Handong Tractor Factory.

A meeting is in progress in the conference room.

The main content of the meeting was to discuss how to produce another batch of road rollers as soon as possible. After all, taking advantage of the good relationship between Goldman Capital and them now, we must quickly and vigorously promote this matter.

Every machine is real money.

"I think we should continue to add production lines."

"For the workers, continue to implement the machine without stopping."

"We already have four to five hundred units in our warehouse, and we will try to get a thousand units by the end of this month."

Hearing such discussions, Huang Fangjun was very happy.This is all based on his face, and because of this, recently when he was walking in the tractor factory, someone would stop and say hello at any time.

There was a look of respect on their faces.

Being respected like this was something Huang Fangjun hadn't felt for a long time.

"This matter will be done according to our agreement."

After making the decision on the spot, Huang Fangjun held up the teacup with a smile, glanced at the calendar on the table, and said slowly: "Calculating the time, today should be the day when Zhao Shanhe went to the First Construction Group to fulfill the order. Can you complete the order?"

"There's no need to think about it, it's definitely not possible."

"Hetu Manufacturing is cooperating with Qingshan Tractor Factory. He must have no chance."

"We want to take advantage of his illness and kill him."

Huang Fangjun looked excited when he heard this.

He took a sip of tea happily, smacked his lips while shaking his head, put down his cup again, picked up the documents on the table and was about to announce the order, who would have thought that the door of the conference room would be pushed open from the outside.

Jiao Weimin, deputy director of the factory, hurried in with a gloomy expression.

"Old Jiao, didn't you go to Zhongzhou City? Why did you come back so soon? Is it over there?" Huang Fangjun asked in surprise.

Jiao Weimin didn't attend today's meeting because he went out, who would have thought he would come back so soon?

"Mr. Huang, something happened." Jiao Weimin ignored Huang Fangjun's laughing expression, and said anxiously with a serious face.

"What happened?" Huang Fangjun asked.

"Something happened to Zhao Shanhe." Jiao Weimin said out of breath.

Huang Fangjun frowned: "Zhao Shanhe?"


Jiao Weimin nodded heavily, with a dry mouth, and said eagerly: "I rushed back from Zhongzhou City, and a big event happened there, and it's like this..."

After Jiao Weimin succinctly explained the whole matter, the smile on Huang Fangjun's face disappeared suddenly, and his whole body seemed to be struck by lightning, his eyes staring in disbelief.

"How is it possible? Zhao Shanhe actually got in touch with Zhili Motors. Not only were the [-] sets of tire rollers handed over to the First Construction Group, but there were [-] more sets sold to them at a price of [-]. Goldman Capital?"

The rest were also stunned.

"Mr. Huang, this matter is absolutely true. If you don't believe it, you can verify it by asking anyone. But it's not the big thing I want to talk about."

"The big thing I want to say is that we have to stop the production of road rollers immediately. We have been tricked by Goldman Capital this time! They have made it clear that they will not order another machine from us."

Jiao Weimin shouted anxiously.


This time Huang Fangjun was completely stunned. He asked in shock, "Old Jiao, you can't talk nonsense about this. We signed a contract with them."

"The contract was signed, but there is an additional clause in the contract, which says that under special circumstances, Goldman Capital has the right to void the contract."

"Mr. Huang, I said at the time that this clause has hidden dangers, but what did you say? You insist that other tractor factories also have such contracts, and they are not afraid. What are we afraid of? We should be afraid now. ?”

Jiao Weimin knocked on the table angrily and complained.

"No, I don't think this matter is as serious as you said." Huang Fangjun shook his head palely.

"Then Mr. Huang can contact the people of Goldman Capital now to see if they still want our machine." Jiao Weimin's face was livid, and his anger was hard to vent.

"I'll fight right now."

Huang Fangjun was a little confused now, and dialed Sophia's phone number in front of everyone. When he just said a few words and asked when Goldman Capital would come to pull the machine, Sophia was already okay. interrupted patiently.

"Mr. Huang, Goldman Capital has encountered some troubles recently, so the contract with you is hereby voided. If we have a chance in the future, we will cooperate again. That's it!"

