Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 804 Are You Worth The Price?


Zhao Shanhe took a sip of tea and said a number calmly.

And the moment the number was said, Yu Zhonglou stood up, glared and shouted: "Zhao Shanhe, you are so dark, how dare you offer such a price?"

"Don't say it's 200 million, even if you give me 400 million, no, I won't sell 600 million."

"Won't it be sold?"

Zhao Shanhe looked at the other party, raised the corners of his lips unhurriedly: "To be honest, Yu Zhonglou, you should have earned a lot of money in the past two years, right?"


Yu Zhonglou snorted coldly, noncommittal.

"A piece of advice, just accept it when you see it."

"Do you really think that Jinyang Machinery Factory can compete with an old brand like Hongxing Machinery Factory? Don't you have any idea what's going on with you?"

"No matter what people say about Red Star, the team is impeccable. But what about you? You built it purely for making money. The workers are poorly skilled and the equipment is backward."

"Most of the so-called products are imported from the East Island, right? Those products are all eliminated in the East Island, but you take them over and sell them openly, earning domestic money and harming the interests of the nation. You Don't you feel ashamed?"

Zhao Shanhe's eyes froze suddenly, and he said loudly: "The price of 200 million yuan is too low for you. How much do you think your Jinyang Machinery is worth?"

"1000 million! You deserve it too!"


Yu Zhonglou didn't expect Zhao Shanhe to say such words. He was so angry that his chest heaved unsteadily, and he shouted with anger in his eyes: "Zhao Shanhe, let me tell you, what about our Jinyang Machinery is our business, all our business The actions are all legal and compliant, don’t scare us with this, we are not scared.”

"Yes, you are all legal and compliant, and you should really be thankful that this is the case. Otherwise, do you think Jinyang Machinery Factory can still exist? You have been beaten to the ground long ago."

Zhao Shanhe said with a bit of ridicule.


The anger in Yu Zhonglou's heart could no longer be endured, and when it was about to erupt, the deputy factory director sitting next to him quickly pulled his arm and said in a low voice: "Mr. It's a big mess, it's important to do business."

"Old Liu, come and talk to him!"

Yu Zhonglou held back his anger and said angrily.

"Director Zhao, I think since you have come here, you must have come here with sincerity, and you want to negotiate this matter, not because you are here for Tan Beng, right?" Liu Jiang said with a smile on his face. .

"Continue." Zhao Shanhe said lightly.

"Then we will offer conditions now. We Jinyang Machinery have two plans. The first is that you can buy out the purchase. The price is 1000 million! You can't lose a penny!"

"Of course, I think you don't want to choose this, so let's talk about the second option."

Liu Jiang raised his hands and said: "Our second plan is actually the best, that is, you can buy shares in our Jinyang Machinery, and the shares will be calculated according to the current market value."

"400 million, we can give you 5.00% of the shares. Director Zhao, I think we are sincere enough, and I hope you can show your sincerity."

"400 million, 5.00% of the shares?"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said, "Liu Jiang, is this your sincerity? Thankfully, you have the nerve to say that you are full of sincerity."

"Don't say that Jinyang Machinery is in trouble now, and it will go bankrupt at any time. Even at the peak of the past, are you worth the price?"


"You are not worth it!"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and said contemptuously: "I will not choose any of the plans you give. I will only give you my plan, and I have only one plan, which is 200 million, to buy out your Jinyang Machinery Factory. "

"If you want, we can sign at any time."

"If you refuse, then guard your Jinyang Machinery Factory and wait for it to go bankrupt."

"Where to go, I hope you can think clearly before answering me. I will stay in Xianhua City for one night. If you haven't made a decision before eight o'clock tomorrow morning, forget about it."

After speaking, Zhao Shanhe got up and left.

Cai Shishi and the others naturally followed closely behind.


After Zhao Shanhe walked out of the meeting room, the pent-up anger in Zhonglou burst out. He slapped the table hard and shouted with a ferocious expression: "Zhao Shanhe, you bastard, you are humiliating us!"

"For 200 million, he wants to take down my Jinyang machinery. What a dream he is!"

"Let him die as soon as possible!"

"Mr. Yu, I think we should calm down and discuss this matter." Liu Jiang said cautiously when Yu Zhonglou's anger was almost vented.

"Old Liu, how can you discuss this matter? Zhao Shanhe's price is just playing us."

"Do you think we can agree to the purchase price of 200 million yuan? Not to mention anything else, even if it's selling scrap iron, we have to sell it for hundreds of thousands!"

"Although this is said, things cannot be done this way. Not to mention anything else, the liquidated damages that Jinyang Machinery needs to pay is as high as 600 million, and the wages of the workers should also be paid, and the material suppliers have to pay Calling for debts."

"If you count the debts owed by the bank, do you think Jinyang Machinery is still qualified to challenge Zhao Shanhe?"

Liu Jiang's scalp tingles when he thinks of this.

This is really pushing the wall down.

Who would dare to do this when Jinyang Machinery was at its peak?They all came over one by one to curry favor with each other, flattering and fawning, who would dare to persecute like this?

"Stop talking, I'll think about it again."

Yu Zhonglou rushed out of the conference room in a distraught state.

A group of people were left here shaking their heads and sighing again and again.


After returning to the hotel, Cai Shishi put all the documents on the table, and then said with a smile: "Director, you pushed Yu Zhonglou hard just now, I think he must be anxious to get angry now."

"It's just that if you do this, aren't you afraid of falling apart?"

"I think the purchase price of 200 million yuan is a bit low considering the scale of Jinyang Machinery Factory. After all, it is a municipal enterprise, which is stronger than the old Changzheng Machinery Factory."

"Really, if this stalemate continues, I'm afraid we won't be able to talk."

"It's best if you can't negotiate. Do you think I'm rushing to negotiate?"

Zhao Shanhe walked to the window and looked at the heavy traffic on the road with disapproval on his face.


After hearing this, Cai Shishi was a little dazed.

"It's best if we can't negotiate? What does this mean? Don't we want to buy Jinyang Machinery Factory?"

"Old Guo, come and tell her." Zhao Shanhe turned his head and said.


Guo Xianduan, the chief of the propaganda department who came to negotiate with him, smiled gently, and what he said slowly made Cai Shishi dumbfounded on the spot.

How can this be done?

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