"I got it?"

Seeing Zhao Shanhe's eyes widen suddenly, Chen Jingwei knew that he had someone to guess.

"Thinking of someone! But I don't know if it's him, Brother Chen, I don't have any evidence, I dare not talk nonsense, so don't ask any more. You know too much about this matter, it may not be good for you." Zhao Shanhe said in a heavy tone After speaking, he avoided Chen Jingwei's gaze.

"What are you talking about!"

The moment Chen Jingwei heard this, he became angry.

"Zhao Shanhe, I really treat you as a brother. Do you look down on me when you say that? Do you think I will be a person who is afraid of danger?"

"Brother Chen, that's not the case. I just feel that the nature of this matter is bad. Since the other party dares to do this, it means that he is already insane. If this is the case, there is no need to drag you into it." Zhao Shanhe hurriedly explained.

"Afraid of a ball!"

Chen Jingwei waved his hand.

"If you think so, then you can rest assured that I, Chen Jingwei, am not a timid person. Do you think I have never encountered such a threat? I have, but I still stand by you now before?"

"So about this matter, don't be afraid. What's the matter, the two of us are going around together. Just tell me, who do you suspect?"

Zhao Shanhe was moved for a while, so he slowly said a name: "Saburo Miyai from Sakura Club!"

"Miyai Saburo? It's him!"

Chen Jingwei pursed the corners of his mouth, and after two gleams shot out of his eyes, he said thoughtfully: "If you want to say this, it is not impossible, after all, you have taken away many orders from him in Nan Province, and let him The loss was heavy. If he said something cruel, it is not impossible for him to assassinate you."

"The only person I can think of is him. As for the rest of the people, although there are some, I don't think they have the possibility to say this to vent their hatred. Only Miyai Saburo, there is this possibility! Because I have seen it from his eyes more than once. I feel the killing intent!"

Zhao Shanhe's eyes were awe-inspiring.

"You're right. If he says to kill you, he can solve a lot of troubles. At least the tempered glass market will be taken back by him in no time."

"It's more than just tempered glass."

Zhao Shanhe said with deep eyes: "The grievances between Miyai Saburo and I, if we go forward, we can still catch up with the equipment of the machinery factory, the land occupied by the cement factory, and even many chain industries. I think this is why he would want to kill me."

"It turns out that Saburo Miyai was forced into this by you."

Chen Jingwei said with emotion: "It's no wonder this old guy would take the risk! Now that you know that this matter has something to do with him and that he did it, what are you going to do?"

"I'm just guessing, there's no proof yet!"

Zhao Shanhe shook his head and said calmly: "I have to find evidence before I do anything. As long as I find out that this matter has something to do with him, then Miyai Saburo and his Sakura Club will never have a foothold in China. I will Cut the weeds and root them out and drive them all out of the country."

"Then what if we can't find evidence for a while?" Chen Jingwei frowned and asked.

"Can't find it?"

Zhao Shanhe pursed his lower lips, and said with burning eyes: "Even if I can't find it, I will still keep an eye on the Sakura Club, and I will treat it as Miyai Saburo who did it!"

"Yes, that's how it should be."

Chen Jingwei slapped his thigh, and said proudly: "As far as the little devils in the East Island country, there is no serious thing. I dare to say that he must have done this. I am sure that he has already put all The clues have been cleared away. So it doesn't matter whether we can find evidence or not, as long as we identify him, we will fuck him to death."


"Hiss..." Zhao Shanhe said as he punched the bed, but he didn't want to touch the wound on his back. A burst of severe pain came in an instant, and the pain made him grit his teeth and take a breath.

"Dong dong!"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the ward, and after obtaining consent, several policemen walked in, the leader of which was Gu Yangchuan, the captain of the criminal police team.As soon as he came in, he said to Zhao Shanhe: "Director Zhao, I'm really sorry, it's our negligence that this kind of thing happened in our jurisdiction of Shicheng City and you were injured."

"Captain Gu, this matter has nothing to do with you, you don't need to apologize. How is your investigation going? Did the truck driver speak?" Zhao Shanhe waved his hand and asked.


Gu Yangchuan's expression darkened.

"The truck driver is still in a coma, so there is no way to interrogate him for the time being. I'm here this time to ask you something, and I hope you can cooperate with us seriously."

"no problem!"

Zhao Shanhe nodded.

"Mr. Chen, do you think you can avoid it?" Gu Yangchuan looked at Chen Jingwei.

Seeing Chen Jingwei worried about himself, Zhao Shanhe nodded and smiled at him: "Brother Chen, it's okay, I can handle it."

"Okay, I'll wait outside."

Chen Jingwei stood up as he spoke, and when he walked past Gu Yangchuan, he paused and pointedly said: "Captain Gu, I have already notified your city bureau of this case, I think you should be able to solve the case soon right?"

"I can!"

Gu Yangchuan obviously received the notice, so facing Chen Jingwei's words, he said without any hesitation: "It is my duty to solve the case, and I will definitely do my best."

"That's good!"

Chen Jingwei looked at Gu Yangchuan and nodded. After speaking, he walked out. As soon as he walked out, the policeman immediately closed the door of the ward.

After getting ready, Gu Yangchuan stared at Zhao Shanhe's eyes, and asked seriously: "Director Zhao, can I ask you, what do you think about this car accident?"

Car accident?

The moment Zhao Shanhe heard this, his brows raised.

"Captain Gu, do you think this is just a car accident?"

Gu Yangchuan raised his hand: "As a people's policeman, handling a case should not rely on feelings, but on evidence, so don't ask me what I think."

"What we saw at the scene was a truck lying in a deep ditch, an unconscious driver, a Hutou Ben after the explosion and burning, and a Zhili off-road vehicle. Before there is more in-depth evidence , Director Zhao said that he was attacked and assassinated, I have to take it seriously."

Gu Yangchuan's words were calm and powerful, steady and open.


Zhao Shanhe took a deep look at Gu Yangchuan. Although the two had just met and had no deep friendship, he could feel that Gu Yangchuan was a very principled and well-mannered policeman.

In Gu Yangchuan's heart, there is a standard to measure right and wrong.

This standard is the law.

The law is greater than the sky.

So even if Gu Yangchuan could see that what Zhao Shanhe said was true and was willing to believe what Zhao Shanhe said just now, he still insisted on asking for evidence. Without evidence, everything would not be recognized.

"Yes, it's the evidence. Either you give me the evidence, or I investigate the evidence. I must have the evidence before I can settle the case. Otherwise, I won't just settle the case hastily based on your words."

Gu Yangchuan's eyes were calm.

"In that case..."

Zhao Shanhe stared at Gu Yangchuan's eyes, and spoke slowly.

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