"That's it. I want to start a real estate company. I wonder if you are interested in taking a share?"

Yang Jiuding smiled, and he said it so unhurriedly, he really didn't continue to talk about Chen Guodong.

"Real Estate Company?"

Zhao Shanhe couldn't help being taken aback: "Brother Yang, why did you suddenly think of starting a real estate company? Isn't your chemical industry doing well?"

"Yes, my chemical plant is fine, but I just want to play in a different industry. Before I was in the chemical industry, I was in the construction team, and I am quite familiar with the construction industry."

"Besides, you also know that real estate is real estate. No matter when people have to live in a house, right? As long as there is demand, this industry will never go bankrupt."

Yang Jiuding raised the corners of his lips.

"So I wanted to get into real estate."

"Brother Zhao, are you interested?"


Zhao Shanhe really didn't think about it, but he also knows that in the near future, the real estate industry will usher in a blowout period.Although he said he didn't want to do this, it didn't prevent him from investing in shares.

After all, this is a profitable industry.

"Yes, I'm thinking of getting a few people to do this together. You are all shareholders of the company. You don't need to talk about coming to the company. You have the right to share dividends at the end of the year. What do you say? Would you like to play with my brother? ?” Yang Jiuding looked over with a smile.


Zhao Shanhe nodded, and said calmly: "Since you are kindly invited, Brother Yang, wouldn't it be a disappointment for me to refuse you again? All right, I am willing to take a share, but I don't know how this share is calculated." ?”

"Don't worry, I won't let you suffer."

Yang Jiuding pondered for a while, raised his head and said seriously: "I think so, because this real estate company is the one I promote, so I have to hold the shares. I own 60.00% of the shares, and the remaining 200% of the shares, if you If you want, how about 20.00 million, holding [-]% of the shares? Is that okay?"

"Okay, of course, your old brother Yang said that, can I still refuse? No problem, I agree." Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly and nodded on the spot.

"Happy, I knew you brother Zhao was good enough, come on, let's touch one." Yang Jiuding patted the table, and held out his wine glass towards Zhao Shanhe with a bright smile.


After drinking a glass of wine, Yang Jiuding laughed and said, "Brother Zhao, that's the deal with this share, you just wait for the dividends in the future, and of course there is the remaining 20.00% of the shares, I will also After all, a company like this must attract more people to be safe."

"I understand, I'll trouble Brother Yang to trouble you about these things, and I'll just wait for the ready-made ones." Zhao Shanhe smiled casually.

All he wanted was a dividend.

As for the management rights and the like, he will not fight for them.

"it is good."

Yang Jiuding was also very happy in his heart, he never thought that Zhao Shanhe would agree so happily.From his point of view, Zhao Shanhe had to hesitate for a while, and even talked about how many shares he had. Now it seems that he was thinking too much.

Zhao Shanhe has courage.

In the following time, the two began to chat casually. During this period, Zhao Shanhe received a call from his mother Lin Chunyan.What he said was that he wanted to see if Zhao Shanhe had time recently, and if so, could he go home for a while.

Lin Chunyan hesitated to speak, which made Zhao Shanhe alert.

"Mom, is something wrong at home?"


Lin Chunyan said quickly, and after saying this, she hesitated and said: "It's like this, something happened in the village, isn't it that you want to help the villagers get rich? This is a bit of an accident. Your father was caught by this incident in the past two days. It's a bit worrying. He didn't want me to tell you, saying that he was afraid of disturbing you, but I think it's better to tell you about it. "

"Something happened in the village?"

Zhao Shanhe was slightly taken aback.

What can happen in the village?He wanted to lead the villagers to make a fortune, and for this purpose, he also formulated a plan to vigorously develop the fruit tree planting industry in the village.As for how to cooperate, after several discussions, the final choice was Zhao Shanhe's investment, and the villagers helped to work in the orchard to earn wages.

This kind of cooperation is the simplest and most direct. The key is that the villagers do not need to advance funds or bear risks, so no one has any opinions.

He even specially arranged for someone to take charge of this matter, and this person is Zhao Shankai's fiancée He Saihua.If there is a problem with this matter, He Saihua should contact her, right?

Or is it not that exaggerated?It's just that Lin Chunyan is a little worried?

It doesn't matter, I will go home tomorrow and have a look.

