Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 789 Don't be fooled

"If that's the case, I think Captain Gu can start with one person."


"Saburo Miyai, the representative of the Sakura Club."

Zhao Shanhe said it slowly, and the moment he heard the name, Gu Yangchuan's expression moved slightly, and he narrowed his eyes and asked, "So you mean that this person named Miyai Sanlang is very suspicious?"


Zhao Shanhe said calmly: "The person I can think of is him!"

"As for the evidence, I think since I have given the suspect, then the next thing is to rely on Captain Gu to investigate and collect evidence. I hope Captain Gu can solve the case as soon as possible."

"I sure will."

Gu Yangchuan fell into deep thought as he spoke, and after a while he came back to his senses and said, "Then Director Zhao, let's start the routine inquiry."

"it is good!"


Yanchun Hotel in Shicheng City.

"What did you say? Say it again!"

Tang Jietun's eyes were like copper bells, and he looked at Jessica in disbelief. Even if he heard it with his own ears, he still couldn't believe it was true.

"Mr. Tang, this is true."

Jessica said seriously: "We just received news that Zhao Shanhe unfortunately had a car accident on the way back, and he is currently in the No. 1 civilian hospital in our province for emergency treatment."

"Also, our people in Handong City also said that Li Qiuya was in the middle of the meeting. She seemed to have received a call from Zhao Shanhe suddenly. She hurriedly explained the family affairs and announced the end of the meeting. Then she talked with Li Xiangyang. They came here in a hurry, and currently their sales chief, Yang E, is in charge of the overall situation at home."

"How could this be?"

Tang Jie suddenly walked back and forth in the room like an ant on a hot pot.

Zhao Shanhe was hit by a car accident, and his life and death are uncertain.

Is this good or bad for him?

To be honest, Tang Jiedun was very excited when he first heard about it. He used to look forward to Zhao Shanhe's death more than anyone else.After all, it was Zhao Shanhe who snatched his order for valve locks, but now that he is awake, he is the last person who does not want Zhao Shanhe to have an accident.

Just reached a cooperation agreement and signed the contract, you Zhao Shanhe was hit by a car at this juncture, what should I do?

What happens to my order?

If there is no order, what should I do with the Covenant Group?

"Zhao Shanhe, Zhao Shanhe, you said that your car accident happened sooner or later, but it happened at this juncture. I hate you to death!"

Tang Jiedun lit a cigarette and took two puffs, then stubbed out the cigarette butt in a state of distraught, walked another two steps, stopped suddenly, stared at Jessica and said, "Hurry up and go to Provincial No. 1 People's Hospital , find a way to find out what's going on, especially to find out if something happened to Zhao Shanhe?"


Jessica nodded respectfully.

"I called Zhao Shanhe's big brother before, and he kept reminding him that his phone was turned off, so I also thought it was necessary to go to the hospital, so I'll go right away."


After Jessica left, Tang Jie closed his eyes, thinking of what Miyai Saburo had said before, he started talking to himself.

"Miyai Saburo, this matter doesn't have anything to do with you, does it?"


As dusk approached.

Li Qiuya and Li Xiangyang finally rushed to the hospital, and when they saw Zhao Shanhe standing in front of the window, their hearts finally relaxed.Li Qiuya couldn't wait to step forward, supported Zhao Shanhe's shoulder, and asked anxiously, "Shanhe, how do you feel? Have you had a comprehensive examination? What did the doctor say?"

"I am fine."

Zhao Shanhe shook his head.

"Then Chen Ju and Shishi? How are they doing? Why didn't you see them here?" Li Qiuya asked after scanning around.

"Chen Ju and Cai Shishi are out of danger and are currently in the intensive care unit. They haven't woken up yet, and the hospital will notify us if they wake up," Zhao Shanhe said.

"That's good!"

Li Qiuya and Li Xiangyang breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that their lives were not in danger.

"Shanhe, you said it was an assassination, you said you were attacked, what's going on?" Li Xiangyang asked seriously.

"I think this is a naked assassination. The other party didn't know that I temporarily drove the off-road vehicle Chen Jingwei sent. Otherwise, it would not be Hutouben that hit the truck, but me. gone."

"And if he hit me, I'm probably dead by now." Thinking of the previous scene, Zhao Shanhe still had lingering fears.

"It's unreasonable, who is so insane, dare to do such a thing in broad daylight?" Li Xiangyang asked harshly.

"I think it's Saburo Miyai." Zhao Shanhe said slowly.

"Miyai Saburo?"

After Li Xiangyang was taken aback for a moment, his eyes suddenly turned cold like a knife.

"You're right. Miyai Saburo is indeed suspected of this. We have seized so many markets for him. He must have hated your teeth for a long time. Besides, he is from the East Island, and he would not say anything about it. What a psychological burden. As long as he cuts off all the clues of this matter, he can stay out of it and enjoy the benefits."

"Then shall we take revenge?" Li Qiuya said with a frosty face.

"of course yes."

Li Xiangyang said decisively without thinking: "He Miyai Saburo has done such a thing, does he still want us to turn a blind eye? No, we must take revenge!"

"Tell me, Shanhe, what shall we do?"

"Do you want me to find someone to kill that bastard Miyai Saburo!"


Zhao Shanhe quickly shook his head, waved his hands and said, "Xiangyang, don't be fooled! Saburo Miyai is crazy, he is crazy, we can't accompany him crazy. For someone like him, let's put ourselves in it, no worth!"

"Then let's leave it like this?" Li Xiangyang was indignant.

"Of course not!"

Zhao Shanhe thought of Chen Ju and Cai Shishi who were still lying unconscious on the hospital bed, and said with bright eyes: "The police are investigating and collecting evidence. I believe they can find out who is behind the scenes."

"And before that, we can't be idle. I have already ordered people to sort out all the properties of the Sakura Club in the Eastern Province. Since Saburo Miyai is so unruly, there is no need for us to be polite to him."

"I want to expel the Sakura Club from Eastern Province! I want Miyai Saburo to have nothing!"

"Yes, that's the way it should be, let Miyai Saburo get out of our Eastern Province in disgrace!" Li Xiangyang said through gritted teeth, and after thinking about it, he hastily corrected, "No, we can't let him go. Since he dares to assassinate you, he can kill you." Don’t even think about going back to East Island.”

"Dong dong."

Just then the door knocked from outside.

"Your people are awake."

Zhao Shanhe has been worrying about Chen Ju and Cai Shishi, fearing that something will happen to them, if that happens, his conscience will be troubled for the rest of his life.Now hearing the news that they woke up, I immediately let out a long sigh of relief.

"Come on, let's go and see the two of them."

With the support of Li Qiuya, Zhao Shanhe and Li Xiangyang walked outside anxiously.

at the same time.

A hotel in Handong City, Eastern Province.

A figure knocked on the door of Miyai Saburo's room.

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