"Zhou Angong, what are you doing, what do you say, you can give me an accurate answer!"

Huang Yingying looked at Zhou Angong, who had a strange expression, and yelled rather displeased: "I tell you, don't be shameless. I'm willing to give up my face and beg you to remarry, but it's only this one time."

"If you say that you still want to play tricks on me and play hard to get, then we'll say goodbye completely, and it will never be possible!"

"Huang Yingying, you go first." Zhou Angong looked up at the other party and said solemnly.

"What? You want to drive me away?"

Huang Yingying stood up immediately, and said angrily: "Zhou Angong, you are cruel! All right, don't worry, I will never come to you again in this life."

After finishing speaking, she immediately turned around and walked out without looking back.

Seeing Huang Yingying like this, Zhou Yongjian and Zhao Yongduo, who had been hiding in the house, hurried out to chase her back.

Unfortunately, Huang Yingying had already rushed out angrily.

"What are you still doing stupidly? Hurry up and chase it back, do you really want to be a bachelor?"

Zhou Yongjian stepped forward and pushed it, and shouted bitterly.

"Dad, something serious happened!"

Zhou Angong said with a somewhat distraught expression.

"What happened?"

Zhou Yongjian realized something was wrong, and asked with a frown.

"I just received a call saying that Zhao Shanhe died in a car accident in Zhili. Now Shanqiu Foods, Hetu Manufacturing and other factories are in chaos!" Zhou Angong said urgently.


Hearing this news suddenly, Zhou Yongjian was stunned.

Zhao Yongduo also walked over in disbelief, and asked anxiously: "An Gong, is what you said true? Did Shan He die in a car accident?"

"Yes, the news should be true, otherwise how could those factories be in chaos."

Zhou Angong took a deep breath, sat on the sofa, forced himself to calm down and said, "Mom and Dad, what do you think Huang Yingying is compared to Zhao Shanhe's death?"

"She came to ask me to remarry, do you think it was a discovery of conscience? No, she must have her own plan. Although I don't know what it is, it should be shameful."

"I can't see anyone!"

Zhao Yongduo and Zhou Yongjian looked at each other, and a bad idea came to their hearts.

Could it be that?

"Mom and Dad, we'll talk about Huang Yingying later, let's talk about Zhao Shanhe first. I think our top priority is to hurry to Zhaojiazhai and get the support of my uncle and concubine."

"As long as we get their support, the next thing will be easy." Zhou Angong pulled the two of them away from their speculation about Huang Yingying.

"What support?"

"Take over Zhao Shanhe's factory!"

Zhou Angong said word by word.

"Take over Zhao Shanhe's factory? What do you mean?" Zhao Yongduo was puzzled.

Zhou Yongjian showed a thoughtful expression.

"You mean to grab all of Zhao Shanhe's factories now?"

"Yes, that's what I meant."

Zhou Angong said excitedly: "Parents, think about how many factories there are under the name of Zhao Shanhe, Shanqiu Food, Hetu Manufacturing, Zhao Xiaobai Winery and Qingniao Glass Factory."

"If you take any one out, they are all well-known big companies. More importantly, these companies are all owned by Zhao Shanhe himself, and they are his industries."

"If he's alive, it won't be our turn, but isn't he dead in a car accident now? Then we should move."

"Not to mention anything else, the most important thing is to get most of the factories into our hands. I think my uncles and concubines have no objections when we do this. They don't want Zhao Shanhe's industry to be so cheap to others, right? Even I think We can all contact the second and third uncles."

"You think I'm right?"

Zhou Yongjian stood up, he felt a little parched, but when he thought of Zhao Shanhe's properties, his eyes lit up, and after walking back and forth twice, he stood still suddenly and said to Zhao Yongduo.

"That's right, I think what An Gong said makes sense. We can't let Shanhe's hard work go to waste and someone else takes over the factory, right?"

"Then what should we do, shall we go to Zhaojiazhai now?" Zhao Yongduo asked with a flustered expression.


Zhou Yongjian waved his hand.

"Let's go, let's go to Zhaojiazhai now, at least to let Zhao Yonghao and the others know the news, and more importantly, we must quickly find a way to snatch this property, otherwise it will definitely be cheap to outsiders!"

"Dad, I'm going to call a car now."

Zhou Angong walked out excitedly as he spoke.

"Old woman, why are you still standing there? You also pack up quickly, let's go downstairs now." Zhou Yongjian urged, turning his head and glanced at Zhao Yongduo.

"Enen, let's go!" Zhao Yongduo hurriedly followed.

The family of three rushed to Zhaojiazhai full of expectations.


Zhenghe County Party Committee Family Hospital.


Du Ruoqing, who just came back from the outside, picked up the water glass and was about to drink when she heard what Du Jingming said, and the water glass in her hand fell to the ground on the spot.

"Dad, is it true what you said? Did you hear me wrong?"

"Do you think I'm going to joke with you about this?"

Du Jingming looked at the panic-stricken girl, sighed solemnly and said, "I'm like you, I couldn't believe it when I first heard the news, but until now, there is no way to contact Zhao Shanhe."

"And the friends I met in Zhili also confirmed that the Hutou Ben belonging to Zhao Shanhe did indeed explode, so I think this is true in all likelihood, and he is very likely to encounter an accident. !"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. I just met him two days ago, and he died just as he said. How could this happen? I don't believe it."

Du Ruoqing's face turned pale, her head shook like a rattle.

"No one wants this to be true. You also know how important Zhao Shanhe is to Zhenghe County. If he says something wrong, it will shake the economic order of the entire Zhenghe County."

"Dad, was it really because of a car accident?" Du Ruoqing asked in a daze as if her eyes were out of focus.

When Du Jingming heard this question, two cold lights shot out from his eyes, and he said indifferently: "According to the information I have inquired so far, this matter is definitely not as simple as a simple car accident, it should be someone deliberately causing a traffic accident to murder Zhao Shanhe."


Du Ruoqing's expression changed.

"Who is it? Who is so insane and dares to ignore the law of the country and do such a cruel thing? Has the murderer been caught?"

"No, we don't have much information right now. We won't know anything until Li Qiuya and Li Xiangyang come back. I'm telling you this in the hope that you can stabilize the foundation you manage, and there must be no troubles! "Du Jingming said in a deep voice.

"Well, I see."

Du Ruoqing nodded, and said sadly, "But I still can't believe it's true. He's so young, why did he just leave like that?"

Just when the two counties of Zhenghe and Nanjue were swept by the news, Li Xiangyang came back quietly in the middle of the night.

On his return he secretly announced an order.

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