Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 987 I Want to Be Alone Quietly

"It's too bad, there's no way to get better now."

Seeing Shiels' expression, Sophia knew that he was in trouble. He had already been generalized by Zhao Shanhe in public. If he couldn't handle it well, he would cause big trouble.

Damn Zhao Shanhe, where did you get so many rollers?

No, you can't be led by the nose by Zhao Shanhe.

Thinking of this, Sophia stood up decisively, stared at Zhao Shanhe and asked calmly: "Zhao Shanhe, it's okay for you to ask us to buy your road rollers. But we need to know that your road rollers are inferior in quality. no problem."

"After all, everyone knows that you have only cooperated with Gu Qianzhou during this time, and his tractor factory is absolutely unable to produce so many machines. So I suspect that you don't know where to get these road rollers to make up for them."

"Zhao Shanhe, Zhao Shanhe, if you really do this, it will be too disrespectful. Goldman Capital believes in you, so we will give up the opportunity to cooperate with the First Construction Group. This is how you treat our trust If you do this, where will the interests of the First Construction Group be placed?"

When Sophia said this, everyone looked over.

Yeah, we just wanted to know, how on earth did you get so many rollers together?If you say you can't come up with a strong enough reason today, the matter is not over.

Qi Dongfeng also looked over: "Director Zhao, tell me."

"Just talk about it, but before I say it, I want to correct one of your points of view."

Zhao Shanhe looked at Sophia coldly, and said mockingly: "I was able to cooperate with Mr. Qi and the others because of my real skills and the ability of Hetu Manufacturing, not because of your charity."

"Whatever you say."

Sophia shrugged and smiled nonchalantly.

"We just want to know, how did you tinker with so many rollers."

"How did you mess it up?"

Zhao Shanhe smiled mysteriously.

"Who said that this kind of machine can only be produced by machinery factories and tractor factories? If you think this way, don't you think it's a little too small for the car factory, and it's too disrespectful to the car company?"

car factory!

The utterance of these three words made everyone stunned, and everyone suddenly realized.

That's right, Zhao Shanhe can still find a car factory to cooperate with, and any car factory, as long as it takes Zhao Shanhe's order, there is no problem in producing [-] units, let alone [-] units within half a month.After all, their production line is not comparable to that of a tractor factory. How could I forget this.

"A car factory? It turned out to be a car factory? Which car factory did you cooperate with? Why didn't I hear any news?" Sears looked over with a gloomy face.

"And me."

At this moment, a haughty voice suddenly sounded in the crowd, and then Chen Jingwei, the boss of Zhili Automobile, walked out slowly, and the moment they saw him, the people present exclaimed.

"It turned out to be Chen Jingwei from Zhili Automobile."

"Let me just say, how could Zhao Shanhe be so calm, I dare say he has someone to back him up."

"Goldman Capital is still in the wrong place after all. It only focuses on the tractor factory, but ignores the automobile factory."

"Now Goldman Capital will pay in blood."


Amidst such exclamations, Chen Jingwei and Zhao Shanhe stood side by side, looked at Sears with a look of contempt, and said disdainfully: "Director Zhao is the one who cooperates with our Zhili Automobile. The machines are all produced by us. What? Does anyone of you think there will be a problem? Mr. Qi, what do you think?"

"Mr. Chen, you are too serious."

Qi Dongfeng knew Chen Jingwei, and the moment he saw him show up, he knew that there was no need to think about it.Why are you still thinking about it, this is obviously a trick, waiting for Sears to drill in, but he really cooperated very well, and got in right away.

Who can blame this?

"I believe in the reputation and reputation of Zhili Automobile. The quality of those tire rollers must be fine."

"Then, can we fulfill the agreement now?" Chen Jingwei looked at Sears.

Seeing him like this, Sears' face turned blue and red, and he knew that he had to solve this matter quickly.If you continue to procrastinate, it will only be detrimental to yourself.

"Zhao Shanhe, you are cruel enough. I didn't expect you to wait for me here. But isn't it just two hundred tire rollers? My Goldman capital can afford it, thirty thousand one, I want them all, Sophia , you go to handover with Zhao Shanhe now, sign the contract, pay, and pick up the goods!" Sears said calmly.


