Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 778 You are a spoiler!

It turned out to be Zhao Shanhe!

How could Zhao Shanhe appear in Zhili Auto for no reason?What is he doing here?Could it be that Chen Jingwei's consideration was to wait for him to come over?Zhao Shanhe, you won't say that you are here to spoil the good things of our covenant group, right?

Thinking of what happened at the Red Star Machinery Factory before, Zhao Shanhe almost ruined their good business. Jessica felt a faint sense of foreboding in her heart, and her thoughts changed sharply while she was sitting upright.

"Mr. Chen."

Jessica stood up.

"Miss Jessica, I kept you waiting." Chen Jingwei came over and sat down and said slowly.


Jessica picked up the document in front of her and said with a smile: "Can we talk about the valve lock plate now? What do you Zhili Automobile think, I hope you can tell us now."

"no problem."

Chen Jingwei put his hands flat on the table, and said lightly: "I think the conditions offered by your covenant group are very excessive. I can't accept this kind of behavior of raising prices from the ground, so my attitude is that we will not cooperate. !"

"No cooperation?"

Jessica couldn't believe her ears and confirmed.

"Yes, we will not cooperate. Not only the valve lock plate this time, we will not sign a contract with your Covenant Group, even the rest of the previous parts, we have decided not to renew the contract."

Chen Jingwei looked proud.

Jessica froze for a moment.

How could this be?

It doesn't make sense, we are sure of you, we are confident, why is it like this now?You are so good that you say that you won't cooperate if you don't cooperate. Don't you know the consequences of doing so?

Jessica was startled and angry, and stood up abruptly. Because she was so excited, her lips squirmed for a long time before she could make a sound. She asked with a surprised expression, "Mr. Chen, did I hear correctly?"

"You heard me right. I made it very clear. From now on, the two of us will have nothing to do with each other. We will stop cooperating and change the story. Your Covenant Group has a big business, and our Zhili Automobile will no longer serve you!"

Chen Jingwei's frank words were like needles, piercing Jessica's heart fiercely, causing her face to turn pale and frosty. She turned around suddenly and looked at Zhao Shanhe who was sitting next to her.

"Zhao Shanhe, does this have anything to do with you?"

"And me?"

Zhao Shanhe looked over with a smile, and said calmly: "Miss Jessica, I thought you forgot me, but now it seems that you haven't forgotten who I am, which is very good."

"Zhao Shanhe, let's get down to business!" Jessica shouted fiercely.

"What's the matter?"

Zhao Shanhe raised his legs indifferently, and said calmly: "I'm here to listen to you talking about your serious business. As for whether this matter has anything to do with me, I can tell you responsibly, yes! "

"It really is you, you dare to disrupt the business of our covenant group, do you know what the consequences will be?" Jessica's eyes were as vicious as a poisonous snake.

"as a result of?"

Zhao Shanhe said slowly: "What? Are you scaring me? Do you think I was frightened? Or do you think this is the first time I have dealt with your Covenant Group? Don't forget, before your Covenant Group Even if we really quarreled about any nasty things we did in Handong City, you wouldn't take it for granted."


"What me? Am I wrong? How dare you say that the Hongxing Machinery Factory incident was not a set-up by you? You have done shameless things yourself, so don't let anyone talk about them!" Zhao Shanhe sneered. sneered.

"The thing about Hongxing Machinery Factory is that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer. This is a matter of your love and my willingness. Why are we shameless?"

"On the contrary, it's you. We are discussing cooperation with Zhili Automobile, but you jumped out and intervened. Do you think you are a responsible businessman? You are not, you are a troublemaker!" Jesse Ka crackled and counted.

"A spoiler?"

Zhao Shanhe couldn't help raising his head and laughing, and said lightly: "Are you talking too much? Why did I mess up the situation? Both of us are here to sell products. Whoever Mr. Chen wants to cooperate with, then Just who to cooperate with, without signing a contract with you, you and I are all competing fairly, how can we talk about disrupting the situation?"

"Besides, has your Covenant Group always been so filthy? You have to sit on the ground and raise prices. You said that if you don't do this, will I have the opportunity to come and sell my products? No, because you have already renewed Got an appointment."

"So if you really want to blame anyone for this matter, you can only blame you. It was you who messed up the matter yourself, and you can't blame anyone."


Jessica didn't expect Zhao Shanhe to be able to speak so much, and it was hard for her to take advantage of words. Thinking of this, she took a deep breath, controlled the anger in her heart, and looked at Chen Jingwei.

"Mr. Chen, you should know how important the valve lock plate is. This technology is only in the hands of a few companies, and among these companies there is absolutely no Hetu manufacturing."

"If you really want to cooperate with them, I guarantee that the quality of the valve lock plates they produce is definitely not good enough, they are just fooling around, do you really want to destroy your entire brand just because you are greedy for cheap? "

"Who said that if we don't cooperate with your covenant group, we will definitely destroy our brand? Jessica, you think you are too important, and we are too light, right?"

Chen Jingwei looked over with a slight sarcasm.


"What are you? I've said everything I need to say. Your prices are too expensive. I can't afford the head office, right? You don't need to say alarmist things here. I don't need you to tell me what to do! "Chen Jingwei glanced at Jessica with a gloomy face, and said coldly.

"Mr. Chen, I hope you understand what you are doing."

Jessica turned around and walked out, stopped when passing by Zhao Shanhe, and said in a cold tone: "Zhao Shanhe, I remember you, just wait for me."

"Okay, I'll wait."

Zhao Shanhe raised the corners of his lips and shrugged indifferently.

Jessica hurried out of the conference room like this. What happened today was very important and very sudden. She couldn't decide by herself, she had to meet Tang Jiedun.Even Tang Jiedun can't be the master of this matter, he has to report it to the Covenant Group, otherwise, this matter is enough for him to drink a pot.

Do you really think that Tangerton is a person who can do whatever he wants in the Covenant Group?

Do you think no one wants the spot under his ass?

I hope that things will not go out of control this time, otherwise, not only will Tang Jiedon not be successful this time, but he will also be severely punished for making decisions without authorization and raising prices on the ground.

Thinking of these things, Jessica couldn't help feeling flustered. She knew that this matter was troublesome.

in the conference room.

When the rapid and crisp clicking sound of Jessica's high-heeled shoes faded away, Chen Jingwei slapped the previous agreement on the table, and then walked towards Zhao Shanhe.

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