Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 99 Please do me a favor

Eastern State University.

Zhao Shanhe's actions can be said to be vigorous and resolute now, after all, time waits for no one, if it is said that someone has made chewing gum in advance, there is no way to be one step ahead.

So he came to the provincial capital by car the next day and stood in front of Dongzhou University.

"The ups and downs of the sea, Dongzhou for a hundred years."

Looking at the familiar school in front of him, Zhao Shanhe felt emotional.

In his previous life, although he said that he did not pass the college entrance examination seriously, he also applied for the adult education of Dongzhou University, got the graduation certificate of this university, and even participated in the school's centennial celebration.

So it is not wrong to say that he is a graduate of Dongzhou University.

What he was looking for this time was an old professor from Dongzhou University, Zhou Lichuan.

Speaking of which, this old professor has some connections with Zhao Shanhe.

Because when Zhou Lichuan went to the mountains and went to the countryside, he was sent to Zhaojiazhai and lived in Zhao Shanhe's house.At that time, he was often taken care of by the Zhao family.

At that time, Zhou Lichuan had taught Zhao Shanhe for a while, so he could be called his teacher.

That's why Zhao Shanhe came here to see if Zhou Lichuan, a foreign aid, could help him find talents at Dongzhou University and tinker with the formula of chewing gum.

After asking the way from the guard, Zhao Shanhe came all the way to the School of Economics. Just as he was about to ask the students, a figure suddenly came out of the classroom.

This is a middle-aged man in a Chinese tunic suit. He has gray hair and bright eyes.


The man was holding two books in his hand, and when he saw Zhao Shanhe standing in front of him, he looked a little surprised, a trace of surprise appeared on his face, and subconsciously said: "You are not"

This is really nowhere to be found, and it takes no effort to get it.

Zhao Shanhe also did not expect that he would run into Zhou Lichuan when he first came to the teaching building of the School of Economics.

Seeing that Zhou Lichuan seemed to recognize him, he quickly put the gift on the ground and said respectfully, "Hello, Uncle Zhou. It's me. I'm Zhao Shanhe, the boss of the Zhao family."

"That's right, that's right, I said seeing your familiar face, it's really you!"

Zhou Lichuan immediately smiled, and quickly patted Zhao Shanhe on the shoulder, and said happily: "Shanhe, I didn't expect to see you in a few years, and you have grown so big. Why are you here? Did you come to see me?"

"Yes, Uncle Zhou, I'm here to look for you. This is a gift I brought you from my hometown. I remember that you liked persimmons the most at that time, so you brought two packs here."

Zhao Shanhe handed over the gift as he spoke.

Two bags of dried persimmons, two bags of wild vegetables, and one box of tea.

The courtesy is light and affectionate.

"You child, come as soon as you say you come, and bring some gifts. Well, I just finished class, and it's time for dinner. Come on, come home with me, let's eat first."

Zhou Lichuan said cheerfully.

"it is good!"

Zhao Shanhe followed Zhou Lichuan out with his things in his hands, talking with him while walking.

He knew that this time it was finally right, Zhou Lichuan was still as warm and friendly as he imagined, without any sense of distance.

If it is said to be ungrateful and sarcastic like some white-eyed wolves, let alone asking him to help introduce other professors, even if he said a few more words, people would feel disgusted.

Then all would be in vain.

Zhou Lichuan's home is in the family courtyard behind Dongzhou University, a building allocated by the school.In this day and age, being able to live in this kind of building is already very good.

"Zhihua, come and see who is coming to our house."

As soon as he opened the door, Zhou Lichuan yelled inside.

"Who's here? You're yelling so much!"

A middle-aged woman wearing an apron came out from the kitchen, her hair was a little fluffy, and she was holding a rolling pin in her hand. When she saw Zhao Shanhe, her eyes couldn't help but shine.

"Are you Shanhe?"

"Hello, auntie, it's me." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Hey, it's really you! I said it looks familiar! Come on, come in quickly, and let my aunt have a look!"

Song Zhihua stepped forward quickly, and was about to pull Zhao Shanhe, but found that he was still holding the rolling pin in his hand, so he took it back with a smile.

"Come, come, sit here, I'll make dumplings for you."

"Thank you, Auntie." Zhao Shanhe replied politely.

"sit down!"

After a short greeting, the three of them sat down at the dinner table.

"Shanhe, your family is doing well, right?" Song Zhihua asked with concern.

"It's all pretty good."

After Zhao Shanhe heard this, he felt a little embarrassed.He hasn't been home for a long time, and he doesn't know what's going on at home.

But when he thought about why he didn't go home, he felt a knot in his heart.

Fortunately, Song Zhihua didn't intend to continue asking.

"Shanhe, you came to Dongzhou University to look for me this time, is there something wrong? Tell me, what is the matter?"

After eating a few dumplings, Zhou Lichuan finally got down to business.

Zhao Shanhe lifted his spirits and said without hesitation: "Uncle Zhou, I want to ask you for a favor."

"What help?" Zhou Lichuan asked.

"Do you know a teacher who does food research?"

"Food research? What do you mean?" Zhou Lichuan blinked.

"Uncle Zhou, it's like this. I opened a food factory in Zhenghe County. I have encountered some technical difficulties recently. I want to see if there are any teachers and professors you know here who can help."

Zhao Shanhe said concisely.

"I see."

Zhou Lichuan nodded, looked at Zhao Shanhe and said with satisfaction: "Not bad, you can open a factory, you have a future. I told your father before, you have a good head, there will be Promise, now it seems that it is indeed the case.”

"It's thanks to Uncle Zhou's good teaching in those years." Zhao Shanhe also said modestly.

Zhou Lichuan couldn't help feeling a lot of emotions: "That time is really memorable!"

"When the child asked you something, why did you feel so emotional?" Song Zhihua couldn't help but pushed Zhou Lichuan's shoulder.

"Oh, okay, let's get down to business."

Zhou Lichuan followed up and said, "For food research, I know Professor Fang who specializes in food materials. He has a good relationship with me. I just need to introduce you to each other."

"That's really great." Zhao Shanhe picked up the teacup in front of him.

"Uncle Zhou, I will replace wine with tea, thank you in advance."

"You boy, why am I being polite. Come on, continue to tell me about your factory."

"it is good!"

An hour later, in Zhou Lichuan's study, Zhao Shanhe saw Professor Fang Fang Yannan who had heard the news.

This professor looked like the serious type of scholar. Even with Zhou Lichuan's relationship, he looked at Zhao Shanhe full of doubts.

"You said you opened a food processing factory? Is it true?"

Zhao Shanhe didn't hesitate, and said calmly: "My factory is located in Zhenghe County, Handong City. It's called Shanqiu Food. If you ask about it, you should know it."

"Shanqiu food?"

Fang Yannan was a little surprised.

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