After the matter was dealt with, Sears had no face to stay on, turned around and took Zhen Liqun and the others away angrily.

The reporters on the scene began to roar up.

"Director Zhao, can you accept our interview?"

"Director Zhao, this time Hetu Manufacturing has won the commercial war. Do you no longer regard Goldman Capital as an enemy? Because they don't have the qualifications at all!"

"Director Zhao, I would like to ask, will you continue to develop tire rollers in the future?"


Facing the questions from these reporters, Zhao Shanhe lowered his hands slightly, and after he calmed down, he said with a gentle expression: "You just mentioned a very important question, that is, will Goldman Capital be discouraged? Won't you leave Huaxia just like that?"

"I can tell you very responsibly now, no! As long as there are enough interests, Goldman Capital will definitely continue to stay in China. They will continue to suck blood from China like vampires. And I Well, I won’t say that because of this victory, I will relax my emphasis on Goldman Capital.”

"You know, this is a multinational investment group, and they will never let it go. So I hope that all people with lofty ideals in China can unite and declare war on all ambitious foreign companies. They advance within the normal range Come to invest, come to seek benefits, we welcome them. But if they dare to do evil, we will absolutely not agree!"

"that's it."

Speaking of this, Zhao Shanhe turned around and said to Qi Dongfeng: "Mr. Qi, then I will leave, and we will contact you later."

"it is good."

Knowing that the occasion was not right, Qi Dongfeng didn't say much, just briefly shook hands with Zhao Shanhe, and watched them leave. Then the reporters and entrepreneurs here also dispersed naturally.

"President Qi, I didn't expect the matter to be resolved like this. I thought Zhao Shanhe would be unlucky today." Thinking of what happened just now, Jiang Pingchuan couldn't help shaking his head in self-mocking.

"It seems that what you said before is correct. Since Zhao Shanhe has started step by step from the grassroots, it will not be so easy to deal with."


Qi Dongfeng narrowed his eyes and said flatly: "We will continue to cooperate with Hetu Manufacturing in the future."



In a small park outside.

Zhao Shanhe didn't say what kind of tea room he took Chen Jingwei to. The two just came here for a walk. After stopping in a pavilion, looking at the artificial lake in front of them, Chen Jingwei smiled and said: "It was very cool just now, fan Sears' face was slapped, I see if this old boy dares to continue to plot against you in the future."

"I would like to thank Brother Chen for being able to do this today. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be able to do this." Zhao Shanhe thanked him sincerely.

"What a big deal." Chen Jingwei waved his hand lightly, not taking it seriously at all.

When he received the call from Zhao Shanhe, he agreed on the spot without even thinking about it.Isn't it just a machine for tinkering with road rollers?

Very simple.

"But I want to remind you that Sears will not just let it go. He will definitely find a chance to get back after being slapped in the face by you. You have to be careful, after all, Goldman Capital has deep roots , is not so easy to bully." Chen Jingwei said seriously.

"I know."

Zhao Shanhe looked at the ripples on the lake calmly and calmly, and said slowly: "I will not take the initiative to cause trouble, but if Shiels insists on continuing to trouble me, I just happen to be idle recently and continue to play with him Just play."

"I can see it now. Sears may be my money-scattering boy. You see, every time you meet him, something good happens."

Orders are placed at the purchasing meeting.

High-priced purchase of [-] road rollers.

These are all things Sears helped Zhao Shanhe do, no wonder he said so.But if Sears heard this, he would be so angry that he vomited blood on the spot.


After Chen Jingwei knew that Zhao Shanhe had a good idea, he didn't continue talking.

"I'll treat you to dinner at noon." Zhao Shanhe said.

"Don't be polite between us. I really have something to deal with, so I can't have dinner with you. Let's talk about it later."

Chen Jingwei patted Zhao Shanhe's shoulder with a smile.

"The days are still long, let's get along slowly, brothers."

"it is good."


Goldman Capital Office.

Sears, who came back here, grabbed the teacup on the table and smashed it to the ground, drinking angrily with a ferocious face.

"Zhao Shanhe, you dare to trick me!"

