Meeting room made by Hetu.

Li Xiangyang, who walked in, looked at Ji Mingjian and Fangyuan who seemed to be fidgeting, with the corners of his mouth slightly tilted, and said unhurriedly: "Mr. .”

"He's not in now?"

Ji Mingjian was taken aback for a moment, and then said eagerly: "Director Li, it would be meaningless if you said that."

"I came here this time with sincerity. I really wanted to talk to Zhao Shanhe about our branch factory. If he's not here, who do you think I should talk to?"

"Of course it's with me!"

Li Xiangyang raised his finger and pointed to himself: "Mr. Ji, you can talk to me about any problems on your side, and I can make a decision on this matter."

"With you? Are you sure?" Ji Mingjian looked over suspiciously.

"Of course."

Li Xiangyang said confidently: "Other things, I may not be able to make decisions, but if we talk about the old Changzheng Machinery Factory, I can really make decisions. Because our director Zhao has authorized me to be responsible."

"In this case……"

Ji Mingjian rolled his eyes: "That's okay, let's talk. Here are the conditions we set, you can take a look first."

As soon as Ji Mingjian's words fell to the ground, Fang Yuan handed over a document.

"Okay, let me see."

When Li Xiangyang opened it and saw it for the first time, the corners of his brows couldn't help but frown. He didn't even intend to look down, so he closed it directly, and his tone was not as gentle as before.

"Mr. Ji, are you sure this is the condition for your Red Star Machinery to come out?"

"Very sure, why? Is there a problem?" Ji Mingjian leaned back slightly and asked indistinctly.

"Is there a problem? It's a big problem. Forgive us for accepting the first condition you offered. Your machinery factory actually offered a price of 1000 million. This price is too high!" Li Xiangyang shook his head and said.

"Too high?"

Ji Mingjian smiled and said, "Director Li, how can this price be considered high? I think this is a very standard price. Strictly speaking, we are still losing money."

"So if it's lower than this price, there's nothing to talk about?" Li Xiangyang asked coldly.

"It really can't go any lower." Ji Mingjian followed suit.

"Then let's do it first."

After Li Xiangyang finished speaking, he stood up directly: "Mr. Ji, I still have some urgent matters to deal with, so I will not accompany you."

"Director Li, what do you mean? Are you driving us away? Let me tell you, we are from Hongxing Machinery Factory, and we are not something you Hetu Manufacturing can neglect." Fang Yuan said a little shamefully.


Li Xiangyang raised the corners of his lips, and said noncommittally: "I dare not neglect you, but if you will always have this attitude in the future, then let's stop this matter, we Hetu Manufacturing will never buy your company Machine shop."

"Slow walk without sending!"

"Director Li, I think it's better for you to contact Zhao Shanhe. You should listen to him, maybe he thinks the price is suitable for that." Ji Mingjian said quickly.

"Mr. Ji, if you think this way, you are very wrong, because our factory manager told me a price before he left. He also said that if the price you offer is higher than this, then we will not discuss anything." Li Xiangyang replied directly.

"How much?" Ji Mingjian asked.

Li Xiangyang raised three fingers and said slowly, "300 million!"

"What? 300 million?"

Ji Mingjian was blown up. He looked over angrily and shouted angrily, "Li Xiangyang, are you robbing? How dare you offer such a price?"

"Only 300 million? Let me tell you, you don't even pay enough for the machinery factory equipment."

"So there's no need to talk about this matter, please go ahead." Li Xiangyang raised his hand and said.


Ji Ming's face paled with Jianqi, he turned his head and walked away.

"Deputy Factory Manager Li, did the factory manager really offer a price of 300 million?" Yang E, who was standing in the conference room from the beginning to the end, asked in surprise after hearing the price.

"No." The corner of Li Xiangyang's mouth twitched slightly.

"Let me just say, it is the team of Changzheng Machinery Factory, and it is a very good company. The production line purchased by Hongxing Machinery Factory alone is worth the price of 300 million."

"Even if the factory manager wants to lower the price, he won't say that he will give this price." Yang E said with a sigh of relief, patting her chest.

"Section Chief Yang, actually what I wanted to say just now is that the price offered by the factory manager is 200 million!"

Li Xiangyang suddenly said seriously.

"What? Two million? How is it possible?"

Yang E was suddenly stunned.

"Then why did you report 300 million?"

"Because the factory manager said he wanted to put some pressure on Mingjian. He said that Mingjian would definitely not agree to the price the first time he came, but the second time he came, it would be 300 million instead of 200 million."

Li Xiangyang smiled playfully: "Think about it, if you lose 100 million for a single difference, what would you do if you were Mingjian?"

"I'd be so angry I'd vomit blood."

Yang E smiled suddenly.

"Our factory manager is really a ghost. In this way, Ji Mingjian will really be forced to a dead end. If he disagrees, the factory manager will drop another 100 million. If that is the case, he will Cry without crying."


Li Xiangyang smiled heartily.

"Who can blame this? If you want to blame, you can only blame Ji Mingjian for being too greedy. It was because of his greed that he terminated the cooperation with us."

"It was also because of greed that he never agreed to Jiang Haichao's conditions. Now that he knows he is in a hurry, he came to our door to talk to us about this matter. It is too late. He will regret it later!"

"Yeah, it's better not to be too greedy."

Yang E deeply agrees.

"Then do you want to tell the factory manager about this?"

"I'll tell him, but I guess he's busy with that right now."

"What is he busy with?"

"Busy to bargain with Yu Zhonglou." Li Xiangyang pointed to the outside and said.


Zhao Shanhe is sitting in the conference room of Jinyang Machinery Factory, negotiating with Yu Zhonglou.

The center of the negotiation between the two was the price of Jinyang Machinery Factory. Yu Zhonglou offered 1000 million yuan, but Zhao Shanhe did not agree with this price.

"Mr. Yu, are you sure you are sincere about this acquisition?"

Zhao Shanhe asked casually while playing with the pen in his hand.

"of course."

Yu Zhonglou stared at Zhao Shanhe, tried his best to control his emotions, and said steadily: "Director Zhao, I am very sincere to talk to you about this matter. I will not talk about what is there, let's clean it up." Be quick and get straight to the point."

"With 1000 million in place, Jinyang Machinery Factory is yours."

"Below this price, then there is no need for any negotiation between us."

"There has to be some room for talking about everything, but don't talk so hard. If you talk dead all of a sudden, how will you talk about it later?" Zhao Shanhe said calmly.

"So what's the price you offered?" Yu Zhonglou asked a little nervously.

"The price I offered was..."

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