

"Shanhe, how about..."

Seeing such a scene, Lin Chunyan said in a low voice, but Zhao Shanhe shook his head to stop him before he could speak, and then he said calmly: "Mom, since they think so, since they think that I, Zhao Shanhe If the plan is unfair and the plan is wrong, then this matter is easy to handle. If I don’t do it, it will be done!”

Don't do it?

Lin Chunyan was slightly taken aback.

He Saihua looked surprised.

Li Tianjie and Huang Xiuyu also showed expressions of disbelief.

"Zhao Shanhe, what do you mean?" Huang Xiuyu asked in surprise.

"My meaning is very simple, that is, from now on, I will not contract the forests and orchards in our Zhaojiazhai. Please continue to do what you did before."

Zhao Shanhe's expression was extremely calm.

When this was said, the audience was in an uproar.

All the villagers were dumbfounded.

They would follow Li Tianjie and Huang Xiuyu, purely to make some money, but they never thought that Zhao Shanhe would do this at all.

If he doesn't do it, is there any point in returning the forest to them?No, it makes no sense at all.If they said they could develop it, they would have developed it long ago, why wait until now.

"Zhao Shanhe, you can't do this, you must continue to operate the orchard, you..."

Huang Xiuyu wanted to continue talking, but was interrupted forcefully by Zhao Shanhe.

He looked over with cold eyes, and said mockingly: "Huang Xiuyu, what do you mean? You still want to buy and sell by force?"

"I'm telling you, I'm not afraid to talk about it here today. The investment in our village's forest orchard is really a thankless thing for me. The money I earn casually outside is more than here Much more."

"Since the two of you are so jealous, since you insist on doing this, it's fine, let the mountain forest orchard be invested by you."

Speaking of this, Zhao Shanhe looked around the audience: "If any of you want a salary increase, ask them two. If any of you want shares, tell them too."

"In short, I can't play this matter, and I don't want to continue playing. I quit, okay?"

After Zhao Shanhe finished speaking, he turned around to look at Zhao Yonghao and Lin Chunyan, and said softly, "Mom and Dad, I see that the village is full of smog, why don't you follow me and let's go to the county town for two days to relax."


"We'll follow you!"

Lin Chunyan just wanted to refuse, but Zhao Yonghao agreed straightforwardly, and then in Lin Chunyan's surprised eyes, he said calmly: "Shanhe, we will follow you to Zhenghe County. I said, if you want to find him to do something, you just send us there."

"Okay." Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and tidy up, bring some change of clothes, let's follow the mountains and rivers." Zhao Yong took a good look at Lin Chunyan.

"it is good!"

Lin Chunyan didn't say anything else, she turned her head and went home to pack her clothes.

Zhao Shanhe and the others followed in.

Immediately the courtyard door was closed on the spot.

A door separates two worlds.

"Li Tianjie, what do you think we should do now?"

"We can't just let Zhao Shanhe go like this?"

"But the problem is, he is an investor, and if he says he won't invest, what else can you do? Do you have to force him to take out the money? If so, what will our village become? A den of bandits?"

"Huang Xiuyu, you should say something."


The villagers surrounded the two of them and began to talk in a hurry.They were really shocked by Zhao Shanhe's decision. If they knew it would be like this, they would rather not come.

Let me tell you something from the bottom of my heart, did Zhao Shanhe give it very low?Not too low, that salary standard is much more than what they earn when they go out to work.

Why do you have to be so greedy?

We are really obsessed with money, and we actually listened to the words of two bastards like Li Tianjie and Huang Xiuyu, and came here to do such a foolish thing.This will make everyone miserable!

"What are you afraid of? I still don't believe it. Without Zhang Butcher, we would have to eat hairy pigs. Leave this to me, and I will handle it. I promise to find a more suitable investor than Zhao Shanhe."

Being scolded like this, Huang Xiuyu yelled out in distraught.

"Are you sure? Can you really find someone to take over this matter?"


Huang Xiuyu became dumb for a moment.

The villagers were immediately disappointed.

They really wanted to knock on the door now, to go in and tell Zhao Shanhe not to stop doing this, but thinking about their actions just now, none of them did so.They haven't reached the point where they don't even want the most basic face.

Inside the courtyard.

Lin Chunyan was packing her luggage.

Zhao Yonghao sat on the ponytail and smoked.