Sophia stood aside quietly, expressionless.

She didn't speak, and Zhen Liqun and Yu Zhonglou didn't dare to say anything.After they looked at each other, they all lowered their heads and pretended to be deaf and dumb.At this time, too much talk is bound to fail, and they don't want to be a punching bag.

"600 million has been paid to them?"

After venting the anger in his heart, Sears looked over with cold eyes.


Sophia nodded and said calmly: "A total of 600 million has been transferred to Hetu Manufacturing, and the [-] tire rollers have also been shipped back to our warehouse, but..."

"Just what?" Shells fidgeted.

"It's just that we already have a lot of road rollers in our warehouse, and now we have [-] more. This is a squeeze. If we can't get rid of it quickly, there will be problems in our capital chain."

Sophia said calmly.


"And what? Don't hesitate, just say it all." Sears pulled off his tie and threw it on the sofa, looking over angrily.

"Besides, Zhongzhou Tractor Factory, Xianhua City Tractor Factory, and Handong City Tractor Factory are still producing road roller machines. According to our previous contract, we should pay them." Sophia said.


When Shiels heard this, he smiled mockingly, and said mockingly: "Who said we will continue to pay them? Take a good look at the contract. There is an additional clause in it. We can stop the contract at any time." .So let’s stop with the cooperation with them, and let them deal with those machines by themselves.”


Sophia respectfully accepted the order.

Originally, it was only to deal with Zhao Shanhe that it temporarily cooperated with those tractor factories and promised such a high purchase price, but now that it has lost, Goldman Capital will not say that it will continue to do useless work.

Hearing this, Zhen Liqun and Yu Zhonglou's expressions changed instantly, but they just looked at each other, but they didn't say anything in an extremely tacit understanding.

They had nothing to do with this matter, and the life and death of those tractor factories would not affect their interests. What they cared about was what they could get.

But at this moment, seeing Shiels' appearance, the two of them dare not say anything else.

"Let's all go out! I want to be alone." Sears waved his hand distractedly.


The three turned around and walked out.

The moment the door closed, there was another banging sound from inside.


Qingshan City Tractor Factory.

"Director, good news, good news."

Just when Gu Qianzhou was about to start the meeting, who would have thought that Ling Tianxuan walked in excitedly from the outside, and before he arrived, his voice had already come in, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"What good news?" Gu Qianzhou raised his head and asked calmly.

"Just received the news that Zhao Shanhe not only successfully completed the order of the First Construction Group, but even produced 3 more units. The extra units were sold to Goldman Capital at a price of 600 yuan each. It was sold at a sky-high price of [-] yuan. Just for these [-] units, Zhao Shanhe earned [-] million yuan!" Ling Tianxuan said excitedly.

"What? How is it possible?"

"Where did Zhao Shanhe get so many rollers?"

"Deputy Director Ling, please tell us about this in detail."

Everyone was shocked and asked in disbelief.

"It's like this..."

After listening to Ling Tianxuan's explanation, everyone was stunned when they knew that the Zhili car was off the field.Let's just say, how could Zhao Shanhe put his hopes on them, he dared to have a stronger backing.

But if this is the case, does it mean that Zhao Shanhe will not cooperate with them in the future?

Thinking of this, this group of people inevitably became worried again.

"You guys, you are really thinking wildly. This matter is not as complicated as you think. I have already discussed it with Director Zhao. From now on, our tractor factory will provide machines for Hetu Manufacturing." Gu Qianzhou said slowly after scanning the past .

"Long live the factory manager!"

After a brief pause, everyone shouted excitedly.

Only then did they understand how correct the decision to support Gu Qianzhou was.If this is not the case, can such a good thing come to their tractor factory?

It seems that ginger is old and spicy.

Feeling the excitement of this group of people, Ling Tianxuan looked at Gu Qianzhou with eyes full of admiration.He knew that it was not luck that he won the bet this time, but Gu Qianzhou's persistence in his heart.If it weren't for that kind of perseverance, this matter would not be their turn

"It's just that I really want to see how the three tractor factories will react when they find out about this. It must be very exciting." Ling Tianxuan thought to himself.

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