"I don't care who you are, you dismissed Sister Baozhu so blatantly at my banquet, don't you take us too seriously? Do you really think you can do whatever you want here?"

He Xingtao was holding a wine glass in his hand, his eyes were contemptuous.

"So that?"

Zhao Shanhe looked over indifferently.

"So I want you to take back what you just said, immediately apologize to Sister Baozhu, and then let Chen Xiao come over to toast us. Not only will she toast us today, but she will also accompany me until the reception is over."

He Xingtao's posture was flamboyant.

Chen Ling's face suddenly became terribly gloomy.

"Haha, Young Master He is right."

"Isn't he just a little star? What's so great about it? Can't you really think that you are some kind of king and queen?"

"You, after following our young master He, there will be a lot of film and television resources in the future, are you afraid that you won't be popular?"


The second-generation ancestors who followed He Xingtao also laughed arrogantly. In their eyes, they didn't take Chen Xiao seriously at all.It's just an actor, and it's not that they haven't played it before.

What kind of innocence are you pretending to be here!

What elegance!


Chen Ling had never been humiliated like this before, tears started to roll in her eyes for a while.

"It's okay, I'm here!"

Zhao Shanhe patted Chen Xiao's arm lightly, indicating that it was all right, then turned around and glanced over, staring at He Xingtao and asked in a cold voice: "Are you the He Xingtao who has been pestering Chen Xiao?"

"Yes, it's me!"

He Xingtao stood up, tilted his head and raised his chin.

"Master, I'm He Xingtao, but listen to me, I'm not entanglement, I call it pursuit! I really like Chen Xiao, Chen Xiao, if you want me to tell you, just follow me! As long as you click Hey, I guarantee that in the future, if you want to make a movie, you can make a movie, if you don’t want to make a movie, let’s not make a movie, and travel around the world!"

"Isn't it good for us to be a couple of gods and immortals? I promise to serve you comfortably, I..."


He Xingtao was happily saying whimsical words, but before he finished speaking, he poured a glass of wine on his face, and the whole glass of wine was poured on his face like this, turning him into a drowned chicken in an instant.

He Xingtao was dumbfounded.

Sister Baozhu also froze on the spot.

Everyone looked over in disbelief.

What they saw was Chen Ling with a frosty face, regardless of her identity, not afraid of being photographed by the paparazzi, just raised the glass and poured it over without hesitation.

"Hey, let's make a fuss, the bigger the fuss, the better."

Seeing this scene, Ding Guangming's eyes surged with coldness, and he shouted excitedly in his heart.

"This is the Chen Xiao I know."

Seeing Chen Xiao's actions, Zhao Shanhe was slightly surprised, and then showed a smile of approval on his face.The Chen Xiao he knew had never been the kind of character who would compromise. She hated evil like a vengeful, she had clear grievances and grievances, and she never bowed her head to secular power.

A mere He Xingtao wants to make her submit, is it possible?

"Young Master He, are you okay?"

Seeing that He Xingtao's face was covered with wine, Sister Baozhu hurriedly took out the handkerchief she carried with her and stepped forward to wipe it off.

"Go away!"

He Xingtao pushed Sister Baozhu away in a flash, a cold expression flashed in his eyes, like an enraged beast, staring at Chen Ling viciously, with a rattling laugh from his throat.

"Bitch, how dare you pour wine on me!"

"You're finished!"

"No one can save you, I swear, if I don't play to death, you will take your last name!"

He Xingtao raised his arm and grabbed it forward.


This time it wasn't Zhao Shanhe's turn to make a move. Chen Ju, who had been waiting, had already been preparing.The moment he saw He Xingtao making a move, he took a step ahead, blocked Zhao Shanhe and the others, and at the same time decisively kicked He Xingtao far away.


A table was knocked over on the spot, and all the wine glasses and dishes on the table were scattered, and He Xingtao was covered in wine and dishes in an instant.

The movement here caught everyone's attention. They all looked up, and when they saw that the person who fell down was He Xingtao, they all showed surprised expressions.

isn't it?

At the Xingchi Group's banquet, would someone treat him like this?

This is too exaggerated!

"Brother Shanhe, is something going on?" Chen Xiao asked in a low voice after glancing at the turbulent atmosphere around him.


Zhao Shanhe smiled gently.

"What a big deal, it's fine!"

"It's okay? How dare you say it's okay?"

Seeing this, Sister Baozhu screamed like a cat whose tail was stepped on. She pointed at Chen Ling's nose and scolded in pain.

"Chen Xiao, look at what you did! It's not that you don't know the identity of Young Master He. Now that things have become like this, it's impossible for you to settle down. Let me tell you, don't say I'm not your manager now Man, even if it is, I can't help you, you, just ask for blessings!"

"Does it matter to you?"

Chen Xiao's eyes were indifferent.

She has long disliked Wang Xiujuan, but because of the relationship between them, she never offered to dismiss her. Now that this is happening, she naturally doesn't need to give Wang Xiujuan any more face.

"You woman is really an idiot!"

