"I want your Covenant Group's comet production line."

This was the condition that Zhao Shanhe offered, and the moment Tang Jiedun heard the condition, he chose to reject it without even thinking about it.This is impossible. Compared with the valve lock plate, the comet production line is much more important.Even if it is not the top production technology in Covenant Group, it can still be ranked in the forefront.

It is absolutely impossible to hand over the technology of this production line for the sake of a valve lock plate.

Tangerton wasn't that stupid yet.

"Don't rush to refuse, I think you will agree." Zhao Shanhe smiled lightly, raised Erlang's legs, dusted his trousers, and said calmly without raising his head.

"I will definitely not agree."

Tang Jie looked over with cold eyes, and said in an angry tone: "Zhao Shanhe, since you mentioned the comet production line, you should know what this production line means. I can't say that it is so important because of a valve lock plate. Hand over your technology. Zhao Shanhe, aren’t you being too greedy in doing this?”


Zhao Shanhe shook his head, and said calmly: "I don't think so, and Tang Jiedun, what you said just now is actually wrong. Yes, I admit that the valve lock plate and the comet production line are incomparable, but The problem is, you're missing the point."

"What's the point?" Tang Jiedun asked in astonishment.

"The point is your future!"

Zhao Shanhe raised his head, stared into Tang Jiedun's eyes and said coldly: "Even if the comet production line is important, is it important to have your seat?"

"I'm sure that the Zhili car incident will make you leave Huaxia in disgrace, and you will be taken down directly after returning to the Covenant Group. Do you still have a future in the Covenant Group after being taken down? What do you think? Do you still have a chance to stand up again?"


Tang Jie paused for a moment, and gradually lowered his head in embarrassment.

He found himself being pinched by Zhao Shanhe, and what Zhao Shanhe said was exactly what he was most worried about.If this matter is not handled well, he doesn't have to wait until he returns to the headquarters to report on his work, and he may even be dismissed on the spot in Huaxia.

He can't lose his current position!

He knew that there were a lot of people in the Covenant Group who wanted to see his jokes. As long as he was dismissed, he would never get up again, and he would be trampled under his feet for the rest of his life.


These will all become a thing of the past.

If you don't say anything else, just talk about your secretary Jessica, will you still be as docile and obedient to yourself as you are now?Impossible, Jessica will definitely be the first to leave her.

So he has to be careful with this matter.

After noticing the change in Tang Jiedun's expression, Zhao Shanhe slowly raised his hand, pointed to Tang Jiedun, and then pointed to himself: "Tang Jiedun, I think we need to have a good talk about this matter, Just the two of us, what do you think?"

"it is good!"

Tang Jieton waved his hand at Jessica, he didn't want Jessica to know too much about it.

"You guys go out too, no one is allowed to come in without my order." Zhao Shanhe winked at Cai Shishi.

"it is good!"

Cai Shishi took Chen Ju away.

In the single room outside.

Cai Shishi looked at Jessica who was sitting opposite with a calm expression, and couldn't help raising the corners of his eyebrows and asked, "You don't seem to be nervous at all? Can I ask, what are you thinking?"


Jessica looked at the woman who spoke fluent American Mandarin, shrugged her shoulders, and said calmly: "Is there any need to be nervous about this matter? The one who is nervous is Tang Jiedu, I'm just a secretary. Based on experience, I think our relationship in the future should be very good, at least it should not be hostile, but a collaborator."


Cai Shishi's eyes lit up, he keenly caught the voice of the words, and asked slowly: "So you think Tang Jiedun will definitely agree to our factory director Zhao's proposal?"

Jessica spread her hands, tilted her head and smiled mysteriously: "I didn't say anything, just wait and see!"

"Okay, then wait and see."


When there were only two people left in the room, Tang Jie looked directly at him and said calmly: "Zhao Shanhe, you said just now that you want the comet production line. This is not to say that this matter cannot be discussed, but I want to know, can you open it?" What are the conditions for coming out?"

"You have to know that I have already been reprimanded by the headquarters because of the Zhili Automobile. If the conditions you offer are not attractive enough to satisfy me, I will definitely not give you the comet production line. !"

"Really? You were really reprimanded by the headquarters of the Covenant Group."

Tang Jiedun couldn't help but want to scold Zhao Shanhe's understatement, what do you mean by that?Dare to guess, why did I say this casually.


"Tang Jiedon, please believe me, I didn't mean to laugh at you, I'm really talking to you about this matter with sincerity. I also believe that the conditions I set out will help you directly erase this matter. The crisis caused by the second valve lock plate can even help you make great contributions, allowing you to return to the Covenant Group with such credits to receive awards."

Zhao Shanhe waved his hand to interrupt Tang Jiedun's complaint, and said casually.

"What conditions?" Tang Jiedun couldn't help asking curiously.


Zhao Shanhe slowly raised a finger.


"Replacement?" Tang Jie was at a loss.

"Yes, it's a replacement. As long as you are willing to sell the comet production line to me, I can sell Jade Bird Glass to you, and I can even let you Covenant Group be the agent of our Jade Bird Glass in the United States. What do you think?" Zhao Shanhe Smile lightly.

Tangerton was stunned on the spot.

isn't it?

Are you sure you're not kidding me?Are you doing great work for me?Are you selling your tempered glass?

"Zhao Shanhe, you've got the wishful thinking. Not only did you get the comet production line, but you also sold your blue bird glass. You are so calculating." Tang Jie said harshly.

"I admit that I can sell some glass by doing this, but what about you? Didn't you get any benefits? Isn't that the case? As far as I know, the short board of your Covenant Group is the windshield. If you can make up for this shortcoming, and make up for it with high-quality and cheap products, wouldn't that be considered a credit?"

Zhao Shanhe said with a smile that he was sure of winning.


Tangerton began to hesitate.

Is what Zhao Shanhe said wrong?No, because the windshield is indeed a shortcoming of the Covenant Group. If this shortcoming can be made up for, it will be good for their market in the United States.

Because he also knew about Bluebird Glass and knew how low the price of this glass is. As a big car-producing country, if the United States can solve the windshield problem, it will definitely bring benefits to the Covenant Group.

It's just that this matter sounds so awkward.

Just agreeing to Zhao Shanhe like this, I am not reconciled.

"Tangerton, have you made up your mind?"

A few minutes later, Zhao Shanhe asked slowly, and at this moment Tang Jiedun finally raised his head slowly.

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