Dujiachun Hotel.

Tonight, there will be a reception in the banquet hall here. The host is Xingchi Group, and all the celebrities from the business circle of Zhongzhou City are present.

They are not saying how close they are to Xingchi Group, but of course they have to attend a reception like this, not to mention anything else, they just want to squeeze into a few small circles and get acquainted. .

It was full of guests.

joy of spring.

In this lively atmosphere, small circles are clearly distributed.

If you look carefully, you will find that there are many familiar faces at the reception, most of them are fledgling starlets.Relying on the fact that he has filmed a few episodes of TV series, he dares to talk and laugh here and there.

To put it mildly, it is called opening up contacts.

To put it bluntly, it is to attract bees and butterflies to catch rich men.

a corner.

There are a few people sitting here pushing glasses and changing glasses. A young man in a neat suit, shiny leather shoes, and a bright tie is the most conspicuous.Because he had pierced ears and earrings.

Although in the future, such a dress is commonplace.But nowadays, this kind of dress is definitely an anomaly.

He is one of the protagonists of tonight's reception, the young master of Xingchi Group, He Xingtao.

It was his elder brother He Xingbang who hosted the reception over there.

"Let me tell you, just wait and see, Chen Xiao will be here in a while. If she comes, I will ask her to toast each of you." He Xingtao raised the corners of his lips proudly, and said casually.

"Toast? I said are you okay? You look down on Chen Xiao too much, she definitely won't come to toast."

"I've also heard about this Chen Xiao. It's said that she's very lonely."

"Aloof ass! The aloofness in the entertainment industry is all fake. If you are really aloof, how can you be in the entertainment industry?"


In this kind of casual chat, He Xingtao looked at the corner where he was sitting. He didn't speak a word, just a man who was quietly drinking, his eyes rolled slightly, and he said with a smile: "I said, old Ding, why have you been talking for a long time?" Don't talk? I'm still waiting for Chen Xiao to come, you can't ignore it when you warm up the scene for us. "

Who is Lao Ding?

Lao Ding is Ding Guangming, the deputy general manager of Iron Stone Records, the person who wanted to sign Chen Xiao in the campus singer competition, but unfortunately he could only watch Chen Xiao leave in the end.

He also came to the reception tonight.

It's just that he didn't expect that Chen Xiao would be targeted by a second generation ancestor like He Xingtao.

"What I'm talking about is, Lao Ding, I heard that you have a good relationship with Huanyu Brokerage Company. Isn't Chen Xiao relying on Huanyu to make a living now? You have to help our young master He complete this matter."

"It's easy to say." Ding Guangming smiled and said nothing.

In this atmosphere, Chen Xiao and Sister Baozhu came.As soon as she walked in, Sister Baozhu saw He Xingtao who was talking freely, and walked towards this side waving her hands.

Chen Xiao followed behind.

"Hello, Young Master He."

Sister Baozhu stepped forward and stretched out her right hand towards He Xingtao.

"Sister Baozhu, I haven't seen you for a few days, and your face looks radiant again."

After He Xingtao shook hands nonchalantly, he took advantage of the situation to look at Chen Xiao, raised his right hand and stretched it out as he spoke.

"Chen Xiao, stay safe, we meet again!"

"Hello there!"

Chen Xiao ignored He Xingtao's extended right hand, with a calm expression.


He Xingtao didn't say he was angry either, but after a quick stern and cold light flashed across his eyes, he looked over with a smirk, and said unhurriedly: "Miss Chen, it's really hard to see you, but Since you are here tonight, stay with us for a drink. Here, you have a glass of wine and give a toast to my brothers."

Everyone fell silent and looked over in unison.

Ding Guangming looked playfully.

Chen Xiao was indifferent.

After realizing that the atmosphere here was not right, Sister Baozhu quickly tugged at Chen Xiao's arm, then raised a glass of wine and handed it over, and said with a smile on her face: "Chen Xiao, Young Master He is right, you are here, just come Don't be so sullen. The people present here are all successful people and outstanding young people, just toast them with a drink!"

Chen Xiao was dragged by Sister Baozhu, and looked over with a cold face.

"I do not drink."

do not drink?

Sister Baozhu's heart jumped into her throat when she heard this, and she quickly lowered her voice and said, "My grandma, don't make trouble, isn't it just a glass of wine? What's the big deal? Why are you so stubborn? Hurry up!" Okay, after drinking this glass of wine, I'll take you there for a walk."

Sister Baozhu said, pointing in a random direction.

"I don't know how to drink." Chen Xiao didn't say a word, but still persisted with a cold expression.

The embarrassment made Sister Baozhu's face flush like a pig's liver.

"Sister Baozhu, it seems that you are not qualified as an agent. Is this how you teach artists? Do you want me to talk to the boss of your Huanyu agency and let them fire you?" He Xingtao said proudly.

Just one sentence made Sister Baozhu's movements stiffen instantly, and her face became extremely pale in an instant.

It was not easy for her to get to this position, and she would never allow anyone to ruin her career.

"You, pick up the wine glass for me and toast!"

Sister Baozhu straightened her back slowly, looking at Chen Xiao with icy cold eyes, and her words brought out an undisguised anger.