Zhao Shanhe glanced at Wang Xiujuan, who was still daring to jump up and down here, and said to Cai Shishi: "Write this down, and tell the people of Huanyu Brokerage Company later, just say that I said this, and let them block it." This idiot broker!"


Cai Shishi respectfully replied, looking at Wang Xiujuan with contempt.


Hearing such words, Wang Xiujuan immediately woke up as if someone had poured a basin of cold water on her, and only then did she feel scared.

"It seems that something happened to He Xingtao!"

not far away.

He Xingbang, who was talking and laughing happily, suddenly paused. He followed Chen Jinjun's eyes and saw the scene where He Xingtao was kicked away. His pupils shrank suddenly.

"It's Zhao Shanhe!" Chen Jinjun continued.

"Zhao Shanhe?"

He Xingbang, who had never dealt with Zhao Shanhe before, raised his eyelids slightly.

"That's right, it's Zhao Shanhe. It's impossible for anyone to misunderstand him. Unexpectedly, Zhao Shanhe is still as arrogant and domineering as ever. He dared to make troubles like this at other people's receptions. It was your younger brother."

"I said, Lao He, what are you going to do about this matter? Just watch the show like this?" Chen Jinjun said playfully, watching the excitement without thinking it was a big deal.

Go to a play?

He Xingbang's face flickered uncertainly.

But he didn't mean to get up and run over immediately, why?Because the occasion is wrong.If it was said that when no one was around, he would have sent someone to clean up Zhao Shanhe.But now there are so many people here after all, if he intervenes rashly in public, it will definitely cause unnecessary trouble.

The most important thing is that he knows He Xingtao's virtues.

With He Xingtao's character who knows how to play with women all day long and likes to cause trouble, he is probably to blame for what happened tonight.Even if you want to take care of yourself, you have to do it to a certain extent.

"I said, Lao He, if you don't go, your brother will probably be beaten and disabled!"

He Xingbang wanted to deal with it calmly, but Chen Jinjun didn't.

He didn't think much about other things when he came to the banquet tonight, but since he said that this happened, of course he likes to make a big fuss the better.If there is a big trouble, he can be like Ding Guangming, watching the excitement from the wall.

Anyway, the relationship between Zhao Shanhe and Yongxing Department Store is not good, he can't wait to see Zhao Shanhe's bad luck.

"What are you doing?"

He Xingbang, who didn't know what Chen Jinjun was thinking, couldn't care less about thinking so much now, because he had already seen Chen Ju going towards He Xingtao again.

If Chen Juzai raised his fist and beat him, He Xingtao was the one who was beaten, He Xingbang was the one who lost face, and the whole Xingchi Group was the one who lost face.

He's going to take care of it.


Almost at the same time as He Xingbang walked over, everyone's eyes were on the same place.

Everyone knows that this farce is wonderful.

Because He Xingbang stepped forward.

"Brother, help!"

He Xingtao got up from the ground, ignoring the dirt on his body, grabbed He Xingbang's hand and shouted anxiously: "They hit me, they dare to hit me here, brother, you have to make the decision for me!"

"To shut up!"

He Xingbang glared at He Xingtao fiercely, then turned to look at Zhao Shanhe, and said indifferently, "Zhao Shanhe, right? I remember I didn't invite you, right? It's fine if you come uninvited, you're still at my banquet What are you trying to do with such a scene? Are you trying to save my face on purpose? "

"Sweeping your face? Who are you?" Zhao Shanhe asked solemnly.


He Xingbang's eyes were as cold as a knife.

"Zhao Shanhe, it's boring if you talk like that. Don't you know who he is? He is the host of tonight's banquet, He Xingbang, the general manager of Xingchi Group."

"You don't even know him and dare to come here to smash his place. I think you are too arrogant? You can't be like this!" Chen Jinjun came out from behind, and said with a sly voice.

"Chen Jinjun, I can meet you everywhere, you are really lingering." Zhao Shanhe glanced at him and said casually.


Chen Jinjun choked on these words.

"Zhao Shanhe, don't play tricks here, what happened tonight is that you did something wrong, shouldn't you give me an explanation?" He Xingbang looked over indifferently, with a haughty tone.

"Give me an explanation? What kind of explanation do you want?" Zhao Shanhe pouted.


He Xingbang's short voice revealed a sense of majesty, and his eyes gave off a little cold light when he looked over, and he shouted at Zhao Shanhe in a cold voice: "Now you immediately apologize to my brother, and then let your people slap themselves twice , forget it.”

"Otherwise, I will let you know what will happen if you make trouble in my territory."

Another self righteous master.

Let me just say, He Xingtao has such virtues, how can you, He Xingbang, be so strong as his brother?It seems that this is the case, and there is a kind of pride in the bones.

In your eyes, everyone should follow your orders to do things.

You say I'm crazy, who are we crazy?

It's also a good thing that I'm here tonight. If I don't come, with Chen Xiao's character, how can I say that I can handle this kind of scene, and I will definitely be driven crazy by the two of you brothers.

"You're right, you should apologize."

Zhao Shanhe looked back at He Xingbang, and continued to speak slowly under everyone's gaze. The words he said made He Xingbang's face suddenly change, and at the same time, everyone gasped.

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