Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 100 Is it this way again?

"Is it the factory that produces the Shanqiu popsicles?"

"That's right, it's produced by our factory." Zhao Shanhe nodded in response.

After hearing this, Fang Yannan looked over with a much gentler look.

To be honest, when he first came in, he thought that Zhao Shanhe wanted to get some recipes from him because of his relationship with Zhou Lichuan.

In the past, it's not that there was no such thing. Many people asked here and there, and he was a little bored by asking.

The problem is that you don't mind asking, but after these people asked, no one took it seriously.

As a result, Fang Yannan became angry.

His knowledge is not so cheap.

But what I didn't expect was that Zhao Shanhe actually did food processing, otherwise it would be impossible to say that he produced a new product such as popsicles.

You must know that his family also bought that popsicle, which tastes really good, and it can be said to be of high quality and low price.

Since Zhao Shanhe is a man of action, Fang Yannan will naturally treat him differently.

"Then do you want to ask about the flavor development of popsicles?" Fang Yannan asked.


Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said with a smile: "Professor Fang, what I want to ask is about chewing gum. You know this chewing gum, right?"

"chewing gum?"

Fang Yannan was slightly stunned and then nodded.

"I know, I ate it when I went to the capital before, and that thing is an upgraded version of bubble gum."

Had it, it was great!

Zhao Shanhe came up with interest: "Yes, you are right, chewing gum evolved from bubble gum. Professor Fang, can you research the formula for making chewing gum?"

"this one"

Fang Yannan thought for a while and said, "As long as you give me some time, I should be able to research this production method."

"This thing actually doesn't have much technical content. When I went to Beijing before, I also visited the research and development process of a food similar to chewing gum."

Zhao Shanhe couldn't help clapping his hands and said, "Professor Fang, then I won't hide it. I want to get the formula for making chewing gum from you. As long as you can research it, I'm willing to spend a lot of money to buy it."


Fang Yannan hesitated slightly, and turned to look at Zhou Lichuan.

"Old Fang, Shanhe is a nephew I recognized when I went to the countryside. He is honest, honest, and motivated. If you can help, please help."

"Don't worry, he won't let you help for nothing. Didn't he just say that he is willing to spend a lot of money to buy your research results." Zhou Lichuan smiled, and timely chimed in.

"Uncle Zhou is right, we are willing to spend a lot of money to buy it out."

Zhao Shanhe smiled confidently: "I also heard from Uncle Zhou that you are busy contacting students for internships recently, right? I can help with this! As long as you want, you can arrange students to go to my factory for internships .”

"During the internship, the salary is the same as that of other workers. After the internship is over, I will accept all those who are willing to stay."

"Besides, you are a professor of food engineering, and you usually need to spend money to buy such materials. In order to show your respect and support for our food engineering research at Dongzhou University, I decided to donate 1 yuan to your laboratory. For food research. Professor Fang, please accept my donation."

"What? A donation of 1 yuan?"

Fang Yannan was immediately shocked by this number.

You must know that he has never received such a research grant.

After all, the place where he works is a school, and every penny you spend in the school must be recorded, and there must be a clear flow.

It is also because of this that it is very troublesome to apply for funds, especially for his relatively unpopular food business, and some may even be delayed for half a year, which may not be paid.

As for donations from people outside the school, there are even fewer.

Those who have the strength to donate will not be given to him.

In this way, even if Fang Yannan has a passion for research, there is nothing he can do if he wants to research something. It's hard for a smart woman to cook without rice.

But now it's different.

If there is such a donation, the research he is doing can be carried out smoothly, and he can publish articles when he gets the research results, and even change from an associate professor to a full professor.

Yes, you heard me right. Fang Yannan never thought about the transformation of scientific research results into products from the beginning to the end. He didn't mean that he didn't know, but his status as a university professor prevented him from thinking about it.

All he wants is fame.

"Are you serious about what you said?" Fang Yannan asked seriously.

"of course."

Zhao Shanhe said without hesitation: "If you don't believe me, I can give you the money right now."

"That's not necessary."

Fang Yannan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Professor Zhou is involved, so I trust you. In this case, I agree to what you said, but I need some time to study the formula."

"How long?" Zhao Shanhe asked quickly.

"Two or three days, I should be able to get a sample out!" Fang Yannan thought for a while.

"No problem, I'll wait for you here."

"it is good!"

Even if this matter is finalized.

Zhao Shanhe knew that being a person and doing things must be based on honesty, and he would not be ambiguous about this issue when he said he wanted to make a donation, so in front of Zhou Lichuan, he took out a donation of 1 yuan.

But Fang Yannan didn't accept it directly, but went to the courtyard to go through the procedure.

So after completing the process, Zhao Shanhe donated the money.Fang Yannan, who received the donation, did what he said. He led a few students into the laboratory.

These are not Zhao Shanhe's worries, he just needs to wait for the final result.

During this period, Zhao Shanhe began to wander around Zhongzhou City.

Speaking of which, he is not very unfamiliar with Zhongzhou City, after all, he lived here for several years in his previous life.

But after all, I left later, and some memories have become very vague, so let's take advantage of this to deepen my impression.

A tavern in Zhenghe County.

There are two people sitting and eating and drinking by the window here. The one on the left is Ma Dengke, and the one on the right is a middle-aged man named Meng Weidong who works in the County Quality Supervision Bureau.

Speaking of which, Meng Weidong was able to get to his current position thanks to the support of Ma Sangao, otherwise, he would never be able to get to the top in his life.

Meng Weidong is clear that there are people in the court who like to be officials.

So even if he knew that every time Ma Dengke found himself no good, he had to come.

I can't do it if I don't come, I still have to rely on my father Ma Sangao to continue climbing.

"Cousin, I beg you to do something this time."

Ma Dengke said while pouring wine.

"What's the matter?" Meng Weidong asked directly.

"I want you to go to Hetu Manufacturing to make trouble for them, let them stop working and rectify, and let them know how good I am." Madenko said through gritted teeth.

Well, is this the trick again?

Meng Weidong knew very well that this was Ma Dengke's focus on Hetu's manufacture again. As long as he made troubles on his side and he came forward to solve them, the factory would have to obey.

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