"Mom, I have nothing to do tomorrow, I just go back." Zhao Shanhe said.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you at home."

"it is good!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Shanhe pondered for a while, but still didn't call He Saihua.Maybe I was thinking too much, He Saihua should be able to handle this matter, right?

"Brother Zhao, come on, let's continue drinking." Yang Jiuding looked at the side for a while, then raised his glass and said.

"it is good!"


A community in the county seat of Nanjue County.

This is the house that Zhao Shankai bought, and he plans to get married here in the future, to marry He Saihua.The house has also been decorated a long time ago, just waiting for the two to move in after they get married.

And now the two are in this room, but He Saihua's expression is a little melancholy.

"Do you think I should tell Brother Shanhe?" Zhao Shankai asked in a low voice.

"do not want!"

When He Saihua heard this, she quickly waved her hands and said decisively: "Shan Kai, don't tell Brother Shanhe about this anyway, I can handle it well."

"If I tell him now, he will doubt my ability. And I don't think it's a big deal. If I use this to bother brother Shanhe, it's really unnecessary."

"Are you sure? Can you really handle it well? You have to know that sometimes the desire for profit is overwhelming, and those people can do anything in the face of profit. Not to mention the folks in the village, even blood relatives, they don't care .” Zhao Shankai frowned and said seriously.

"No, it's not as exaggerated as you said. I still think I can handle it well. Give me some time. In this way, if I say that it can't be done, let's tell Brother Shanhe again. I don't want Brother Shanhe to be disappointed in me. .”

He Saihua was firm.

Zhao Shankai thought for a while and nodded: "All right, I'll follow your orders."

"Well, I'll definitely be able to handle this well." He Saihua's eyes brightened.

With such determination, He Saihua returned to Zhaojiazhai in the morning of the next day, escorted by Zhao Shankai.She originally planned to find a time to chat with each other after she came back, but what she didn't expect was that as soon as she returned to her home, her father hurried in and said in a hasty tone: "Xiao Hua, something happened!"

"An accident? What happened?" He Saihua raised his head with a puzzled expression.

"The group of people went to your Uncle Yonghao's house. They said that you must give them an explanation today, and that if you don't give them, they will let Zhao Shanhe come back!" He Youliang said eagerly.


He Saihua was taken aback, put down the purse in her hand in disbelief, and rushed out anxiously.

"Dad, I'm going right now."

"Wait, I'll go with you too."

The gate of Zhao Yonghao's house.

This place is already crowded with people, and a group of villagers surrounded it tightly.Some of them had deep-fried dough sticks in their hands and were still chomping on them, some shouted angrily, and some even picked up a sickle from their back baskets.

The sentiment is indignant.

"Zhao Yonghao, come out to us, we want you to explain."

"That's right, don't hide at home and be a shrinking turtle."

"Let me tell you Zhao Yonghao, if you don't give us an explanation today, we'll go to the county town to ask your son for it."

A group of people shouted loudly.

Amidst such shouts, Zhao Yonghao and Lin Chunyan came out of the house, and beside them stood Zhao Shankai with a gloomy face.He scanned the past with ice-cold eyes, and finally locked on to the two men who led the trouble, without hiding the anger in his heart.

"Li Tianjie, Huang Xiuyu, are you two going to have a quarrel? How dare you incite the villagers to come to my uncle's house? Why don't you hurry up and let everyone disperse? Do you really want to make trouble?"

"make trouble?"

The first man with pigtails, who looks smug at first glance, is Li Tianjie.

Li Tianjie glanced at Zhao Shankai arrogantly, and said dismissively: "Zhao Shankai, do you have a place to speak here? Tell you, according to seniority, you should call me uncle. How dare you not be here?" Didn't Xiaodi call him by his first name?"

"That's right."

It was the man next to him who was talking, he was as fat as a pig, even if he moved slightly, his fat would tremble back and forth, and he was looking at Zhao Shankai rebelliously at this moment.

"Zhao Shankai, according to seniority, I, Huang Xiuyu, belong to your uncle's generation. How can you shout here? You don't have a place to speak here, why don't you hurry up and back down."

"I don't have a place to talk?"

Zhao Shankai laughed back angrily, pointed at the two of them, and said mockingly: "You all brought people to the door of my uncle's house, and said that I don't have a place to speak? If I don't speak again, are you going to rush into the courtyard? You just rushed into the house? Just the two of you, who shamelessly want to be my uncle, bah! Are you worthy?"