"No...hey, hey!"

After Sophia finished speaking, she hung up the phone before Huang Fangjun could speak.

Huang Fangjun was stunned for a moment, as if mourning his concubine.

Everyone was also dumbfounded.

Really, this thing turned out to be true, Goldman Capital actually did something to tear up the contract, they didn't want any face, just kicked them away ruthlessly.

And what should they do now?

You must know that the machines of those road rollers are all produced with materials obtained by borrowing money through all means. Now that no one wants them, they will become a pile of scrap metal.If they can't sell it for a day, they have to pay for the day.That's not counting, the money from those material suppliers hasn't been settled yet, they will keep dragging it?

And workers' wages.

bank loan.

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't sit still, because they knew better than anyone else that without the machine production of the road roller, the tractor factory could barely maintain its operation.After all, they do not have large-scale loan production, but now they are put in a very dangerous situation.

They are on pins and needles.

But at this time, someone mumbled a sentence without opening their eyes, and it was this sentence that made Huang Fangjun's face suddenly angry, and he opened his mouth to swear.

This sentence is: "If I knew it earlier, I should have cooperated with Zhao Shanhe. If I cooperate with him, such a thing will definitely not happen. You see, Qingshan City Tractor Factory is making money?"

"I knew, I knew you didn't say it, and you have to wait until now? Now that things have become like this, are you blaming me? Are you blaming me? Do you want me to take the blame and resign now and give up this position to Are you coming to sit?"

In the huge conference room, Huang Fangjun looked like a defeated rooster with a ferocious face.

"Mr. Huang, the most urgent thing now is what should we do? If we can't figure out a solution to the problem, those machines will really be turned into scrap metal." Jiao Weimin whispered while taking advantage of Huang Fangjun's swearing.

"Old Jiao, what do you think we should do about this?" Huang Fangjun asked irritably.

"I think we should talk to Zhao Shanhe about this matter. He is the only one who can help us now. Even at the risk of losing money, we should sell all the machines as soon as possible, and don't smash them in our hands. Let the entire production line stop running immediately." Jiao Weimin said decisively while remaining calm.

Huang Fangjun nodded hurriedly and said: "Okay, okay! Then do as you said, and you go to Hetu Manufacturing now."



Xianhua Tractor Factory.

As one of the largest state-owned enterprises in Xianhua City, the Tractor Factory had a glorious past, but it is a pity that now it is on the verge of bankruptcy anytime and anywhere due to the bloated management system and backward production technology.

It is precisely because of this that they made the decision to cooperate when Goldman Capital approached them.

But who would have thought that things would have such an astonishing reversal.

Goldman Capital was pitted by Hetu!

Hetu Manufacturing not only managed to produce [-] tire rollers, but even sold [-] to Goldman Capital, which slapped all of them hard.

The most terrible thing is that Goldman Capital even said that they don't want their steamroller machine.

This is what drives them crazy.

"Damn Yu Zhonglou, if he hadn't worked so hard to promote Goldman Capital, we would have easily trusted a foreign company? Now it's all right, none of our machines have been sold, and it has just become an overstock .”

"Yu Bell Tower made us miserable."

"Don't talk about whether it's miserable or not. Let's quickly think about how to solve the problem. Otherwise, our tractor factory will really be in trouble. Director Gao, what do you think? Come up with an idea."


Gao Changhang, the director of the factory who was watched by several people, is also suing his head. You are all looking at me, what can I say?Is it all my fault that this happened?What did I say at the beginning, I said we should cooperate with Zhao Shanhe, but you didn’t want it, and forced me to cooperate with Goldman Capital, saying that I would earn more money.

Well now, not to mention making money, it's good if you don't lose money.

Don't you just bully me because I was airborne, and my buttocks are not seated, so you all want to surpass me one by one?It’s best if nothing happens. Now that something happens, everyone starts to regard me as the factory manager and the savior.


Gao Changhang, the director of the tractor factory who had just been parachuted into the tractor factory for less than two months, faced such a situation and said calmly: "Deputy director Liu, deputy director Yang, you are responsible for this matter, when you are in charge It also issued a military order, saying that there will be no accident, and you will be asked if there is an accident."


