Countercurrent 1990 started with shaved ice

Chapter 757 I'm Sorry, I Was Wrong

"I'm very happy for Chinese New Year this year, because our family is reunited. On this auspicious day of reunion, what I want to say has something to do with reunion, that is, you must unite."

Zhao Xiuwu paused for a moment, glanced at it and found that no one was interrupting him, so he continued to talk on his own.

"Your mother and I are getting older, and we are all half-buried in the loess. We don't have any other hopes. The biggest hope is that you, brothers and sisters, can have a good relationship."

Having said that, Zhao Xiuwu said to Zhao Yonghao: "Yonghao, I also know that your eldest sister was a bit too much before, but if she went too far, she is still your eldest sister. You can't bear your hatred for your eldest sister forever. Don't you think so? "

"I'm here today to tell you what to say."

"You can't never see each other for the rest of your life. How you walked around in the past and how you will walk around in the future, that's all I want to say. Do you hear clearly?"

This was said to the two families, but after Zhao Xiuwu finished speaking, he stared at Zhao Yonghao's face intently.

"Listen clearly!"

After finding that no one spoke, Zhou Yongjian was the first to speak. He looked at Zhao Yonghao and said eagerly, "Yonghao, what my dad said is right. From now on, we should still move around."

"As for what happened before, it was because we were delusional and did something that I was sorry to you and Shanhe. I am here to say sorry to you."

"Don't tell me!"

Zhao Shanhe waved his hands quickly, stood up and said, "You are an elder, I can't afford you to apologize to me."

"Then I'll apologize."

Zhou Angong also stood up while speaking, bowed to Zhao Shanhe, and said in a deep voice: "Shanhe, what happened before was all my fault, and I have paid the price now. As you can see, Huang Yingying and I divorced , now our family still owes a lot of foreign debts. Of course, these are all caused by me, I admit it.”

"But before admitting these responsibilities, I still owe you an apology."

"I'm sorry, I was wrong, please forgive my previous mistakes."


Everyone's eyes fell on Zhao Shanhe, everyone knew that the relationship between Zhao Yonghao and Zhao Yongduo's two families would become so stiff now, the most critical point was these two people.If the two are fine, the relationship between the two families will also become active.

After all, what Zhao Xiuwu said just now was correct, they are still brothers and sisters, their bones are broken and their tendons are connected.

"Mountains and rivers!"

Li Qiuya saw that Zhao Shanhe remained silent and said nothing, so she tugged on his sleeve quietly.

"Shanhe, if you feel that this tone of voice is so embarrassing and that it's not enough for An Gong to apologize to you, I'll come too!"

Zhao Yongduo stood up as well, and was about to bow to Zhao Shanhe.

After noticing her movement, Zhao Shanhe left his seat in a blink of an eye. Under the astonished eyes of everyone, he said slowly: "The thing I don't like to do the most is moral kidnapping, and I also hate people's moral kidnapping of me the most." .”

"But today's incident is clearly a moral kidnapping. It was your grandparents who colluded with you and asked you to come here to do this, right?"


Seeing that Zhou Angong wanted to defend himself, Zhao Shanhe interrupted him with a wave of his hand, and said coldly: "You don't need to explain, because I won't listen if you explain."

"Let's talk about today's matter. Although I don't like being kidnapped by morality, after all, my grandparents just said that, my aunt and uncle said so, and you also apologized. Then I can let the past go."

"But, I won't forgive you either, so be it!"

After speaking, Zhao Shanhe sat back on the chair.

Let go of the past but not forgive, this is Zhao Shanhe's attitude.

Yes, you, Zhou Angong, have all the punishments you mentioned just now, as if you were wronged, but does that have anything to do with me?No!That's all your business, and it's not my punishment for you.You divorced because Huang Yingying hated the poor and loved the rich, and because she was greedy for vanity. Did I let you divorce?

But I'm really too lazy to take care of your affairs.

What do you like?

As long as you don't come to provoke me in the future, I can treat you as a stranger.

If you dare to continue to do things that are not good for me, then I'm sorry, I will trample you to death.

At that time, you will never have any chance to stand up again.

"Okay, okay, now that we've talked, let's all sit down, come on, sit down quickly, let's chat while eating!"

Hearing what Zhao Shanhe said, Zhao Yongxin's heartstrings that had been tense couldn't help but relax, and he quickly stood up to smooth things over.

Anyway, at least this matter has not reached a stalemate, which is good.As for the future, who can say for sure?It will be recovered slowly in the future.

The atmosphere that had cooled down just now became lively again.

It's just that such excitement reveals a hypocrisy in Zhao Shanhe's eyes.

Zhao Xiuwu is now in a happy mood.

In his opinion, since Zhao Shanhe said that, he must have forgiven Zhou Angong.Although he didn't want to see what Zhou Angong did, but for Zhao Yongduo he could only do so.

"Eat slowly, I'll go out and eat."

Zhao Yongrui stood up and walked out as she spoke.

Seeing that she was about to go out, Zhao Shanhe winked at Li Qiuya, who quickly chased her out.Sure enough, when she chased him out, she found that Zhao Yongrui had gone to pay the bill.

"Sister-in-law, what are you doing? We agreed to treat you, and I'll do it!"

Li Qiuya walked to the front desk and stopped Zhao Yongrui.

"Qiuya, listen to me!"

Zhao Yongrui, who was stopped, did not say to compromise on this, but stared into Li Qiuya's eyes, and said seriously: "You are still a junior, there is no reason for you to invite guests. Let's talk about today's matter, I should also invite you. I won't explain the reason to you, you, don't rush to pay the bill with me."

Li Qiuya grabbed Zhao Yongrui's arm and clamped it under her armpit, while pushing her aside, she said, "Sister-in-law, it can't be like this, I will pay the bill for whatever I say today."

"I come!"

"Hehe, what is this for? Are you rushing to settle the account? If you are all so active, do you want to settle the account of my house?"

At this moment, a joking voice sounded, and the two of them followed the voice, and when they found out who was teasing, their complexions couldn't help but change, and Zhao Yongrui's eyes flickered with a ruthless gleam.

"Pei Yingzhang, you are really haunted. Why are you everywhere? What are you doing here? Are you following me? Let me tell you, if you dare to pester me again, I will Call the police and arrest you!"

"Following you?"

Hearing this, Pei Yingzhang couldn't help laughing, and said sarcastically in the laughter: "I said, Zhao Yongrui, do you have persecution paranoia? Just like you, it's worth my follow-up? You even call the police to arrest me." , OK, you let the police come and catch me, and I'll see how they catch me."


Zhao Yongrui gave Pei Yingzhang a hard look, then turned around and left.

Li Qiuya hurried to settle the accounts.

Who would have thought that at this moment, an accident suddenly occurred.

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