"Zhao Shankai, if you dare to talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will slap you." Huang Xiuyu raised his arm and pointed at Zhao Shankai's nose, with fierce eyes.

"Smack it, I'll stand here, if you dare, come up and try it." Zhao Shankai was unmoved, but took a step forward, staring at him contemptuously.


"Shan Kai, let me say a few words!"

Seeing that the conflict was about to intensify, Zhao Yonghao came out, pulled Zhao Shankai back, and stood in the front. After scanning the audience, his eyes fell on Huang Xiuyu and Li Tianjie, and asked calmly: " What are you two trying to do with the big guys here?"

"I, Zhao Yong, dare not say anything else. My ancestors have grown up here for generations. If you speak clearly today, I will definitely give you an explanation."

"Okay, we just want to explain."

Huang Xiuyu stuck out the general's belly, raised his arms indignantly, and shouted loudly.

"We're here about the orchard."

"Everyone knows that this orchard was contracted by Zhao Shanhe, the eldest son of your old Zhao family. He said that he wanted to engage in planting and vigorously develop the fruit industry. This is no problem. We all agreed at the time, but He can't do this, can he? He's already eaten meat, can't we even have soup?"

Speaking of this, Huang Xiuyu looked around at everyone: "Are you right?"

"Yes, we want soup."

"Not only do we have to drink soup, we also have to eat meat!"

"Let Zhao Shanhe raise our wages and give us shares. If not, we will return our mountains and forests. It's good for us to plant fruit trees ourselves. We don't need him to be the landlord."

A group of people began to shout desperately, and all of them had expressions of disbelief and strong doubt on their faces.In their hearts, Zhao Shanhe has already been vilified.

Eating meat and drinking soup is a mess.

Upon hearing this and seeing this scene, Lin Chunyan subconsciously tightened Zhao Yonghao's arm, and said in a low voice, "Master, what do you think about this matter? Why don't we talk about it after Shanhe comes back."

"Shanhe is back? Did you tell Shanhe?" Zhao Yonghao turned his head and asked.

Lin Chunyan was startled, her eyes dodged a little: "I said it."


Zhao Yonghao glanced at it speechlessly. What he was most afraid of was that this incident would disturb Zhao Shanhe. He didn't expect to be afraid of something.But it doesn't matter, since this group of villagers insists on making such a fuss, then forget about it.

Thinking of this, Zhao Yonghao patted Lin Chunyan's arm and said, "It's all right, everything is up to me."

Then Zhao Yonghao scanned the audience.

"Folks, Shanhe is my son. There may be problems of one kind or another in the orchard he is going to build, but no matter what the problem is, as long as it occurs, it must be our fault. I apologize to everyone here."


Who would have thought that Li Tianjie, who would see Zhao Yonghao bent over and bowed, not only did not mean to be wrong, but said arrogantly: "Zhao Yonghao, don't put on an air here, let me tell you, we don't take this kind of thing, we just If you want money, if you don’t give us money or shares, this matter is not over.”

"That's right, didn't he, Zhao Shanhe, make a lot of money outside? He made a lot of money, why is he still here to care about these petty profits with us? Isn't this what he wants to make money? Our money is not so good earned."

Huang Xiuyu waved his fist loudly.

"That's right, don't you just think it's cheap for us to be workers?"

"We are more convenient to use and easier to talk to than outsiders, so why don't you give us a raise?"

"Everyone is from the village, Zhao Yonghao, your old Zhao family can't do things like this?"

A group of people shouted and fueled the flames.

Hearing these angry voices, Lin Chunyan's body couldn't help trembling.She really didn't expect that Zhao Shanhe had kindly said that he would help the villagers get rich, but it turned out to be like this.

Li Tianjie and Huang Xiuyu are confused, they are bastards, don't you mean you don't know right from wrong?

Do you think my family really value this little money?

You look down on people too much.

"Leader, let's not do this. When Shanhe comes back, I will tell him not to run this orchard!" Lin Chunyan said with grief and indignation.

"Don't talk nonsense." Zhao Yonghao said quickly.

"I'm not talking nonsense, I..."

Just when Lin Chunyan was about to speak, there was a harsh sound of tires rubbing the ground not far away, and then a figure rushed over in a hurry.

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