Zhao Shankai and He Saihua stood in front of Zhao Shanhe, with a hint of fear in their respectful expressions.They knew in their hearts that this matter really violated Zhao Shanhe's taboo.

"Brother Shanhe, I'm all to blame for this matter. Saihua actually wanted to tell you, but I stopped her from letting go. I was thinking, relying on my own ability to solve this matter, so as not to cause you trouble, who would want to I overestimated my abilities and failed to do this."

"So Brother Shanhe, if you have any anger, just vent it on me. It's all my fault, and I'm willing to bear it."

Zhao Shankai lowered his head, voluntarily admitted his mistake in dejection, and took all the responsibility on himself.

"No, this has nothing to do with Shan Kai, it's all my fault."

He Saihua dragged Zhao Shankai behind him, and anxiously explained to Zhao Shanhe: "Brother Shanhe, I thought I could handle this matter well, so I didn't report it to you. What I told you is that I didn't do it. If you have any fire, come to me, this is my responsibility. "


"Shan Kai, stop talking."

He Saihua stared at Zhao Shankai fiercely, with a tough attitude.


Seeing the two couples showing their affection in front of him, Zhao Shanhe shook his head speechlessly, and said with a cold look in his eyes: "Saihua, don't I believe you? If I didn't believe you, I wouldn't talk about this matter." Leave it to you to do it."

"Let me tell you, what makes me angry is not that you didn't tell me. What makes me angry is that they dare to openly surround my parents here. This is something I absolutely cannot tolerate."

"I'm willing to help our village get rich, and that's because my parents said, if they get hurt because of this, do you think I'll feel better? So this is what makes me angry, and what makes me even more angry is that you Knowing that this was going to happen, she didn't tell me in advance, and even asked my mother to call me to come back."

Zhao Shanhe paused, took two deep breaths to calm down his emotions, and his tone slowed down: "You said if I didn't come back today and couldn't see this, what would happen?"

"As for whether you can solve this problem, whether you can start the orchard, or whether you have the ability, it doesn't matter to me. I say that, do you understand?"


He Saihua lowered her head, showing a shameful expression, she understood, completely understood.She knew that Zhao Yonghao and Lin Chunyan were Zhao Shanhe's rebels. In Zhao Shanhe's heart, the significance of these two people was greater than that of the entire Zhao family village.So she was appointed to run the orchard in the first place, just to make sure the two old people were okay.

If they have something to do, the orchard is worthless in Zhao Shanhe's eyes.

But I insisted on thinking in the wrong direction, thinking that I could handle this matter well and develop the orchard business, so that I could be worthy of Zhao Shanhe's trust.That is to say, fortunately, nothing happened today, but if something unexpected happened, do you think Zhao Shanhe would still reason with himself calmly?

"Brother Shanhe, I will take care of this matter." He Saihua said in a deep voice.

"No need!" Zhao Shanhe said lightly, waving his hands.

"Brother Shanhe, just give me another chance, I promise I can persuade them, I promise..."

He Saihua wanted to explain excitedly, but Zhao Shankai directly grabbed her arm, and then, with a somewhat astonished expression on her face, Zhao Shankai said calmly: "No more, brother Shanhe, no need."


"Nothing but."

Zhao Shankai interrupted He Saihua forcefully, and said calmly: "Didn't you hear what Brother Shanhe said? He said that this matter is over, the orchard will not be done, and the investment will not be invested, so you don't have to do it any more. Persuading someone. Since Li Tianjie and Huang Xiuyu are so capable and dare to gather a crowd to make trouble, let them jump around."

"Let's just go back and do our jobs."

"You will go back to the Shanqiu Foods branch today and continue to work as your workshop director. You have also missed a lot of work these days, and it is time to go back and catch up with the progress."


He Saihua wanted to continue talking, but seeing that Zhao Shanhe didn't deny what Zhao Shankai said, she swallowed the words abruptly, nodded heavily, took a deep breath, and said, holding back the grievance in her heart: "Shanhe Brother, I listen to you, I will go back right away."

"Okay!" Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

At this moment, Lin Chunyan came out with her bag.

"Shanhe, let's go."

"it is good!"

Then Zhao Shanhe took his parents out of the house, locked the courtyard door, and drove away in a car under the watchful eyes of all the villagers.

A ride to the dust.

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