Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 779 This is totally a Chapter 2 thing, okay!

"What do you think Tangerton will do when he finds out about this?"

"I'm sure I'll be furious." After Zhao Shanhe said it solemnly, he couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, I really want to see his face."

Chen Jingwei smiled heartily at Zhao Shanhe, and said loudly: "Let's go, let's go find a place to rest for a while, since this is your first time in Zhili Automobile, I will take you around, and let you give it to me by the way." I have an opinion."

"May I give you advice?" Zhao Shanhe asked in surprise, pointing to his nose, and then smiled speechlessly, "Brother Chen, I think you are cheating on me."

"Ha ha!"

The two walked out of the meeting room talking and laughing.

Hilton Hotel.


After listening to Jessica's words, Tang Jiedun, who was originally full of confidence, punched the table on the spot. In the piercing pain, he fixed his eyes on Jessica and asked in a cold voice: "What you said is true? "


Jessica said in a deep voice: "What I said is true. If you don't believe it, you can call Chen Jingwei now. He really refused to cooperate with us. And it's not just the valve lock plate, even The rest of the components were also rejected."

Having said that, Jessica looked at Tang Jiedun who was angry, and said in a low voice: "You have to deal with this matter quickly, and you also know that I am not the only one who knows about this matter, there are other people present, I am afraid They stabbed the matter back, and if the headquarters knew about it, you should know what the consequences would be."

"How is it possible? How dare Chen Jingwei do this? Doesn't he know the consequences of refusing to cooperate with us? Do his cars really want to be turned into scrap iron?"

"And you said that this matter has something to do with Zhao Shanhe, is that true?"

"Didn't Zhao Shanhe just tinker with the windshield? How did he mess with the valve lock again? What does he do? How can he be so troublesome?"

Tangerton whimpered like an angry beast.

"I really don't know about this matter. I also know that Zhao Shanhe just made a windshield, but how did he hook it up with the valve lock plate? Or let's ask Miyai Saburo about this matter? I think he acted as a Zhao Shanhe's old opponent should be aware of this." Jessica's words immediately caught Tang Jie's eyes.

That's right, why did you forget Saburo Miyai?

You must know that he had an in-depth conversation with Saburo Miyai in Handong City before. Although the two were not heart-to-heart friends, they were partners who shared common interests.

Even Tang Jiedun was able to get Yinhongxing Machinery Factory through Miyai Saburo.

Yes, just look for him.

Just do it.

When the phone call was made, Tang Jiedun briefly explained the matter, and then asked indignantly: "Mr. Miyai, tell me the truth, can Zhao Shanhe really develop the valve lock?"


Who would have thought that Saburo Miyai would say this answer, and the moment he heard this answer, Tang Jiedun was stunned, and he asked in disbelief: "How is it possible? Didn't he just develop a windshield?" How could it be possible to tinker with the valve locks?"

"It's two different things, okay! Are you sure you're not joking with me?"

"No! How could I make such a joke with you. In fact, Zhao Shanhe really didn't develop this thing, but he obtained the patent right from someone else. This is how it is..."

After Miyai Saburo explained the origin of the incident in a concise and concise manner, Tang Jie was completely speechless.

Who would have thought it would be like this!

Zhao Shanhe has no research and development, but he can buy patents.

"Mr. Miyai, let me tell you what's good about you. How can you do this kind of thing? You just can't get the technology of a good valve lock plate? If you say you can do this, how can you do it?" Is there any trouble now?"

Tangerton immediately complained non-stop.

Go to Nima's!

You American!What qualifications do you have to tell me what to do here?Do you think I don't want to get this done?This is not impossible.It's all like this, you are still here to make these useless complaints, is it interesting?

But Miyai Saburo really didn't dare to say these words openly, he could only curse in his heart.

"Then what are you going to do about this matter?" Saburo Miyai took a deep breath, adjusted his mood and asked.

"How do I know what to do? Let's do this first!"

After speaking, Tang Jiedun hung up the phone, and then said to Jessica: "You heard it too, right? Zhao Shanhe is really messing up the situation, and he actually developed the valve lock plate. This is amazing. It's not a good thing! If he tinkers with the rest of the parts, how will he make money from Huaxia car dealers in the future?"

"Yes, you are right, but I think the most urgent thing is not to consider Zhao Shanhe, but how to break the situation. The matter is already like this, if you don't find a solution quickly, I'm afraid you won't be able to sit still." Jessica said .

When Jessica said this, Tang Jiedun couldn't help but tremble all over, and his anger towards Zhao Shanhe became even stronger.

It's all this damn Zhao Shanhe who ruined my good deeds.

"What do you think we should do now?" Tang Jiedun asked distractedly.

"I think we have to solve this problem quickly. As for the valve lock plate, it doesn't matter even if it is handed over to Zhao Shanhe, but the contract for the rest of the parts must be signed. Otherwise, you have no way to hand over to the headquarters. After all If it’s just the valve lock, we can still push it to Zhao Shanhe.”

Jessica spoke clearly and thoroughly.

"So you mean to ask me to compromise with Chen Jingwei? To apologize to him?"

After saying this, Tang Jiedun's face was so gloomy that it seemed to freeze the air around him.

"That's not enough. After all, we have an advantage, but if you agree, I can go talk to Chen Jingwei and the others right now. I don't think they will think about continuing on the basis of maintaining the original price. Trouble. After all, if there is a big trouble, it will not do them any good." Jessica said.

"Then you go!" Tang Jie thought for a while and said helplessly.

"Okay!" Jessica immediately turned and walked out.

"and also."

Tang Jiedun called to Jessica, and said with cold eyes: "You arrange a dinner for me, I want to meet this Zhao Shanhe."

"it is good!"

But things don’t go as you want. When Jessica came to Zhili Automobile again, it wasn’t Chen Jingwei, not even the deputy factory manager, but Qin Yuanshan, the secretary, who received her. .

The secretary is the secretary.

When Jessica expressed her thoughts, Qin Yuanshan showed hesitation and embarrassment, and said word by word: "Ms. Jessica, I am really sorry."

"Our Mr. Chen said that the cooperation with your covenant group ends here, and it really ends here. You don't think there is room for negotiation on this matter, do you? With all due respect, this is impossible. We I’m not joking, and please stop negotiating with us on this matter.”

Qin Yuanshan said neither humble nor overbearing.

After hearing this, Jessica was stunned on the spot.

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