Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 95 This is just the beginning

Stimulated by the order of [-] boxes, the Hetu manufacturing workers no longer complained, and they all knew that they would only be paid if the products sold well.

Moreover, the factory manager Zhao Shanhe made it very clear that if he worked overtime, there was overtime pay, one yuan an hour, which was not low.

All of them are like beating chicken blood, going all out to production.

However, in the next two days, there was not a single order from Hetu Manufacturing.

The previous order of [-] boxes seemed to have never happened, and no one came to ask again.

This made Han Chunni and the others a little anxious, but Zhao Shanhe seemed to be fine and gave them an order to continue production.

Well, since the factory manager has spoken, let's continue production.

Anyway, the warehouse is still empty.

Mountain autumn food.

"Qiuya, have you heard? It seems that Hetu Manufacturing has started to pile up goods again." Cui Huan said in a low voice.

"Oh, really?"

Li Qiuya, who was busy arranging the documents, paused for a moment before continuing to work again.

"Pile or not, I believe Shanhe can handle it well."

"Yeah, I also believe that the factory manager can sell it. Didn't he just sell [-] boxes before? But someone in our factory made sarcastic remarks, and I felt uncomfortable hearing it."

Cui Huan then said with a slight frown.

"The mouth grows on other people, you can still control them from talking, it's okay, let them go!"

Li Qiuya said it easily, but she was secretly worried.

"Qiu Ya, here is your bill for this month."

Seeing that Li Qiuya was so indifferent to this matter, Cui Huan changed the topic.

But the topic can be diverted, but there is no way to stop the discussion.

Just like what Cui Huan said, the workers of Shanqiu Foods admire Zhao Shanhe, but admiration does not mean that they are optimistic about the fast heat.

In their hearts, this was a wrong decision made by Zhao Shanhe.

How good it is to produce popsicles honestly, if you insist on doing something to heat it up quickly, you have learned a lesson now.

A market in a southern city.

As soon as the market started, old man Jiang set up the stalls early.

As a stall owner who has been in this kind of market all the year round, his movements are very quick, and because the things he sells are of high quality and cheap, people will come to support him in every market.

This time, he placed a box in the most conspicuous place, with a piece of cardboard standing next to it, with the words: 12 yuan a piece.

"Lao Jiangtou, what is this new thing? It heats up quickly? What is it for?"

"For boiling water!"

Old man Jiang picked up one with a smile and handed it over.

"Old Zhang, aren't you guarding the gate at your unit? I told you that one like yours is the most suitable for you to buy for going back. As long as you insert it into the thermos, it will be a pot of hot water in less than 2 minutes, which is better than yours. It’s much easier to fetch water.”

"real or fake?"

"If you don't believe me, take it back and try it now, can I still lie to you?" Old Man Jiang said.

"Then I'll take one back and try it!"

"Got it."

In less than 10 minutes, the old man Jiang sold a few more, and these people bought them with suspicion.But when they went back and tried it, they all ran back one after another and bought two more for home use.

Seeing them rushing to buy like this, the rest of the people also came over with interest, and soon they all joined the rushing to buy.

Before noon, the two boxes of hot fast food at Old Man Jiang's place were all sold out.

For the rest that I didn't buy, they all started to order from him, and they all said they would buy it next time.

On the same day, old man Jiang called Luo Quanjing in one phone call.

"Eldest nephew, listen to me, as long as you shipped it over quickly, bring me a few more boxes as soon as possible, I'll sell them all!"

the next day.

After Luo Quanjing got up in the morning, he took a car to Zhenghe County, found the Hetu Manufacturing Factory, and saw Zhao Shanhe who was busy inside.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Luo Quanjing got straight to the point.

"Director Zhao, I want to get the goods, this time I want to get [-] boxes! What price do you think?"

"Of course it's still as we agreed!" Zhao Shanhe replied directly.

"Happy, I like to deal with straightforward people like Director Zhao."

This is just the beginning.

Luoquanjing's offline sales were very hot, and the rest of the Wenzhou merchants were in a similar situation. After receiving feedback and order calls, they all rushed to Hetu Manufacturing to place orders without saying a word.

Even under their leadership, local businessmen in Handong City joined in one after another.

It's just that Hetu Manufacturing, which had been silent for two days, became lively again.

Zhenghe county government.

After Du Jingming was busy with the work at hand, he picked up the teacup in front of him and slowly drank the tea. When he saw Gu Changbei coming in, he asked, "Changbei, how is the newly opened factory in Zhao Shanhe?"

"not so good."

Gu Changbei shook his head, put the documents in his hand on the table and said: "I heard people say two days ago that the Hetu manufacturing warehouse is full of products that are produced and they are so hot that none of them can be sold."

"Even so, Zhao Shanhe continued to let the workshop workers continue to produce, without any intention of stopping."

"County magistrate, you said that if this continues, Hetu Manufacturing will probably go out of business soon."

"I think Zhao Shanhe is a bit reckless this time."

"is it?"

After Du Jingming pondered for a while, he stood up and said, "Come on, let's go to Hetu Manufacturing."

"it is good!"

As soon as the two walked to the door, they ran into Ma Sangao who came to report work.

After knowing that Du Jingming wanted to go to Hetu Manufacturing, Ma Sangao changed his mind quickly, and said with a smile: "I happen to be fine, so let's go there with County Magistrate Du and take a look at Hetu Manufacturing by the way." This newly opened factory."

"Then let's go together!"

Sitting in the car, after Ma Sangao reported his work, he pretended to say unintentionally: "Mayor Du, I have heard some rumors recently, and they are all talking about this Zhao Shanhe."

"Really? What are you talking about?" Du Jingming asked curiously.

"It's said that he is too inflated and arrogant. He doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth when he has some money. He can obviously run the food factory well, but he insists on doing Hetu manufacturing and producing hardware products. Isn't this not doing business properly?"

After Ma Sangao finished speaking, he found that Du Jingming's expression hadn't changed much, so he continued: "Besides, Hetu Manufacturing has indeed had no one to buy goods in the past two days. I guess he is scratching his head and worrying."

"Is that so? Then I have to go and see for myself." Du Jingming said slowly.

"Yes, yes, you should really see for yourself."

Ma Sangao felt complacent in his heart.

Zhao Shanhe, just wait to make a fool of yourself.

Ten minutes later, the jeep was stopped by the guard made by Hetu. Just when Ma Sangao was about to reveal his identity, Du Jingming waved his hand, interrupted him, and said to the guard, "Master, we are here to find Director Zhao Shanhe Zhao, do you think we can drive in?"

"Are you also here to buy goods?" The doorman asked after looking him over.

"Yes, the buyer." Du Jingming said.

"Then drive in. Do you see that road? Drive all the way there and turn the corner until you reach the warehouse. Our factory manager Zhao has been watching over the warehouse for the past two days."

"Okay, thank you sir."

The car continued to drive forward slowly.

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