Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 791 You have to do one more thing

"Do you want to find another family? I approve you now, all of you go!"

Qiu Ying stood in front of a few people with a frosty face, and she glanced over with cold anger.

A few people were so frightened that they hurriedly lowered their heads and scattered.

in the office.

After Qiu Ying knocked on the door and came in, she complained to Yang E: "Section Chief Yang, I just came in from the outside. Do you know how they gossip? They even said that the factory director was dead, and what did they say to find him?" Next home or something like that."

"Looking for another home?"

Yang E frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "The factory manager will be fine, there must be someone spreading rumors to cause trouble, the more we have to help the factory manager manage the house and calm down the situation. "

"It's not difficult to suppress the scene, but who is spreading rumors and causing trouble?" Qiu Ying closed her mouth angrily, tilted her head and tried hard to think.

"It must be hidden in the dark. People who want to deal with our factory. We must be careful when dealing with these people."

Yang E stood up, and after walking around the office twice, she stopped and said sternly, "Well, now, you can ask every workshop director, canteen manager, and logistics section chief of Shanqiu Foods to come over here." , I have something to say to them."



Manufactured by Jiuquan.

When the news came that Zhao Shanhe was killed in a car accident, the workers of Jiuquan Manufacturing were all shocked.None of them could have imagined that a person like Zhao Shanhe would encounter such bad luck.

But thinking about the so-called unforeseen circumstances, Zhao Shanhe is also a person, not a god, so why can't something happen to him, everyone is relieved.

After the relief, an undercurrent began to surge inside Jiuquan Manufacturing.

"Let me tell you that Zhao Shanhe is dead now, and the personnel of this factory will definitely change. You say where is our Jiuquan Manufacturing going? Who will take charge of us?"

"I said, don't talk nonsense. Director Zhao Jiren has his own destiny, and nothing will happen."

"I don't want anything to happen to Director Zhao, but if something happens to him, you have to leave a way out for yourself, right?"


If Zhao Shanhe lives well, naturally no one will give birth to double-mindedness.

But if something happened to Zhao Shanhe, the mainstay, these workers would secretly think about it.

Everyone will think about themselves. After all, people do not kill themselves. They have no reason to tie themselves to a big ship that is about to sink.


Zhao Xiaobai Winery.

When rumors began to spread outside, Chen Duo, the director of the factory, was sitting in the office drinking tea leisurely, as if nothing had happened, and sitting opposite him was Guo Kaiduan, the head of the publicity department.

"You don't seem to be in a hurry about this matter at all, why? Are you not afraid that others will say that Chen Duo has a double heart and wants to betray Director Zhao?" Guo started to look over with a smile.


Chen Duo snorted and sneered, crossed his legs and said, "How is it possible? I, Chen Duo, am not that kind of white-eyed wolf. I am not in a hurry because I think this is nonsense. Besides, aren't you nervous? "

"Director Zhao called you?" Guo Kaiduan asked.


Chen Duo shook his head.

"Then why are you so sure that Director Zhao is fine? You know, there are rumors outside, and someone sent a photo. The burning Hutou Ben is indeed Director Zhao." Guo Kaiduan was not in a hurry. asked slowly.

"I said, Lao Guo, don't test me here. I'm not in a hurry, aren't you in a hurry? Just this matter, do you think it's useful to be in a hurry?"

"Besides, don't tell me that you can't see it. It's clear that someone deliberately fanned the flames and caused chaos within us. Why did they do this? It's nothing more than fear of the factory manager coming back."

"They are still afraid, which just means that the factory manager is fine! That's why I am so calm. I think the most important thing I should do now is not to get angry, but to maintain the order of Zhao Xiaobai Winery! As long as there is If I'm in one day, Zhao Xiaobai Winery can't be messed up!"

Chen Duo's eyes were particularly sharp.

"You are right, but I think you have to do one more thing besides this."

"What's the matter?" Chen Duo asked curiously.

Guo Kaiduan approached Chen Duo and said in a low voice, "Catch the traitors who spread rumors, and weed out those who sit on the fence who are not firm!"

Speaking of this, he said with a mysterious look in his eyes: "Don't tell me, you never thought of taking advantage of this opportunity to severely rectify Zhao Xiaobai's winery, and wipe out all those scumbags."

Chen Duo stared deeply at Guo Kaiduan's eyes, his eyes changed from surprise, to admiration, to sympathy, and finally he laughed and said, "Guo Kaiduan is the one who knows me!"


Xiaolugou Embroidery Factory.

"Wang Luya, you should be very anxious now, right?"

In the factory director's office, Li Shifan, the factory director of Qingshan Ceramics Factory, had a flash of complacency in his eyes, and said with a smile on his face. While saying this, he assumed a comfortable posture and sat arrogantly on the chair.

"Mr. Li, what do you mean?" Wang Luya asked displeasedly, frowning.

"What do I mean?"

Li Shifan sat up straight suddenly, and proudly said: "Isn't my meaning simple enough? I mean, you know it too, right? Everyone outside is saying that Zhao Shanhe was hit by a car and died."

"You said that everyone else is dead, can you still count on the cooperation between your embroidery factory and them? Let me tell you, don't think about it, this matter will definitely fall through."

"Mr. Li, don't talk nonsense. Don't say that Director Zhao will be fine. Even if something really happens, it's not your turn to point fingers at me. Get out, I don't welcome you here!" Wang Luya pointed at the door said sharply.

"Don't mind me, I'm here on business."

Li Shifan did not intend to get angry at all, and raised the corners of his lips, and said slowly: "I have two things for you today, the first is to tell you the news that Zhao Shanhe was killed in a car accident, and the second is to give you Xiaolu Gou Embroidery Factory a chance."

"what chance?"

"It's just that I hope you can cooperate with me. In the future, every time we sell a box of ceramics, we will take your embroidery as a gift. How about it? I am taking care of you, isn't it interesting?" Li Shifan said arrogantly .

"Take care of me? Save yourself! I don't need you to take care of me. Get out now!"

Wang Luya's face was cold.

"You..." Li Shifan looked over in disbelief.


Wang Luya roared angrily.

Li Shifan was taken aback by this, he quickly got up and walked outside, and said as he walked: "You will definitely regret it, Zhao Shanhe is dead, do you still want him to come back to life and continue to cooperate with you? Stop dreaming, Wang Luya, I will leave my words here, you will come to me sooner or later, I am waiting for you."


Wang Luya grabbed the folder on the table and threw it out.

Li Shifan was so frightened that he rubbed the soles of his feet with oil, and ran away like a gust of wind.

Looking at his back, Wang Luya felt uneasy.

"Zhao Shanhe, you didn't really have a car accident, did you?"


The Zhou family in Nanjue County.

When the news that Zhao Shanhe was killed in a car accident reached Zhou Angong's home, he was sitting in the living room talking with his ex-wife Huang Yingying. The moment he heard the news, he was stunned and his body trembled slightly.

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