As the saying goes, snakes have snake paths, and rats have rat paths.

After 10 minutes, Zhao Shanhe knew that he had found the right person.

Luo Quanjing's popularity is really good, more than a dozen people came in one after another, and judging from their accents, most of them are Wen merchants.

Wen Shang was the one I was looking for this time.

This is not to say that Zhao Shanhe looks down on other businessmen, but in this era, Wenshang is the endorsement of sales.

As long as Wenshang can be dealt with, hot sales will not be a problem.

"I said, Lao Luo, what are you calling us over in such a hurry?"

"Move over there and make room for me."

"Brother Liu, come and smoke a cigarette."

The people in the shop were sitting casually, all of them were heavy smokers. The place that was fine just now became smoggy all of a sudden.

"You guys, of course I called you over because I have something good to say, so please be quiet and introduce someone to you first."

Luo Quanjing let Zhao Shanhe out after speaking, pointed at him and said, "Do you know who this is?"


"He is the boss of Shanqiu Foods, Zhao Shanhe, director Zhao, and he produced the popsicles you want." Luo Quanjing said.

"What? You are Director Zhao?"

"Hello, Director Zhao. I've heard of your name a long time ago. My name is Liu He. Nice to meet you."

"Director Zhao, can you wholesale your Shanqiu popsicles?"

These people are old fried dough sticks who have been in the market. It's fine if they didn't know Zhao Shanhe's identity just now.

"Everyone, the supply of popsicles is easy to talk about. If you want, you can go to the factory to place an order at any time. But I am not here today for the popsicles. I came to you to send you another new product. .”

"I believe that with this, you can earn more money." Zhao Shanhe said unhurriedly.

"What new product?"

"Show us all."

"This is it!"

Zhao Shanhe turned around and took out the heat quickly. After posting them separately, he held up one and introduced: "Everyone, this is a new product developed by our Hetu manufacturing. It heats up quickly for home use."

"It's hot? What's it for?"

"Let me tell you about this hot fast"

Then Zhao Shanhe re-done what he just demonstrated to Luo Quanjing. Just after finishing, the expressions on the faces of the warm merchants present were wonderful.

They stood up from their chairs one after another, and asked anxiously: "Director Zhao, the one you mentioned is getting hot quickly, I want it! Tell me about the price!"

"As for the price, don't worry, since I've come to you, I'll definitely give you the best price. These are going to be hot fast, and they sell for ten yuan each, twenty in a box. If you want them in boxes, I can give them to you. Count one hundred and fifty, which one of you wants more, more than five hundred boxes, I can save ten yuan per box!"

Zhao Shanhe said very bluntly.

"Director Zhao, can we discuss it?"


Zhao Shanhe got up and walked out of the shop.

He knew that this group of Wen merchants were already tempted, and since they were tempted, the rest was easy to talk about.

It was nothing more than a price negotiation, as long as it was within his bottom line, anything would be fine.

The shop suddenly became lively.

After about 5 minutes, Luo Quanjing called Zhao Shanhe in.

"Director Zhao, we have already discussed it, and everyone still thinks that the price is a bit high. See if it can be made cheaper."

"This is already the lowest price."

Zhao Shanhe said categorically that issues of principle cannot be shaken.


The Wen merchants, who were somewhat disappointed, raised their heads and looked at each other when they heard the but.

"But I can give you some gifts. I will give you an extra pack of popsicles for each box, which is equivalent to reducing the price for you." Zhao Shanhe said with a smile.

"Director Zhao, are you serious?" Luo Quanjing asked immediately.

"Of course, we must be honest when doing business." Zhao Shanhe nodded in response.

"Okay then, give me fifty boxes first."

"I want it too. Bring me thirty boxes."

"I want a hundred boxes!"

Right here, this group of Wenzhou businessmen began to place orders one after another.

Of course, none of them opened their mouths as soon as they came up. One hundred boxes is already the sky-high. After all, they also need to pass the market test.

After a while of uproar, Zhao Shanhe had already accepted the deposits from these people present. The amount was not too much, but it was more than 1 yuan.

As for the follow-up final payment, it is naturally cash on delivery.

"Bosses, I'll go back and make arrangements right away. I'll bring the hot express delivery here tomorrow, and I'll unload the goods door-to-door for you." Zhao Shanhe said, putting away the registration list.

"Okay, let's wait!"

After Zhao Shanhe said goodbye to Luo Quanjing, he rode King Suzuki and hurried back to Hetu Manufacturing.

As soon as he arrived at the factory, he called Gao Shaoyuan to the office.

"Gao Gong, how many boxes do we have that can be heated quickly?"

"Counting today, there are about [-] boxes!" Gao Shaoyuan said after making an estimate.

"Five hundred boxes? That's just right. I'll ask Shanqiu Foods to send a truck over, and you ask the workers to quickly load the truck and try to deliver it to the Heping Road Market tomorrow morning." Zhao Shanhe immediately ordered.

"Okay, let me arrange for them to load the car?"

Gao Shaoyuan followed Zhao Shanhe's words, but just after he said it, he couldn't help being slightly stunned, and then asked in surprise: "Director Zhao, what did you just say? You said you sold five hundred boxes of heat?"

"Yes, all of them have been sold. Look, this is an order." Zhao Shanhe smiled and took out a stack of orders.

Gao Shaoyuan blushed and looked at the order in disbelief.

Really sold!

Zhao Shanhe just went out for a stroll, and he sold [-] boxes and it was hot!It's too exaggerated to clear all the inventory at once, right?

"Senior engineer, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Gao Shaoyuan's dazed expression, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help smiling and shaking his hands in front of his eyes.

"Ah! Okay, factory manager, I'll make arrangements right away."

Gao Shaoyuan suppressed the shock in his heart, turned around and began to arrange the matter.

Looking at Gao Shaoyuan's back, Zhao Shanhe couldn't help frowning.

It seems that we need to recruit more people quickly, we can't use Gao Shaoyuan to do these errands all the time, it's a bit overqualified.

After Zhao Shanhe wrote down this incident, he started calling Li Xiangyang and asked him to arrange a truck to come quickly.

And after hearing Zhao Shanhe say that the five hundred boxes of inventory had been emptied, Li Xiangyang was also stunned.

Does this work too?

When did I become so powerful when I was young?

"Okay, I'll arrange a truck right now!"

After making arrangements, Li Xiangyang put down the phone and walked outside.

No, I'm going to go over and watch this myself.

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