"This one……"

The two suddenly changed color.

"There is no such thing. Since there is a military order for this matter, let's follow the rules. You have to figure out a way to solve the disaster you caused. I won't wipe your ass."

After Gao Changhang finished speaking, he stood up and walked out of the meeting room with his head held high.

A group of people were left looking at each other.

"I really regret it. If I knew this earlier, I should have cooperated with Zhao Shanhe."


Office of the Director of Zhongzhou Tractor Factory.

At this moment, there is smog here, and the pungent smell of cigarettes permeates the air. Sitting here, everyone will cough.But Chen Guodong, the factory manager, didn't want to leave even though he was coughing.

Because he doesn't want to leave now, and he has no face to leave.

How Zhao Shanhe showed his power in the First Construction Group, he was there at the time and witnessed it with his own eyes, so no one needs to tell him the whole thing, he knows it better than anyone else.

"Zhao Shanhe, I didn't expect you to break the game like this." Chen Guodong muttered to himself.

In fact, he has no prejudice against Zhao Shanhe. The reason why he chose to refuse to cooperate at the beginning was purely because he felt that Goldman Capital could bring him more benefits and benefits.

It's just that I didn't expect that I made a wrong bet this time.

Goldman Capital miscalculated Zhao Shanhe's contacts, and only bought the tractor factory, but failed to include the automobile factory, so the failure can be imagined.

But what should I do now?

Thinking of the other people in the tractor factory staring at the position below his buttocks, Chen Guodong was upset.

"No, at the very least, I want to sell all the machines produced. Goldman Capital doesn't want it, and no one else can. Zhao Shanhe is the only one who needs it. Yes, I want to sell it to him."

After putting out the cigarette in his hand, Chen Guodong called Yang Jiuding.

"President Yang, it's me, Old Chen..."


Zhao Shanhe didn't even have time to go back to Hetu Manufacturing, and they called one after another. Some of them congratulated, some interceded, and some wanted to meet and discuss things with Zhao Shanhe.

As for such calls, Zhao Shanhe didn't say that he would refuse them all, he would answer them without rejection, but it would be impossible for anyone to get an accurate answer from him.

Even Cai Shishi's phone kept ringing.

After finally hanging up one of them, Cai Shishi said excitedly while he was free: "Now everyone knows they are wrong, and they all start to flatter us. It's too late! Factory manager, I have received a call from Xianhua Tractor Factory here. They made it clear that even if they lost some money, they still wanted to sell those machines to us.”

"So? Do you think we should buy it or not?" Zhao Shanhe asked looking at the scenery outside the window.

"Not buying!"

Cai Shishi said decisively without even thinking about it, but after saying it, he shook his head and said hesitantly: "From the emotional point of view, if they don't buy it, they wouldn't sell it to us."

"But reason tells me that if we buy it now, it will be beneficial to us. After all, the quality of those machines is good, and the price is very low."

"You're wrong. Some things are bought because the price is low. Even if they give it to me, I won't take it. Do you know the reason?" Zhao Shanhe shook his head, smiled lightly, and said calmly.

"do not know."

Cai Shishi frowned puzzled.

"It can be purchased at such a low price, why not leave it at such a great price?"

"Because of principle."

Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "Their machines are very cheap. I dare say that let alone the cost price, they will sell them at a loss. But do we have to buy them if they are cheap? If we buy them, it means Forgive them. You forgive them this time, what about next time? If you encounter such a thing again, and such a person comes out again, will you forgive or resist?"

"So this matter has been decided from the very beginning. Whether they sell it to Goldman Capital at a high price, or sell it for nothing, has nothing to do with us. My principle is that people respect me. , I respect others."

"You don't take me seriously, why should I act according to your face? Don't forget, before today's incident, I visited them door to door, and they closed the door of cooperation themselves. You can’t blame anyone, you can’t blame us.”

"Yes, I understand!"

Cai Shishi suddenly realized.

"Then I know how to reply to them."

"Don't take them too seriously." Zhao Shanhe said lightly.


At this moment, Zhao Shanhe's eldest brother rang loudly.

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