"I do not drink."

Chen Ling glanced at it, and after meeting Miss Baozhu's cold eyes, she remained unmoved.


The anger in Sister Baozhu's heart ignited, and she insisted on stuffing the wine glass into Chen Ling's hand. When she saw that the glass of wine was about to be spilled, she suddenly stretched out a hand from the side and held Chen Ling just right. Xiao dragged to the side, barely avoiding it.

The glass of wine was spilled all over the place.

"Are you deaf? Didn't you hear her say she doesn't drink?"

Zhao Shanhe looked over with disgust.

"Brother Shanhe."

Chen Xiao was suddenly pulled away by a strong arm, subconsciously looked up, and saw that it was Zhao Shanhe miraculously appearing here, blocking in front of him, his whole body brightened up.

She watched with a smile on her face.

"who are you?"

Sister Baozhu looked at the man who suddenly appeared and rescued the beauty, and after being surprised, she shouted angrily: "Let go of her now, do you know who she is? Do you want to start a scandal? Chen Xiao, don't you Come here quickly."

"It's him!"

Ding Guangming's eyes tightened, let's just say, Chen Xiao is in trouble, how could Zhao Shanhe not show up?No matter what, Chen Xiao was always following him.

But Zhao Shanhe, Zhao Shanhe, what place do you think this is?This is the Du's Spring Hotel, where the Xingchi Group's reception is held. If you do this, aren't you slapping He Xingtao in the face?

Do you think that with He Xingtao's domineering personality, he will tolerate you?

There was a good show.


He Xingtao was also a little surprised by Zhao Shanhe's appearance. He didn't expect that someone would dare to do this in his presence. Is this a hero's act to save the beauty?

The more you do this, the angrier I get.

"Chen Xiao, come here now!"

He Xingtao's eyes were fierce.

"Tell me that there is no trouble, how can I see that you are surrounded by trouble now."

Zhao Shanhe ignored the shouts of the people around him, only had Chen Xiao in his eyes, looked at her bright smile, and said with some distress: "It's a good thing I'm here, if I don't come, what are you going to do? Really will accompany Do they drink?"

"of course not!"

Chen Xiao raised her head confidently, and said arrogantly: "I'm here to attend the banquet, not to accompany the wine. Whoever wants to accompany the wine, I don't want to anyway."

"now it's right!"

Zhao Shanhe smiled with satisfaction.

"Chen Xiao, what nonsense are you talking about? Why don't you hurry over here?" Seeing that the situation was getting worse and worse, Sister Baozhu hurried forward, raising her hand to grab Chen Xiao's arm.

"Let go of your dirty hands."

Who would have thought that Zhao Shanhe would open her arms without saying a word, and then looked over with cold eyes.

"You are Chen Xiao's manager, Wang Xiujuan?"

Wang Xiujuan?

Hearing this name suddenly, the flesh on Sister Baozhu's face twitched subconsciously, she looked over with an angry expression, hating Zhao Shanhe to death in her heart.What Wang Xiujuan, with a very rustic and vulgar name, people call her Sister Baozhu now, don't you know how to call her Sister Baozhu?

Really an inexplicable bastard thing!

"I'm Sister Baozhu, who are you?" Wang Xiujuan glared at her fiercely.

"Sister Baozhu? Even someone like you is worthy of this name."

Zhao Shanhe sneered with a sneer and said lightly.

"Listen, I don't care who you are, because what you have done has disappointed me, so from now on, you are no longer Chen Xiao's manager, and Chen Xiao has nothing to do with you. This matter I will notify you Huanyu Brokerage Company later."

"What? You said I'm not Chen Xiao's manager? Do you know what you're talking about? Who are you? Why do you say that?" Wang Xiujuan yelled furiously, the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes were exposed.

"Of course I know what I'm talking about."

Zhao Shanhe turned around and said to Cai Shishi: "Call Huanyu and tell them my decision just now."


Cai Shishi immediately dialed the number of the person in charge of Huanyu Brokerage Company in front of everyone, and after she finished speaking, the other side was also dumbfounded.What's the meaning?Wang Xiujuan was fired?Did she provoke Chen Xiao?

You must know that as an artist, you must have an agent, and the relationship between the two should be very close.A good star can make an agent have a bright future, and a good agent can also make a star famous.

But what's going on now?

"Did you hear that? You have been fired, you can go now!" Zhao Shanhe said indifferently.


Wang Xiujuan was completely dazed!

She could tell that the phone call just now was not a fake, and that the voice from the person in charge of Huanyu Brokerage Company was indeed there. So she is fired now?No longer Chen Xiao's manager!


This thing can't be done like this!

Although it is common for a manager to leave a celebrity, leaving is leaving, and firing is firing, not to mention that with Chen Xiao's current popularity, if he said to leave her, he would suffer a great loss.

Huanyu agency will also fire her!

This is absolutely unacceptable to Wang Xiujuan!

"Who the hell are you?" After being stunned for more than ten seconds, Wang Xiujuan finally came back to her senses, and immediately asked with surprise in her eyes.


Just when Zhao Shanhe was about to speak, an arrogant and domineering voice suddenly interrupted him.

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