Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 782: One Line of Vitality

"I promise you!"

Tang Jiedun almost gritted his teeth and said such a sentence, but the moment he said the words, the angry expression on his face disappeared, and the whole person became gentle, and even looked at Zhao At the time of Shanhe, he had already smiled.

This is businessman.

Mercenary businessman.

He hated Zhao Shanhe from the bottom of his heart, because Zhao Shanhe messed up the business of valve locks for him.

But if it is because of Zhao Shanhe that the Covenant Group was able to win the windshield business, then the humiliation he suffered is indifferent, and it is something he can bear. Take it down.

After all, he didn't want to lose it all.

"Are you sure?"

"I am very sure."

Tang Jie said in a deep voice: "However, Zhao Shanhe, I want to talk to you about this matter. If you want us to represent your Jade Bird Glass, I hope you will give us a very low price. , is the lowest price you can afford."

"of course."

Zhao Shanhe smiled contentedly, raised the corners of his lips and said, "Tang Jiedun, I have known about your American market, and I know how expensive a windshield is sold in your American country. I can tell you right now, As long as you agree to my conditions, the price I will give you for your windshield is 4000 yuan a piece!"

"How about it? Is this price interesting? As long as you sell it in your American market, you can definitely make a lot of money. Also, you may also know that the quality of our blue bird glass is better than that sold by the Sakura Club. Much better, and better than all your glass manufacturers in America make."

"Good quality and low price, first-class quality, why do you hesitate?"

When Zhao Shanhe said this, he suddenly leaned forward slightly, stared into Tang Jiedun's eyes and said, "Tang Jiedun, to tell you the truth, do you think I have no confidence to pry open your American market without you?"

"I believe that as long as my blue bird glass is put into your American market, some people will rush to become my agent. I will cooperate with you in this way, just to save the production line that you sold to Hongxing Machinery Factory. Because I know that that production line is actually the lowest-level version of the comet system."

"As long as I can get your comet production line, I can revitalize that one and let it produce more engine parts. Is what I said correct? Is it sincere enough?"

Hearing what Zhao Shanhe said, Tang Jiedun's biggest doubts instantly disappeared without a trace.

After all, he was sent by the Covenant Group to do things, so how could he say that he is a stupid person? He has every reason to believe that Zhao Shanhe must have a conspiracy in doing this, and what he thinks is precisely Hongxing Machinery Factory of that production line.

Now it seems that I was right.

Zhao Shanhe came here for that production line.

If this is the case, then this does not mean that they cannot cooperate.In this way, everyone is happy, and both he and Zhao Shanhe can benefit.And the price of [-] yuan is really reasonable. If it is sold at this price in the United States, it will be no problem to sell it to [-] yuan.

A difference of one thousand is a huge profit.

Thinking of this, Tang Jiedun said bluntly: "Yes, there is no problem on my side, but I need time to communicate with the headquarters. But don't worry, this time will not be very long."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you all night. I hope that when I wake up tomorrow morning, I can hear the good news you brought me."

Zhao Shanhe casually picked up the unfinished bottle of mineral water, and said slowly, "Tang Jiedun, I hope you can understand that I did this for your own good, and I have no selfish motives."


Tang Jie gave Zhao Shanhe a hard look, and stood up awkwardly.

"Zhao Shanhe, you are really a very powerful businessman. I was convinced by you. That's it. I will contact you tomorrow."

Zhao Shanhe stood up with a smile and nodded: "Okay."


Tang Jieden walked out after speaking.

"Mr. Tang."

"Go back and talk."

Seeing Jessica walking forward in a hurry, Tang Jie shook his head slightly, and then strode away.

Cai Shishi and Chen Ju walked into the room.

When they saw Zhao Shanhe happily sitting in front of the window drinking water, they couldn't help feeling relieved. Although they didn't know what Zhao Shanhe and Tang Jiedun talked about, at least it should be a good thing.

"Director, what did you say to Tang Jiedun?" Cai Shishi asked curiously.

"I, in the spirit of humanitarianism, don't want Tang Jiedun to leave Zhili Automobile in disgrace like this, so I helped him, and I made him the agent of our Jade Bird Glass in the United States. Responsible for selling Jade Bird Glass." Zhao Shanhe said slowly.

Chen Ju was dumbfounded for a moment.

Cai Shishi was also stunned on the spot.

"What? Are you serious?"

Cai Shishi woke up from his trance, and asked eagerly.

"Of course, will you still lie to you about this? You should also know me. I have always been fraternal in everything I do, and I don't want anyone to be wronged." Zhao Shanhe smiled slightly.

"Just you? Don't you see Tang Jie being wronged?"

Cai Shishi and Chen Ju looked at each other, thinking silently.If you really thought this way, you wouldn't come here and take such a big piece of fat from Tang Jiedu's mouth fiercely.

That's not to mention, you are still rubbing salt on other people's wounds, and you are selling Jade Bird Glass to them, saying that you let him act as an agent, isn't this just asking him to sell things for you in disguise?

The problem is, looking at what you mean, Tangerton seems to agree.

What the hell does this happen?

"Factory Manager, please tell us quickly." Cai Shishi pleaded angrily, his big eyes blinking non-stop.

"Want to know?" Zhao Shanhe looked over.

"I think." Cai Shishi nodded hastily.

"Headache, I drank too much with Chen Jingwei." Zhao Shanhe rubbed his head and shook it twice.

"I'll rub it for you."

Cai Shishi immediately volunteered, walked forward quickly, stood behind Zhao Shanhe, rolled up his sleeves and stretched out his hands to his head, ready to give him a massage.

"Haha, it's alright, it won't hurt anymore."

Zhao Shanhe blocked Cai Shishi's hand with a smile, and then spoke slowly. After he finished speaking, both Cai Shishi and Chen Ju were extremely surprised. Can this be done?This is too unbelievable, right?But don't tell me, Zhao Shanhe really caught Tang Jiedun's lifeblood. If he said he didn't want to be taken down, he could only do so.

Only by doing so can there be a chance of survival.

"Then let's wait for Tangerton's reply tomorrow."



As soon as Tang Jiedun walked out of the hotel, he was stared at by Jessica who was very curious and asked: "Mr. Tang, what did you talk to Zhao Shanhe? Why do I feel that you seem to be in a different mood than when you went in?" It's much better, you won't be given some ecstasy soup by him, will you?"

"magic potion?"

Tang Jie smiled, and suddenly hugged Jessica.

Jessica was stunned for a moment.

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